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Everything posted by gotthammer

  1. Albatross - 19 Henry Leland - 17 (-1) Konstantin Brayko- 17 Omen Deng- 27 SIE- 31 (+1) Scarlet Lake- 31 Sis- 28 Steven Heck - 21
  2. Alan Parker - 10 Albatross - 11 Ali Shaheed - 10 Conrad Marburg - 9 Grigori Pazinhov - 10 Henry Leland - 10 Hong Shi - 11 Konstantin Brayko - 11 Madison Saint James - 0 Mina Tang - 10 Omen Deng - 11 Ronald Sung - 10 SIE - 12 (+1) Scarlet Lake - 13 Sean Darcy - 7 (-1) Sergei Surkov - 8 Sis - 12 Steven Heck - 15 Yancy Westridge - 9
  3. If it's DLC along the lines of what CD Projekt Red did for 'The Witcher', then that would be great! (w/ emphasis on the 'free' aspect of the 'enhanced edition' ) I'd like to see DLC, so long as it's not 'lame' (i.e., 'aesthetic' DLCs, like 1 or 2 of the DLCs for ME2). An expansion DLC would be nice (I do agree w/ those who thought that the game was quite short...). A new city (or 2...or 3 )? Perhaps w/ post-main game consequences taken into consideration?
  4. It would be nice if they got it right, tho'. :D (I mean, is it so hard to check wiki? ) And while the guns are fictional, name-wise anyway (and, well, it is a game), some semblance of 'accuracy' helps w/ 'immersion', esp. for folks who are familiar w/ terms and the like. Re: clips hehehe, it's not just large rifle rounds, I think. Weren't there pistols that used a stripper clip? (Mauser C96, for example) If there's anything I'd complain about, it's how a lot of the guns seem to MISSING their magazines in-game (not to mention how weird some of the guns look at times).
  5. http://www.imfdb.org/index.php/Alpha_Protocol
  6. Methinks the current system is actually good, BUT needs a fair amount of polishing. Making it 'smoother' would be a good start, I think.
  7. hehehe. yeah. that and scopes on a pistol, IMHO, don't look nice to begin with. (maybe a reflex sight? but, if I had a choice, I'd probably just get those tritium iron sights, and maybe a light attachment on the rail...) It would also be nice if the descriptions/depictions (e.g., the old 'clips' & 'mags' thingy; some of the upgrades, like the modified stock or foregrip, not appearing) were a tad bit more 'realistic'. I mean, sure, AP isn't a shooter per-se, but... *shrugs*
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