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Brandon D Hill

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Everything posted by Brandon D Hill

  1. For the scanning. Have it have a duration similar to the backpack. I.E. not despawn. That could cause clutter tho so maybe after a certain number of dropped armors in the game, the oldest one despawns.
  2. After getting caught in a spider web, Sometimes I am still allowed to move freely. The first time this happened all I had to do was break the web that was -supposed- to be trapping me to return to 1st person. But now I cant find that web that bugged out. So Now Im stuck in 3rd person because the game thinks Im trapped in a web when I am not. Edit: Found the toggle for 1st/3rd person that solved the issue. Still, the web not catching you like intended does force you into 3rd person until you switch back manually.
  3. Theres so many possibilities for DLC maps. This and my idea for a Gardener neighbor for new biomes! For this idea maybe a Cat to try and avoid in the large open areas? And sprinker rain! Seconded! Maybe due to being so tiny, rain is dangerous and requires strong roofing to avoid damage in sprinkler rain zones?
  4. YES MOD Support please! Maybe even a map editor for easy user content?
  5. I would also like to have an option for a full chest to move excess to an adjacent chest for an easy time to just throw everything into your chests without needing to manually place them in a new chest each time. as an optional feature.
  6. Lets add pitcher plants and sundews to the flytrap section!
  7. Maybe instead of Lean-to's we can craft more high end "spawns" So its a rewarding effort? Like maybe a fast travel "bed" or Waypoint that takes mid or late game materials?
  8. An audio indicator of a perfect block could help as well! Something sharp and easily noticeable.
  9. I would like to see some vertical additions to the map as well! Like up the tree? That would be amazing for views and a base. Maybe an elevator Rope for such? Im not far into the game yet so I dont know if thats a thing yet. But it sounds fun!
  10. Interesting idea, to move a spawn if a player has built something over it. I wonder if thats doable? Never seen it done before yet. I Imagine it can cause a lot of issues though.
  11. Maybe tools could float and gradually be moved to a shoreline.
  12. I have so many ideas XD A magpie variant of the Crow? No mechanic ideas in this suggestion except maybe it drops the occasional shiny thing as well as feathers. the Shiny could be a rare material? this is my third idea in the last 20 minutes. I'll slow down now. XD
  13. Had two Ideas but I wanted them in seperate topics. A gardener Neighbor that expands the map to a whole new yard? Streams, new fish, more unique creatures and biomes. Dense foliage that blocks the sun in perpetual darkness? Maybe even occasional downpours of the garden hose? So many fun ideas!
  14. Theres a lot of insects and bugs which is great and unique! But I think to really bring this back yard to life is to add some animals to the mix. Something we would normally see in a yard. Frogs were one addition people suggested. But what about a small garden snake? Or those Lizards you see in gardens? Harmless to people, until you are suddenly the size of an ant!
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