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Everything posted by obyknven

  1. F**** Yeah! http://youtu.be/k1F_E1splZg
  2. To be fair, studying the Bible probably should be part of any literature class. There's a massive body of texts that engage with it one way or the other, where lots of nuance is lost if you don't have the same background information the writer assumes is default. To be fair, studying the Bible probably should be part of any literature class. There's a massive body of texts that engage with it one way or the other, where lots of nuance is lost if you don't have the same background information the writer assumes is default. Religious fanatics everywhere...
  3. Russian participants of Eurovision 2017 in Kiev.
  4. Oby you cant possibly believe the US is behind the current crisis in Brazil ? Why not? Overtrow of democratic regimes is what Murica usually do in Latin America and Africa. http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/08/20/mapped-the-7-governments-the-u-s-has-overthrown/ In other words i see nothing non-beliveable thing in such Murican actions. And when Bruce reject such obvious facts - it's not unusual thing also. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denialism
  5. Murica do it again. Murica spy overthrow democratically elected Brazilian president Proofs https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/06SAOPAULO30_a.html#efmAJZAKWAKfAK-ARrASHAS1ATbCf0Cf9CgLCgZDOLDOVDWDDX7EGjEHl
  6. Meanwhile in Mordor. Evil Russians Nazguls raided hive of Turkish terrorists in Crimea. http://youtu.be/O7WhKCSN7q4 Poor foreighn jihadists yet don't understand what scary people visited their homes. These counter-guerrilla units usually don't take prisoners - their task - exterminate and when islamists on video above try то threaten them - it's very stupid and very suicidal. http://youtu.be/E27wjaAqjZM
  7. http://youtu.be/v91O4NSZ734
  8. Actually Russians are most hardcore migrants evar. Firstly they arrive in your homeland, secondly your homeland become part of Russia. http://youtu.be/Y65yGQEtJjA
  9. Deus Volt! http://youtu.be/ixltimlD9UM
  10. Lol, that missile developed in USSR, Ukrainian rednecks can't into space science.
  11. How? Soviet Technology from 80s. Traitor Gorbachev cancel these projects, but Russians continue these researches anyway. Actually these warheads are not warheads, Russian military forces used term combat manevruable blocks - it's some sort of drones, stealthy and deadly. http://youtu.be/Ow7NAFdWo3E http://youtu.be/-tTqLc3g3fY And this is so old technology (we watch such tracks on sky in times when USSR still alive) - do imagine how retarded Murika really is
  12. http://youtu.be/qNVSpeL3WpQ
  13. Psst. Russia can sterilize entire panet from any presence of life, and your link above is not about such secret weapon. "Satan 2" is just ordinary Russian nukes and all information about this weapon in your sorce looks correct. Yep, Murika/Nato have so backward technologies.
  14. And military parade in Third Rome as usual. http://youtu.be/X1qHrYil9l4
  15. East Ukrainian rebels celebrate WW2 victory. Military parades in... Donetsk People Republic http://youtu.be/TvcFBOCOoeI and Lugansk People Republic http://youtu.be/8B_6BH5PWfU
  16. Murika stronk!
  17. Moderate terrorists (al-Qaeda) start offensive in Aleppo. Firstly they send suicide bomber + tanks/infantry in second wave. http://youtu.be/noiW5lQHI1M Russian outpost in Palmyra http://youtu.be/wiQM_-JL9as
  18. Poland continue deliver lulz for us. Evil Russians so evil http://youtu.be/1J_Y12RqeLM
  19. Main problem of migration into EU - mostly weirdos and losers (or non-educated peasants) decide to leave own homelands and go into Europ for life of subslave toiletcleaner. In result we have funny situation when Turks in Stambul looks like this Meanwhile Turks in Europ have such explossive appearance. It's systemic problem and situation in future can become only worse. EU become sh*** place not because of Middle-Easterners or Africans, but because of World Revolution refusing in 1917, 1968 own rotting.
  20. So Katerina Ivanovna's funeral dinner for Marmeladov, her husband, painted a wrong picture of the relationship between the avarage russian peasantry and the alcohol they drank? But hey, what would Dostoyevsky know about the Russian mind and spirit, he's just another dead writer. Unless of course you're talking about the aristocracy that Katerina claimed to belong to through her father. The very people who could enjoy Madeira vines as much as they please, a luxory not experienced so often outside their circle of peers. Yup, my original suspicions still hold, ms Chapman-wannabe. I'll heat up the Sauna, you may bring the vine. Westlings so serious about trips of this guy with Schizophrenia. http://apt.rcpsych.org/content/15/1/32
  21. Oby can I ask you something...are you a women? If you were I would feel quite bad about how I spoke to you in the past because I would never be rude if you were women? Who knows? enigma.JPG Kum to Finland. We sit in sauna and make fun out of Swedes. Then we have vodka contest. Nope. I don't like vodka and swamps. You liar. The offer still stands. Russians usually prefer wines, but foreighn tourists usually drink vodka in companies of beggars/street weirdos and don't known it.
  22. Oby can I ask you something...are you a women? If you were I would feel quite bad about how I spoke to you in the past because I would never be rude if you were women? Who knows? enigma.JPG Kum to Finland. We sit in sauna and make fun out of Swedes. Then we have vodka contest. Nope. I don't like vodka and swamps.
  23. Looks like many people of the West (influental people especially) very like Turkey or their politics IRL. Firstly Obama promise recognize the Armenian genocide http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/obameter/promise/511/recognize-armenian-genocide/ But this promise has been deleted from Obama's cite https://www.barackobama.com/2008/01/19/barack_obama_on_the_importance.php/ And WallStreet journal Runs Ad Denying Genocide That Killed Over 650,000 People. http://thinkprogress.org/world/2016/04/21/3771670/genocide-armenia-turkey/
  24. If citizens of the West don't like Turkey (and migrants), why Western authorities support them? It's looks like "democracy" in EU/US don't work properly.
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