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Everything posted by MarteenDee

  1. I couldn't disagree more. AP is doing what it tries to do almost perfectly. With proper skills distribution all shooter sequences are easy enough, focusing reticule gives great impression of actual aiming (steady your gun, look down the sights, headshot). Skills in that area are not only upgrading basic proficiency and aiming speed, but also giving you some neat action movie abilities (chain shot). My only complain would be level design - which isn't that bad but on the other hand levels could be bigger, more complicated and giving bigger flexibility of choices. Ah - and AI should have implemented wider logic, to give enemies more ways to react. If Obsidian would do what you suggest, dan - it would be just another Splinter Cell clone. And we don't want that...
  2. This! Definitely something went horribly wrong in Obsidian's hardware compatibility testing department... I mean - it's not easy to test the game on all possible hardware & software along with those all filthy, never properly cleaned OS and drivers not being upgraded since WWII. But on the other hand - most of the Unreal Engine games had similar compatibility problems... Nuff said that most of fixes for any Unreal game are also working for AP. P.S. About OP complaints - don't like it? Don't play it. Haven't seen a single game without some people complaining about bugs. And you? From such complaints you can't even say is it majority or minority - as people having problems are more likely to post it on forums than people who could flawlessly play the whole game. Besides - who's playing games on laptops?
  3. Depends what values you've used. Maybe you should lower texture buffer settings? It seems like your textures aren't loading properly. Also - for opening config files use Notepad++ or similar instead of windows stock notepad. Sometimes it makes config files corrupted. First - delete all your config files and let the game to overwrite them when it starts. Use WinMerge to compare file I've uploaded couple pages back with your APEngine. Always alter your values accordingly to your hardware configuration - as it might be possible that my values might be to exaggerated for your platform... In nearly all Unreal based games I know it's the same - MyDocuments ini files are created from Engine and APGame (the one in game folder) ini files. So: APEngine.ini (from My Documents) overrides DefaultEngine.ini (from installation/APGame/Config dir) which depends and overrides BaseEngine.ini (from Installation/Engine/Config dir). I'll be comparing all ini files between MyDocuments and installation directories to see if anything might be read directly from the latter. I'll report any new findings later. Sorry to blow your candles about cut content, but you can restore s**** without models, maps and proper scripts entries in particular. If content is cut - it might lack proper script dependencies. Even if it's only commented out - without direct way of altering scripts we can't do anything IMHO. Also - from my experience - content is cut from every game for a reason (unfinished, buggy, poorly implemented, lacking of some major files)... Nice findings though! Keep digging, folks!
  4. I'll just repeat what I've said in some other thread: Also - framerate is definitely influencing how your controls behave - especially in lockpicking minigame.
  5. In my opinion if it is - MyDocuments.. config files would be overwritten (values I mean). AFAIK they're not - even without making them read only. I need some good program for measuring files activity. Anyone knows one? Unfortunately neither debug, console or log aren't working in AP. Thanks zkylon. I hope this community as a whole is going to inspire devs from Obsidian to continue their work on improving Alpha Protocol. That game deserves proper treatment and continued development (DLCs, add-ons, patches, modding tools and - ultimately a sequel)...
  6. Sniper, I never said anything about trolling dude. You've joined modding conversation with post full of complaints about weapon system in the game, and that's what pissed me off - complaints. Because there's just enough complaints all over the web about how crappy weapon system to tolerate someone complaining about it in modding thread. If you would start conversation how you did it here - I wouldn't react as I did back there. Because I also think that "its your game and you play it the way you want to", as Blackwolfe stated. That's the purpose of modding after all, no? Talking about DIY - I think that he changed values in APWeaponStats.ini in AccuracyTable section. All functions in that section are rather self-explainable. Either that or in DefaultWeaponStats.ini, unless he figured out how to change actual weapon tables in packs - which could be more than interesting.
  7. No clue about extra difficulty setting, but I can imagine from my experience that it isn't so simple without certain amount of scripting - which we are unable to do (yet). Same with SM3.0 support. I just figured out that couple of recent games made with UE3 were looking a lot better and at least haven't got any problems with enabling some sort of AA and proper, long distance AF with Bloom/HDR emulation still present. When I was lurking through few different forums with submitted ini tweaks for those games, I've seen that some values usage was expanded since, let say ME2. That pushed me into re-reading recent development articles about UE3. Only risk with trying to enable something is that the game would crash or there won't be any noticeable difference because certain values won't be used. There was a huge quality difference for me. So I've decided to use it as a temporary fix before we get some proper patch. I wonder if these stories have something in common, as every one of them reveals some hints but not the full picture. I'm on quad, XP and having non-digital version installed on different partition than my system. I had some lag at the beginning - mainly with AI spawn and Clearinghouse, but the latter only randomly every 3 or 4 times. After HD defrag and few tweaks spawn lag is gone completely and Clearinghouse lag is still present but even less often, and laggy "loading" times are way shorter. Which makes me think that it's something directly connected with files management. I don't think it's too early for community fixes. Actually it's never to early. Look - game got bashed almost everywhere mainly for its technical issues and clunkiness, which obviously isn't truth for everyone. Yet - for two weeks there's no official word from neither Obsidian nor SEGA about any plans or attempts to patch the game. And people who bought the game are coming here asking for help. How do you plan to convince them, that the game you like isn't such a crap as they think or were told to think? What you *should* say is: - here's quick fix for this and here's for that, with this value you can pimp your visuals - enjoy, come later and tell me how was it. Sure - you can't do everything for developers, after such bad reception they should be informing about upcoming patch from day one. And I'm not even saying "working on it" but short info "we are aware of reported issues, we're really sorry that you have problems with our game, we are investigating the problem...". Instead - there's dead silence since release. Besides, I really hate waiting for the patches. If something annoys me, but I like the game, I'm at least trying to do something myself to play it as it supposed to be played. Especially with the game I was eagerly waiting good few years for. And if my attempts are going to help someone with even bigger problems? Why not? For the last 12 hours file I've submitted got downloaded over 50 times - if it's going to fix some issues for those people - I'm happy with it. Maybe it's going to help developers with fixing the game or at least with nailing the problem? I'm even more happy. Hell - the truth is, I'm having good time playing and tweaking those files - is it only for myself or for some people. I don't really care is it called "Community Patch" or "MarteenDee's ****ty And Useless Tweaks". It's definitely better to do, than sitting on your a$$, bitching, and waiting for someone who might *eventually* fix it for you... Well - that I suppose might have something to do with W7 and some drivers incompatibility. Have you used all tweaks from the APEngine.ini file I've submitted? I'm especially thinking about adding to [D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice] section: DisableShaderModel3=False DisableHWShadowMaps=False Especially adding DisableShaderModel3=False fixed proper hardware AA on on my system. I haven't got disappearing dialogues though - but afaik it fixed dialogue issue for few people. Sadly - I don't have a clue what hardware and systems they have. When both won't help you might want to try and set AllowD3D10=False to =True, people are reporting that it causes crash, but who knows? Maybe it's going to help you? There's as many combinations to fix broken games as many various configs, systems and people. What's worst - DRM conflicts with different software/hardware setups are just way too common and well known problem, to exclude such suspicion. Well - the ultimate truth is - we may sit and do nothing, or at least die trying....
  8. Two factors: you have great HD and access times are better than majority of complaining people, or it might be something with game better performing on dual core processors than on quads? We might post a poll in Tech forum and see if people who are having spikes have also something in common hardware-wise. Do you have your game installation on same HD as your system (I mean like default installation path in Program Files)? As I have quite similar configuration, except my processor is quad-core and with lower clock. I might overclock my system and reinstall the game to see if that helps. I'm not having some enormous lag spikes in Clearinghouse, but sometimes (like about every third time or something) it gives me huge lag when buying stuff with crazy HD activity (hence my idea that it has something to do with resources management).
  9. I'm more than happy to hear about some realism improvements, but then - instead of going through strain of changing AP into something which this game never meant to be I would rather focus on game difficulty and improvement of stealth/shooting mechanics but within RPG boundaries. What I mean by that would be: - as general fix - improving AI reactions and awareness and PC controls responsiveness; - tweaking boss fights to be still challenging but not ridiculously arcade; - balancing damage caused by AI grunts towards difficulty and realism (1-3 shots and game over); - tweaking skills and weapons upgrades towards realism but with maintaining RPG mechanics; - decreasing XP and financial rewards to make progress slower and more specialized; - balancing equipment prices to more realistic values but still making them hard to afford (hence rewards tweak above); - reducing gadgets and upgrades availability (not more than 1-2 of each / mission); - removing all mission and environment icons from 3D view and map. Points of interests, mission and optional objectives would be available on the map (PDA) view only after intel is bought; - removing HUD completely; - altering how some active skills work (extending cooldown time, shortening activity time, maybe some skills could drain endurance? - great ideas for extensive brainstorming); - introduce some other changes I can't think right now.... Unfortunately, for most of these changes to happen we need direct access to packed scripts and confirm that we can cook custom made content and have it streamed and replacing original files, or that we can decompile, alter and compile back original files. I'll be testing such possibilities after the weekend (*looking at some guys from dev team who maybe stumbled upon this thread and are reading my words*). With UDK we don't need some special modding tools. The only problem is, that AP files are "protected" because it's modified UE3. What we need to figure out is what compression method was used or if AP can read "unprotected" packs made in UDK. We can always try to alter original files in hex editor, but from my experience it's major pain in the a$$ for both editing and testing. Besides we won't be able to add anything - eventually alter existing functions without any clue about logic behind them. If we would be able to at least extract files and then just load "unprotected" packs instead of original ones - we can see what AP specific functions and logic Obsidian added to well documented Unreal Engine functions, and made our own additions. In this situation - we would have huge advantage of using full UDK which is license free for non-commercial use (modding). For now I would focus on creating proper Community Patch though, and tweak/fix/test anything we can do to improve our game experience. In a perfect world there should be a rule: "we help dev team to fix their game - they help us to mod it". Unfortunately our world is anything but perfect, but sometimes it happens (like with "Mount&Blade" for example). I deeply believe that Obsidian guys are developers who keep in touch with community not only before release but also later. Especially, that after such completely unfair bad reception, if they want to make Alpha Protocol more popular - they have to keep in touch with the community. If they've learned anything from history of Black Isle's Fallout there's big chance that I'm right. And that's the reason I'm here - on Obsidian forum and not on SEGA's - only right move is to stay with developers. Publishers care only about economy and revenue. Anyway - another lengthy post and not enough important stuff. Here's some update on ini tweaks to fix our broken gem: Implemented and working fixes: -better files caching -reduced mouse and movement stuttering -reduced textures popping -improved shadows and and textures rendering quality -multiple tweaks causing better resources management -when AA and AF forced through Nvidia or ATI panels - dialogue options don't disappear any more (complex community test needed) -removed FPS cap which leads to smoother gameplay -shortened loading times -HD activity decreased during missions and cinematic and dialogue parts of the game -small tweaks to improve lightning and particle effects Future plans: - removing stuttering during AI spawn - removing massive fps drop and visible textures LOD swap when buying items from Clearinghouse - further visual improvements - improving PC controls response time and mouse reactions during mini games - if possible - changing mini-games mouse controls bindings to keyboard controls (arrows or Num Pad) - matching Thorton's and AI movement speeds with animations speed - improving AI reactions and removing of most common AI related bugs - trying to solve "AI not spawning after quick load" bug Optional changes: - improving boss fights, so they would fit into realistic game setting and premises - multiple gameplay tweaks to balance both RPG (levelling, perks, rewards) and action (guns accuracy, sneaking, combat) aspects of the game, with focus on maintaining original idea of creators but also making them more realistic and pleasing for more "action oriented" gamers. I will upload new files later this weekend. I'm making comments in the files to every value altered, for anyone to fiddle with them and alter to be suitable with different hardware capabilities. It depends if you used exact values from my files, your hardware setup, and such - I can see huge difference between vanilla ini file and mine. Especially because now AF and AA is working properly, texture LODs are fixed to remain sharp on longer distances, postprocessing is tweaked and I've increased limits for particles and shaders which makes all things like debris, bullet holes, fog and dust and guns/gadgets blasts look a lot nicer. Also - the way how shadows are rendered have huge impact on visual quality (I've practically removed draw distance for shadows - which means that even distant objects have shadow of some kind). Lockpick minigame is more responsive because: lack of fps cap = way higher fps = lower latency between your mouse/keyboard and what is rendered on the screen. Hence all controls seems more responsive and a lot "smoother" than previously. It also depends on how sensitive is your mouse. Mouse with higher DPI needs higher FPS in games. High DPI + ~30-60FPS = Big Latency, where: Low DPI + ~30-60FPS = Normal Latency but High DPI + over 100FPS = Small Latency, and Low DPI + over 100FPS = same Normal Latency as with ~30-60FPS Somewhere earlier in this thread someone posted what's needed to alter Mike's moving speed. It's impossible to alter his animation (as in: changing the way he waves his hands, moves his legs and holds his gun). Although when you carefully lower movement speeds for all - running, sneaking, sprinting and behind the cover - you'll get the values which are more synchronised with animation - so he won't be "floating" and "sliding" from A to B - and instead it's going to look more natural. That rises difficulty slightly (you need to time better your moves if you want, for example, avoid being spotted by security cams) but it's even better IMHO.
  10. Funny how people react on the same game - I'm rising AI skill and amount of damage enemies can deal to me on hard diff (first two hits = armour down, third hit kills, well maybe fourth if Mike's lucky) to make game more challenging and to create bigger sense of realism and danger and other come to complain about the game being frustrating.. Anyway - haven't check yet, but I would be surprised if it's all in some mere ini files. You can always install Notepad++ and use "Search in files" for anything related to "dispersion", "recoil" or "accuracy". Maybe you might find something. Only thing I recall were some bits and pieces in connection with difficulty level (and it was AI damage and not weapon accuracy). I've lowered amount of damage dealt by any boss (well, actually the variable common for all bosses on hard) and upped damage dealt by regular grunts. And it's only because all bosses are so overpowered. It was in APGamedata.ini: HardModePawnDamageIncrease=0.25; <----- I've upped that to 1.50 HardModeBossDamageIncrease=0.10; <----- and decreased this to -0.80 Was that with APEngine file I've submitted few posts ago? I can imagine that it wouldn't add any visual value (as there isn't anything related to DX10 in shaders used by AP) but I was hoping that, thanks to backward compatibility and improved calculations, it could help to run the game smoother with my over-the-top visual tweaks. Ah - btw - seems that shaders might be easily editable as they're not packed. Unless some of them were altered by Obsidian and these original UE3 shaders are obsolete. We'll see - for me first priority would be altering how packs are "cooked" to get rid of lag spikes and excessive HD activity in some areas. Secondly - to teach Mike how to walk instead of constant running. Finally to map minigames controls to arrow keys without use of 3rd party applications and create gadgets shortcuts accessible during a fight without any need of using in-game menu. I'm afraid that it might be impossible without making some new scripts. Theoretically it's possible to create user-made content and adding it through +seekfreepacket and content cooking folders through the ini files. Haven't looked into the subject to say anything for sure, though. ---------------------------------- 1,880 thread views after only two days of existence... seems that people are really interested in the subject...
  11. Two things - firstly, the controls are clunky, which adds to the difficulty. This is a flaw. Secondly, each minigame requires different kinds of mental skills on the part of the player - although it seems like everyone is complaining about hacking, there are also a lot of people who find it easy. I actually think higher difficulty lockpicking (10 seconds, 5 pins) is harder than higher difficulty hacking, because of the way the pins move. Controls aren't clunky. The only problem is that cursor arrow don't disappear when entering any of the minigames - and it seems that some people got really confused by that (I don't know how it is with the controler, though). Firstly I was also a bit confused, because of the arrow and password box floating at the same time. If you focus on the box though, and forget about the arrow - it's easier than you think. Mouse reacts normally. It's only that you're not used to move "cursor" straight only in lines and rows. Same with keyboard - press button once and it moves one space vertically or horizontally. There's a little trick with the keyboard but I'll leave that for the end (as it's kind of "cheat" or "fix"). Anyway - what I'm doing to hack quickly is (besides of buying skills and uniform gadgets for hacking): 1. Forget about cursor arrow. 2. Close your eyes slightly to have everything blurred. When you do that - animated grid squares became darker and still stripes with passwords seems brighter. Keep your eyes far enough from the screen to see the whole field. 3. Move both your mouse and press keyboard buttons simultaneously - in the meantime confirm if they match and which goes where. Remember that it's easier to match right key as it moves faster. Then you have to track only one password after security update. 4. Done (my hacking record is not more than 3sec on hard). Now - promised "cheat"/"fix". In Unreal Tournament you could dodge (roll) left or right by quickly double pressing WSAD keys. To prevent from frustrating and incidental rolls there was introduced key delay setting in ini files - double tap was registered only when you could click movement key not faster than every 0.25 sec and not slower than 0.5sec. As a legacy we have those entries left and active in Alpha Protocol config files. That's why you think that keyboard is clunky and isn't registering your furious attempts to move left password to its position. Here's what you have to do: Go to ...MyDocuments/Alpha Protocol/APGame/Config directory, open in notepad, and alter these values (even to 0.0): APGame.ini InputHeldThreshold=0.5f <---------- 0.5f = 0.5 sec for the game to register double-click InputPressedThreshold=0.25f <---------- 0.25f = 0.25 sec of delay between two clicks - that's why you think that keyboard isn't responsive enough. You might also for some reason open APInput.ini and alter DoubleClickTime=0.250000 <---------same but delay for the mouse. Higher the value - more time to register double-click. Save your changes and enjoy grief-free hacking...
  12. Happy you like it. I think AP deserves proper treatment. After so many unfortunate reviews I doubt if SEGA is going to give Obsidian green light for making any DLCs, Add-Ons or sequel. Hell... I'm afraid we won't get any patch, as devs might be already "redistributed", to work on next Fallout. It's a shame, that witty and innovative games are bashed for some insignificant reasons and rot in Tesco bargain bins - when so many crappy and dumb games are getting recognition. I've seen that too many times. Modding is my hobby - under different names I was doing stuff for NWN, STALKER, Mount&Blade, Freelancer, classic OPF... When I was tracking development of AP , its premises and engine devs used - I knew its going to be great platform for modding. I was using UDK before - it's very powerful tool. And IMHO - Alpha Protocol might only survive thanks to modding community (like Freelancer for example). And the fact, that it might be left behind by the developer, because of its poor reception - for the niche game it's even better. Less crowd, more involved and more adult community, and very slight chance (but always) that some of the devs, who was really believing in this project, may join us to give Mike Thorton a second chance and a bunch of new adventures...
  13. Instead of inserting it straight to your config files - grab WinMerge or any other file compare program or plugin and check changed lines with your APEngine.ini. I'll make comprehensive list of all changes/tweaks with proper explanation later, and I'll post it... in tech part of the forum.? Only thing which keeps me from doing it is that I'm waiting until finishing with all ini files. Then I'll be able to sort out really useful tweaks which really works. Anyway - compare files and in every value indicating that it's RAM or gRAM related lower every value proportionally to your hardware specs. I was already playing again through Saudi with these settings and finally AP doesn't look like some half-baked console port* *I'm still pretty sure, that behind the choice of leaving XBox oriented caching settings, hides SEGA - "wide compatibility with lower-end platforms" - as they call it.... Sigh... I can imagine. Really depends on your system, but primary factor would be "cooking". Everything is cached in chunks and probably texture, model and logic packs are prepared to fit with narrow console resources. To keep smoother gameplay I had to expand cache settings - which means that with every new level game have to purge a lot of data and load new chunk of data. It creates huge HD activity. Luckily same textures and models are used for every next region - which means, that in bigger cache they can be kept longer - and used multiple times. That's why I asked if someone having 8GB RAM and 64bit OS could try to create RAMdisc and load all game into it. HD defrag helps a lot too. It might be the only remedy for stuttering until Obsidian come with some patching...
  14. If you want to play some shooter game, you should go and buy Conviction or Modern Warfare 2 - instead of RPG game. In Alpha Protocol, to be more accurate with your guns, you have to gain experience and get some skills. There's also many upgrades available, which makes weapons even more deadly. Stop trolling on these forums and especially in this thread. There's no proof yet that any gun stats are moddable through config files... Now - kindly leave, if you want to continue this idiocy - in every language, there's thing called "punctuation", and similarly - every game have its premises. You seems to not knowing either, which makes you a joke. Over. --------------------------------------- Back on topic - could anyone with W7 or Vista try to enable DX10 support in above config (AllowD3D10=True) and check if it's crashing the game? Thanks in advance.
  15. Yeah. Good choice for RAM values (3.25gig minus about 1gig for system services and other stuff running in the background gives around 2048Mb for game to use) and I'm happy that you found these changes improving the game. Anyway: I was checking in Unreal Engine 3 documentation and found some interesting stuff. Alpha Protocol don't use any "next-gen" Shader Model 3.0 bells and whistles, hence there isn't any option in config files to switch it on or off. But on the other hand - few games were made with SM3.0 technology and it's documented that Unreal Engine 3 have native support for it. So... I decided to dig a little deeper and experiment with what I've learned... Outcome? (watch in full screen) Unlocked SM3.0 support gave full AA and better AF options - all regulated by engine, so I could turn them off in my GFX control panel. Haven't seen any texture-popping during action yet (I'm now pretty sure that problems with Clearinghouse are from bad scripts or quirky .upk management). Only problem might be for those with weaker hardware - major FPS hit - from ~120+ to stable 60FPS (which is still playable, though). Extreme visual quality tweak for people with strong hardware. Enjoy! Sendspace Download
  16. Both. I'm getting stable 120+ fps with this tweak and loading times seems to be faster. With 16xAF and 8x edge detect AA it does matter. Game simply feels smoother as it may use up to 2048Mb of RAM instead of 512Mb. Nearly no HD activity (except when loading levels and that damn weapon shop). I bet there's a way to redirect which packets and scripts are fully loaded into memory. Unless it's filthy coding - and that's the issue only Obsidian guys are able to fix... Here's my APEngine.ini if you want to compare any values (use WinMerge or something similar): Sendspace Download
  17. Ultimate APEngine.ini modification for super smooth gameplay: [MemoryPools] FLightPrimitiveInteractionInitialBlockSize=512 FModShadowPrimitiveInteractionInitialBlockSize=512 Change 512 in both instances with the value appropriate for your RAM. I have 4GB and changed values to 2048. These two measure how much memory Alpha Protocol can use on your system. It doesn't removes completely stutter when AI spawns and doesn't help with Clearinghouse though. But all gameplay is a lot smoother (if you removed FPS cap beforehand, of course).
  18. Instead of and and you can search the web for any Unreal 3 tools and try to bring us something You might want to check some values in APGame.ini, right next to all movement settings. I wasn't fiddling with those yet so you may find something interesting and share it with us...
  19. I'm thinking the same. These might be just settings for something tied with how much whatever is needed to get that perk or how much bonus you get when perk is acquired. I bet those values change when you choose game difficulty or between Rookie/Veteran type of game. In other words, maybe it's possible to alter them after you choose difficulty to make the game either more difficult or easier in some areas. Whole "rule" though which "writes" those values in ini file is buried somewhere in the scripts for sure. Would be cool to compare those values with different difficulties or character choices. With MaxShadowResolution it's definitely possible - but on the other hand I haven't seen a system which would easily digest shadows with resolution bigger than 4096. As I said - I'm tweaking values to get the best visuals possible without putting strain on my system, hence the values. Don't make MinShadowResolution bigger than 32 as it will cause massive glitches. It's simple: shadows needs to be scaled not only within a distance but also, for example, on face - if you stop the game from using lower resolution shadows (MinShadowResolution > 32) low resolution shadows won't scale to certain level and won't be rendered.
  20. I'm happy tweaks are working for you. Definitely, proper caching is doing its job. If you've used all settings visual difference isn't obvious but there is some. Especially in the way how shadows are cast and that they're less blocky and way smoother. Also slightly better textures in the distance. It seems impossible to edit previous posts, so I'll make another list of changes with short explanation later.
  21. Try to use some settings shown in this post. I had similar problem and after altering textures and shadows caching it seems that initially there is some lag in Clearing House after opening every section (when everything is loaded), but after caching every section opens a lot smoother. Disc defrag helped a lot for me too for enormous lag after clicking "Buy" button. It's still present but not so annoying any more. It seems that there's some terrible problem with accessing files and HD management by the game. I wonder if anyone with proper system and good amount of RAM could experiment with moving whole game into created RAM disk and check if that improves anything. As a start I would compare disk access speeds between Kasabian and people who have issues with lag spikes.
  22. I was looking through binds and related settings as that was high on my list of fixes. Here how it looks in my opinion: Console controls for movement are analogue, what means, that bigger is stick pressure towards movement direction Mike is moving faster. I need to hear from people who played on consoles if animation changes for walking with slowest movement. Now - when ported to PC, except of joystick, you don't have any other analogue controls. Keys are emulating pad controls. If you press "W" Mike is running forward with maximum speed possible, and when you stop pressing the key - Mike stops. Here's how console to PC translation looks in APinput.ini for movement: Bold parts, as you can see, are directly connected with movement speed. What's odd, though - when I'm changing Speed=1.0 into Speed=0.1 it doesn't alter movement speed and changing MoveForwardSpeed and MoveStrafeSpeed to 100.000 seems having no effect either. Is function Name="MoveForward",Command="Axis aBaseY Speed=1.0" used for gamepad to keyboard translation or is it for analogue joystick? If first - changing Speed=1.0 to Speed=0.1 should make Mike walking, but it isn't. 1.0 x 1200 = move forward with maximum speed and -1.0 x 1200 means moving backward with the same speed, so if I would change Speed=0.1 and MoveForwardSpeed=100 I should see Mike moving forward 10 times slower. It isn't the case, though. Now. If it is as I think - lighter thumbstick movement means walking animation - there have to be some value = walking and everything above that value = running. In this case we have another, this time - engine related setting: Bindings=(Name="Walking",Command="Button bRun") which is different than, certainly AP only, scripted function: Bindings=(Name="LeftShift",Command="Button bShoulder_L | APInput_SprintOn | OnRelease APInput_SprintOff",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False) That means two things IMO - engine-wise, there's one function "bRun" switching between walking and running. Obsidian added SprintOn/SprintOff function, and also we can definitely say that Mike is capable of walking as he walks around the room in the first scene of the game. What I was trying to do was adding it as: But after I've pressed LCtrl+W, there was no reaction - Mike was running as always. Which means that my reasoning might be wrong, or the control system is additionally scripted in the game files and any information about "bRun" functionality was removed by Obsidian and isn't present in the files used by the game. I would encourage to have a look at these files and maybe we might eventually figure out what's the way to do it. In other case - we have to wait until having some tool for opening and compiling back game packs with scripts. BTW - can anyone be so generous and upload for us Config files from X-Box version? I would like to compare those and see if there are some major differences. Thanks in advance. Just take into account that some memory and caching settings might differ from one PC to another due to hardware capabilities. If you'll experience more stuttering or graphical glitches just reduce values but still keeping them higher than vanilla. I'll maybe edit my post later today with some basic explanation for every value. You can also check Unreal Wiki for some hints.
  23. Sorry for double post. Here's first part of my changes in MyDocuments/Alpha Protocol/APGame/Config/APEngine.ini APEngine.ini bAllowMatureLanguage=True MaxPixelShaderAdditiveComplexityCount=600 MaxPixelShaderOpaqueComplexityCount=300 MaxVertexShaderComplexityCount=300 TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects=120 bEnableVSMShadows=TRUE bEnableBranchingPCFShadows=TRUE bDisablePhysXHardwareSupport=False bSmoothFrameRate=FALSE MinSmoothedFrameRate=0 MaxSmoothedFrameRate=85 MaxStaleCacheSize=512 MaxOverallCacheSize=1024 MinDesiredFrameRate=0.000000 ParanoidDeviceLostChecking=0 AllowJoystickInput=0 PoolSize=1024 StopStreamingLimit=24 MinFudgeFactor=0.5 UseTextureFileCache=TRUE CompositeDynamicLights=False FilteredDistortion=True OnlyStreamInTextures=True Trilinear=True OneFrameThreadLag=False EnableHighPolyChars=True ShadowFilterQualityBias=4 MaxAnisotropy=16 MaxMultisamples=8 MinShadowResolution=32 MaxShadowResolution=2048 FoliageDrawRadiusMultiplier=8.000000 ShadowTexelsPerPixel=4.000000 bEnableVSMShadows=True bEnableBranchingPCFShadows=True bEnableForegroundShadowsOnWorld=True ShadowFilterRadius=4.000000 DebrisLifetime=120.0 DisableShadowVolumes=False DisableHWShadowMaps=False ShadowBufferResolution=2048 MaxShadowResolution=2048 MinShadowResolution=32
  24. Yes, it pretty much fixes the transition from "standing" to "running" animations. It also makes walking while on cover not feel like Sonic The Hedgehog. I'm keeping it for now. Haven't noticed much graphical improvement or framerate downfalls from the graphics settings Orogun01 posted. Well - talking about Mike's animations and walking speed - try different values to have him walking/running/sprinting fast enough for your taste but still slower than default. It will synchronize animation with speed at some stage - there is a sweet point somewhere. [Engine.GameEngine] bSmoothFrameRate=FALSE <-----if you set this value to false you don't need to alter values below, this is turning off MinSmoothedFrameRate=30 smoothing altogether and below values aren't used MaxSmoothedFrameRate=60 [systemSettings] UseVsync=False <-----depends on the system, I have Vsync = True and no problems... I'll post all my changes later today, you can test some of those and see if they're working. @PastramiX Use Gildor's utility for opening .upk files. Alpha Protocol uses modified Unreal engine what also means that packs are "protected" from opening in UDK. Don't know if that prevents AP from reading non-protected upk, though. We really need someone from developing team to give us few hints about it but I imagine it can be done by setting +seekfreepackage directory in ini file as in other Unreal based titles.
  25. Not likely without added textures. Question for everyone out there, does anyone knows what the +seekfreepackage lines are for?. They are in the Defaultengine.ini As I understand it's reference for files caching and streaming. My advice - don't mess with defaultXXXXX.ini files unless you know exactly what you're doing. As to your post above - they do work to some extent, especially shadows settings. Not that huge impact on visual quality though. I'm going to try decompile AP files with Unreal Development Kit and will post results later this week... If we can use UDK for AP - well... we might be able to alter whatever we want and even create new maps and missions. Can someone explain to the devs that the game we can mod are the game with unlimited lifespan? Confirmed revelations above about moving speeds.
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