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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. For me must interesting thing in this project is Al or enemies behavior. Devs promise: Cthulhu theme is cool also. http://youtu.be/pvE5uuCPzI0
  2. Yep. They just like make photos with Nazi and worship Nazi war-criminals from WW2 as heroes, but they are not Nazi. Western logic so hilarious.
  3. 'K. Your glorious leader seems to disagree though. He's talking about Crimea as a Holy Land for Russia here, because that's where Prince Vladimir the Great got baptized. You know, Prince Vladimir. The Great. Of Kiev. Not going to attempt to dispute your interpretation of Russian origins of course. (Everyone knows you're just Finns who switched language and religion anyway.) Prince Vladimir. The Great. Of Kiev. He is character of religious tales similar to all these imaginary Jewish heroes as Moses or Noah is. http://orthodoxwiki.org/Vladimir_of_Kiev Our Emperor just troll ZOG - blah-blah Crimea is Orthodox promised lands and because of some old fairy tales these lands must be ours. In result Israel keep silence about Crimean events. If you do want understand Russians you must learn how read between the lines.
  4. Our fat green friend continue deliver lulz for us. History of Russia before XIV-XV centuries is total bull**** without proofs. Why? Because nothing left from this period - Mongols totally destroy Kiev and fully massacre population of this area. Later Kiev fell into direct control of Golden Horde. In biography of Tamerlan has been described how he come in tartar town Kiev (named in this time as Mankerman), defeat Tartar emir and destroy city Yet in times of Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth this territory is named as Wield Fields and stay yet unpopulated (except bunch of bandits, nomads, raiders and other criminals who hide here from laws). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_Fields Administrative map of Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth show same thing - huge unpopulated (easy to manage) Kievan province in difference with overpopulated small provinces of Western Poland. When these territories join to Moscow tsardom - in this time Kiev yet a small village covered by ruins of old city. Many reports of European cartagraphers and travelers prove it. Only in times of Catherine the Great these lands has been resettled by Russians and Europeans (Greeks, Bulgarians, Dutch, Germans, French etc ) especially invited for this purpose. In other words nothing common between modern Kiev and Kievan Rus is existed. Your bitching about Kiev as place what give name for Russia is so laughable also (Rus or Ros or Russ toponyms is common for South Baltic region, East Germany and Prussia instead of Ukraine).
  5. I definitely expect the government along with president to sever all ties with kiev. Sanctions and closing the borders is definitely on the table. Of course not with current party and a joke of a president in charge. But we will have new president and new government this year.
  6. Game in development. Date of last update is April 15th, 2015 http://wearethedwarvesrus.tumblr.com/post/116456564257#notes
  7. It's too bad France never got over the English invasion to rediscover the spirit of Toulouse. If they inherit their political culture and institutions from Edward III of England things are gonna be... difficult. Same bull****. Nothing's as easy to troll as a vatnik. Just another East European with delusions of nationalistic grandeur, Poland, Russia, Estonia, Finland, all cut from the same cloth. Russia Stronk! Lol. Do you trying represent own ignorance as trolling?
  8. Canadians try ban ethnic-Ukrainian musician because of his anti-Junta sentences. https://twitter.com/ValLisitsa http://www.forbes.com/sites/jenslaurson/2015/04/19/free-speech-rachmaninov-and-twitter-posts-how-the-ukrainian-war-invaded-torontos-stage/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/music/2015/04/08/tso-sets-a-dangerous-precedent-menon.html
  9. It's too bad France never got over the English invasion to rediscover the spirit of Toulouse. If they inherit their political culture and institutions from Edward III of England things are gonna be... difficult. Same bull****.
  10. This thread about upcoming Ukrainian cool game "We are Jews Dwarves". http://youtu.be/SDEOnpDXiCw https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/whalestudio/we-are-the-dwarves https://www.facebook.com/wearethedwarves https://vk.com/wearethedwarves http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=279855788
  11. Iran send Navy to Yemen. http://thehill.com/policy/defense/239295-us-officials-concerned-about-iranian-convoy-headed-towards-yemen US send Navy to Yemen http://thehill.com/policy/defense/239416-us-sends-aircraft-carrier-to-yemeni-waters big bang is expected. Meanwhile in Afghanistan CIA puppets from ISIS declare war to Taliban. http://www.khaama.com/isis-taliban-announced-jihad-against-each-other-3206 http://www.theoslotimes.com/taliban-isis-announce-war-against-each-other-in-afghanistan/ Meh, Murican warmongers are boring.
  12. This. Sorry Bruce, but for you reasonable Russian is some person who blame own country, own people and prefer be subslave of a West. But for real Russians such behavior looks so strange. We are not some minor nation, who be used to good submissive servants. We are proud Empire citizens, conquerors, we shall rule instead of obey to anyone. Your "reasonable Russians" looks by same way to me as Ancient Romans who dreamed to be a slave in Parthia. Just unbelievable characters they are.
  13. In last times our forum has been flooded by "Russians". They all have common features - they works from newly created accounts, they all pretend be a Russians, but spread anti-Russian propaganda, they work in packs ( and help each other - they outnumbered opponents in discussions and dominate on forum by this), they avoid discussions with real Russians and just ignore them, etc etc. Diagnosis is unpromising. The Obsidian forum become a target for propagandists attack by some group of paid trolls (looks like work of Ukrainian cyberhundred, but they can be easily be members of any other similar pro-Western group). http://cyberhundred.com/ Best solution is ban of all such users and constant censorship of newly added accounts, but Obsidian moderators looks a too unexperienced (too idealistic) for proper response to such attacks. This forum is doomed, we can be flooded by sh**-treads very soon. P.S I feel some sort of pride from this though - my innocent games (for fun) on this forum cause so strong response from System.
  14. Bump by Russia http://youtu.be/-B40KH4G2Mo https://vimeo.com/125319876
  15. Вattalion "Diesel" (Rebels) train for future meetings with NATO. http://youtu.be/ucz72ntLuiE
  16. Nope, it's just traditional Russian fight for peace in whole Universe. We just need a casus beli for involvement, some sort of "Deal with Devil" game - our actions must be lawful evil.
  17. U.S. military transport aircraft landed in Lviv, Ukraine. This is 173rd Airborne Brigade. https://www.dvidshub.net/image/1876603/173rd-airborne-brigade-arrives-ukraine-fearless-guardian#.VTDDBcaNqFU Murica deliver new portion of troops (aka military advisors) and arms for killing of such Rebels. Murican ambassador so proud by this https://twitter.com/GeoffPyatt/status/588957044683735040 Vietnam war begin from same thing - Murika just send a military advisors into this country.
  18. Yankee go home into Europe! America for Americans! http://www.republicoflakotah.com/ Cascadia is land of Greenpeace Druids! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascadia_(independence_movement) Vermont republic http://vermontrepublic.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermont_Republic http://www.amazon.com/Out-The-Vermont-Secession-Book/dp/0933050526 Republic of Alaska http://www.akip.org/ Republics of Alaska and Cascadia as ex-Russian colonies can even take military help from Russian Emperium. http://youtu.be/TWSFE8tyNjQ
  19. Ex-Soviet leader Gorbachev stressed the need for political and economic reforms in the US, saying “they need a Perestroika” , referring to the political movement carried out during his rule in the 1980s. “They can call it any name they want, the American way,” he said, adding that “Americans do not want a war. But it is not easy for them, with the society that they have.” In this thread we dreamed about how US can be dissolved into happy states.
  20. Western military advisors in Ukraine. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=ru&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Flifenews.ru%2Fnews%2F152546 5, 6, 13 positions of list - two Lithuanian and one US military officers - same men "works" with rioters during Maidan coup in Kiev. After coup they leave Ukraine but appeared again as OSCE observers. 11 position of list is Hungarian officer Acs Gabor who fail infiltration into Crimea as OSCE observer in near past. http://www.euronews.com/2014/03/15/thwarted-crimea-mission-of-osce-observers/ 18 position - member of Estonian spec ops - winner of "Utria Descent 2012" military games. https://plus.google.com/photos/117015976399646141209/albums/5733566967732258401 http://stolitsa.ee/44456 49 position - same Croatian woman (as OSCE observer) who organize special checks of Crimean students in Ukrainian schools. http://www.press-club.info/obrazovanie-i-obuchenie/4675-nabljudateli-obse-posetili-lvovskoj-politehniki.html https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.press-club.info%2Fobrazovanie-i-obuchenie%2F4675-nabljudateli-obse-posetili-lvovskoj-politehniki.html&edit-text=
  21. Russian submarine what cause a epic witch-hunt in Sweden has been deanoned - IRL this "submarine" is a ordinary civilian boat. http://www.dn.se/nyheter/sverige/forsvaret-om-bilden-det-ar-ingen-ubat/
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