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Kaiser Wilson

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About Kaiser Wilson

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    Empire of Hozenia
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  1. I had a stealth/pistols/assault rifles/martial arts build and basically I chain shot'd Deng and then went into Shadow Op mode. Got close to him and use Iron Will and Fury and just Melee'd him til he died.
  2. Things I'd like to see patched: 1. The Camera - It would be nice if it was moved back a bit. B/c at times when trying to aim it just zooms into Mike. 2. Boss fights - As someone else mentioned the Boss fights on Hard are really unbalanced. They really need to be more evened out. 3. Balanced Checkpoints - Sometimes the checkpoints put you in very disadvantageous situations. (Breaking into Braykp's mansion) Maybe the checkpoints could be placed before you get to these encounters. Or put you in a situation like hiding behind an object or wall and not standing in the middle of the room. Hacking - As someone else mentioned it takes a long time to move the codes. Could this be sped up a bit.
  3. Mine was on my reciept below the sub-total.
  4. I just saw a stream of a guy playing this on PC with graphic options maxed and it looks really nice. Sadly it seems this is gonna go the route of Dragon Age with the PC getting top notch visuals and the consoles looking faded.
  5. Ditto, it's been tough watching these videos, hearing impressions and reading the reviews. I was hoping since the stores in Aus. and the EU broke the street date that it'd get busted here too but not avail.
  6. CVG - 8.4 http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=248379
  7. Sounds like this may have been one of the situations to where the review embargo actually hurt the game since the negative voices were the first ones to be heard for quite some time.
  8. I found a new Review by Den of Geek which gave the game a 2/5. One thing interesting is its written by the same guy who did the bit-tech review. Why would someone write two reviews for the same game? http://www.denofgeek.com/games/493991/alph...360_review.html
  9. 12hrs didn't rush it he said Too short for me From what I heard on average this is a 25-30 hr game so I'd call 12 hours rushing it.
  10. I wonder how different the criticisms would be for this game had it come out before ME2? Since thats the game most are comparing it to when I think technical and mechanics wise it should be compared to ME1. However I do think Sega/Obsidian made a mistake in having review embargoes til release day, as that in general makes gamers suspicious. The second mistake was probably holding the NA release last when everyone else has broken the street date as there are a lot of people who are listening to the voices out there when it comes down to a purchase of this game and most of those voices are negative. The sad part about this is that many of the people on forums like GameFaqs that are trashing the game haven't even played it. One guy on there admittedly has only based his opinions on streams where people were poorly investing their AP points and having a hard time with it. However, to the average user the game just looks crappy and broken.
  11. Felt the same way with the PS2 comparison. Even just the normal maps set this generation's graphics miles apart from last generation's, not to mention shaders and higher poly models. Agh, i hate those uneducated disses. The other day, actually, i showed one of those videos of Mike talking to deep throat Balaklava to a friend and his only comment was about how great the game looked, specially the facial animations. And i agree. Ditto, I don't know how someone can say these graphics look like PS2. They don't look top notch but they don't look that bad either. Gamespot has put up a score of 6.0 but no real review as of yet. http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/rpg/alphaprotocol/index.html
  12. I'm going with the PS3 simply because my gf took over my 360 and the video card on my PC went out and I'd really like to play the game.
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