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About atoga

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. Not another bunch of scanned-in bad pencil sketches and 10-minute 3d models... D:
  2. You both suck. Especially you, Raymond Blair.
  3. ad nauseum What's with that? f***ing shut up. EDIT: Oh, wait, axel already made my point. Sort of.
  4. I meant not well thought out in the semantic sense, silly.
  5. They may not be that well thought out, but try reading into his posts instead? Don't be an idiot and take everything at face value, that's all. There's a lot of wisdom in his posts. A board like this, anyway. Hence this board's suckiness. I take it this board is a total waste of time?
  6. What, you don't like Megatron's posts? It would also help if you didn't hold an entire conversation over several posts (or in some cases, pages) of a thread. It's a waste of time to read.
  7. Is Obsidian even going to touch the console market? Inform me.
  8. Yeah, it's pretty unimaginative. Call it "Projekt: Bizarro With K's" or something similar instead. That would have a much wider appeal.
  9. KOTOR does. Use. The. NWN engine. Or. So. I think.
  10. Some actual (non-linear) Planar travel would be a good addition, too. Wackiness at its best. Less Sigil (though I admit it was really nicely done in Torment), and more travelling around.
  11. Too late. SP's here. This place will only become more IPLY-esque in a few days. Also, this place could stand to be a bit less mindless. Less posts where you don't just state your two cents without reading the thread for the sheer joy of posting, and more well-thought-out posts. You people are mostly guilty of stating hype that's already been sufficiently hyped and giving facts that everybody knows. Half-thought-out spelling also helps. And, god forbid, fewer smilies? More posts like Megatron's, really.
  12. atoga


    Hello to you too. Bizarro.
  13. What's the particle effects situation? Huh?
  14. Haha, WolfCatBot. I'm going to eat you alive, you pathetic little s**t. It would have to be an RPG, of course. As for the setting, an Old West (realistic, GURPS maybe) RPG would be nice. Cyberpunk (Shadowrun maybe?) would also be pretty cool. Or maybe some straightforward horror game? All in all, I'm leaning towards something PNP-inspired.
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