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Everything posted by Macen

  1. Update: I forgot to include the new weapon nerfs. I think this is one of the worst updates I've ever seen in the game. It makes no sense, it makes the game more annoying rather than challenging and fun, and seems to serve no purpose other than to please some of the people that complain that the game is too easy. News Flash, these same people have spent 50 in game days trying to get an antlion greatsword, and then when they do they say it's too easy to get. The whole idea that the game is too easy is kind of idiotic imo, as one can just play whoa mode if they need to. Heck, add all these supernerfs in that mode, and let all the grinders have their fun, while we can have ours. I think it would have been fine to nerf some base damage, maybe some repair costs, or maybe even buff some enemies; but to reduce damage, reduce attack speed, reduce durability, increase repair costs, and increase upgrade costs is not a nerf, it's a complete destruction of the combat system. Literally if this stays and the full story comes out, no one's going to spend a week grinding out 300 quartzite to upgrade a weapon that then can't even be upgraded because they can't find the 15 scarabs in order to do so. Like me, they're going to play the game just for the story, maybe kill a wolf spider by glitching it somewhere, and then delete the game. "well cool game on game pass, ok next" I'm not too worried about this though as I know most people want this reverted, and only the handful of "skilled players" like the new "challenge" in spending 16 hours running around the yard collecting resources. Wow they're so talented, they should go pro!
  2. After finishing the Hot and Hazy content, seeing the new into the wood content, and beating the boss, these are just some suggestions I have for the game: Add an insectopedia, or some form of info panel that tells us what each bug is weak to. Maybe you could unlock this ability once you kill such bug, and then you would know what weapon and upgrade to use. Add back base raids, to give us a purpose to use base traps, and design bases other than just for decor. This apparently use to be in the game, and then it was taken out. It could work as such as once you kill a certain amount of such bugs, they attack your base. Or these could be a part of the story. Or at least some bugs could just agro when they see you in the base, and they try to take it down to get to you. I think the food system needs a minor revamp, as do many others, and I think adding a fridge to keep meals and roasts from spoiling for a time would be extremely helpful, but it could be very expensive to craft of course. Add elevators! Buff the antlion greatsword partially, as the nerf on it is too much imo. Especially after seeing how strong the infected wolf spider is, it should not be hard to kill using a fully upgraded spicy sword, the literal weakness to spiders. Everything else though I think is great, and the boss was fun. I also know many other things are planned like a full story, dedicated servers, and new base defenses. I would also hope to see upgradeable armor added in. Lastly I believe a praying mantis is being added in the game, and I think this would also be cool, so hopefully it is. Mini bosses are always fun, but like the broodmother I think we should be highly rewarded for killing them. I would like to see a full set of broodmother armor for this purpose as well, but I digress. Great work so far!
  3. apparently in the very first versions of the game there were base attacks from various bugs, but they removed this. I think it would be great if they added it back, giving us a purpose to use base defenses and design it certain ways.
  4. Just a poll asking the common questions regarding Grounded
  5. I like the full-armor hedge broodmother idea, definitely the wolf spiders would have to stay aggressive, but that would be cool for the other spiders to turn neutral, as anyone who kills the boss multiple times could easily kill them anyways!
  6. I think overall so far so good. Obviously the way this game works right now is with every update comes a flood of players, and then it dies out until the next one. I would assume this will change once the full game is released, or a completable story, or dedicated servers, which are all planned. I remember when this game was popular on twitch, having players like Vanoss and Markiplier. Hopefully this era of the game will return. For gameplay without spoilers, I think there's really nothing critically negative that stood out to me, and I really enjoy the zipline system as I can go anywhere in the backyard very quickly, but some think this should be nerfed, and maybe it should. I think the Haze area is a little hard, but I like how you can {do something to the haze} to make it easier. The story is cool so far, and I like the upgrade system. I assume there will be many more upgrades to come as well, including armor. Lastly, the only thing I experienced that was a little annoying was the food/water system. This is only because they haven't updated the inventory yet, and I didnt have the upgraded canteen. However, while the water issue is solved with a 4-water canteen instead of 2, the food system will hopefully be updated. It's not bad, but it can be annoying. A stack of mushrooms doesn't even fill the health bar. Meals are expensive, and they expire. Jerky is ok, but it's pretty much eating 3 mushrooms. Roasts are good, but only because they don't spoil if you keep them on the spit, I assume everyone knows this. Basically, the problem is like 5 of my inventory slots are used for food and water. Plus the 9 or 10 already used for armor and tools. Yay, 15 slots left to use while travelling to the entire other side of the yard. See the problem? Hopefully though they add a legit way to keep good food from spoiling, as then we can just stack it and save inventory. I would be fine with this being a tie 3 build as well, like the oven. And yes I know mushrooms are abundant, but the point is inventory, not lack of food. Other than that great gameplay, can't wait for next big update!
  7. I was playing before the Bird update and have seen the game heading in a great direction with all the new updates. I think this game has great potential to be a mainstream hit on Xbox. This is as long as the multiplayer system works, servers work, and the game is released relatively soon. Why? FIFA 22 is trash. COD Vanguard is boring. Battlefield 2042, without a massive bug update, will be a dumpster fire alongside GTA Trilogy. With Halo Infinite’s huge success so far though, Grounded could be released after and slowly build its following. What’s its competition? All these “Cyberpunks”? I know the devs are working hard. It already had millions of players before the bird update. It was already popular on Twitch. There’s really no game like it. I think with the continued updates and release date coming soon, it could be very popular on Xbox. The downside of course is it’s only on Xbox/PC. Because keep in mind big hits like Harry Potter are being released soon as well, and may drown out players.
  8. I hope this is just a bug. If this is a new feature it’s gonna be absolutely devastating to the game. Kill the broodmother and then lose the new mask because of a chest-timer? Uhh no.
  9. I think the garden, fire pit, and mini fridge are great biome additions. The fridge idea has been popular, and it would be cool to be able to scavenge ice, but have a limited time to get it back to base to use for your own fridge. Along with the race to keep it from melting, the fridge environment would be dangerously freezing like the sizzling effect, but night time or shade would not save you. Just unique armor, for a time.
  10. That’s hilarious. Too bad you can’t build on it.
  11. I'm surprised they haven't added houseflies, unless they'd be too big? But they should definitely add whiteflies to add another creature smaller than the player, like the gnat.
  12. Apparently they planned to release it this July. They’re doing great work on the updates, but I haven’t heard their new release date. Anyone know?
  13. The same way human food always appears in the same spot But actually, this could be a good point because everytime the player(s) sleeps the "cooler" changes ice level, so sometimes it has no or low ice, and other times it's stocked. This would also change the danger of entering and the contents of what can be found. Even some days they're could be a special item like a key for another treasure chest. It would basically follow the same pattern human food respawn already follows.
  14. Here's just a list of additions that would be cool to adopt, many of which others have already asked for: More insects like caterpillars, moths, butterflies, queen ants, grasshoppers, termites, crickets, snails, houseflies, fruit flies, and whiteflies. Addition of more big animals like mice, a house cat, or a squirrel. Another furry animal would add a better "rope" to use other than silk or woven fiber, and would be found around the area the animal is. A house cat would be cool because it could stay around the porch and interact with the bird, and its dropped hair strands could be harvested. It could be made small like a kitten so it's size isn't ridiculous. New themed updates for holidays, especially for upcoming Christmas! This could be standard once game is released and servers are set up. I believe weather changes are already planned, so I would agree that this would be a good addition. Explosive arrows, a cheaper and less damaging version of the bratburst. Fuze is lt on the bomb attached to arrow, then player releases. Concoctions with haze mushrooms, regular mushrooms, fungi, spoiled food and other things like algae in the pond. Mixing these could make new ingredients that introduce effects such as drowsiness and psychosis (de-agro, attack other insects) on bugs, as the player would cover arrows in the substance. Could be very expensive to make and require tier 3 weapons to nerf effects. A bratburst equivalent of gas arrow, where it explodes but also leaves residue that damages over time. Equivalent of fire. Some pens (maybe broken) lying around the picnic table, to where the player can access ink and now use it to write things on signs and etc. Also could use ink for other purposes since it is a substance that wouldn't harden, maybe as oily substance? Use different colored inks found as dyes? Introduce tier 3 versions of beds and bandages, made from breaking tissues, napkins, cotton, lint, or etc found around picnic table or trash. Maybe Qtips in the trash or something this size would make more sense, but the player could extract the cotton and use it as tier 3. Additions to gardening mechanics, more things to plant and grow other than mushrooms. New weapons and gear that can be made from cacti in sandbox. Ways to increase carrying size, either include backpack upgrade with milk molars or have tiered backpacks player can craft. More defenses/traps for the bigger insects, especially for when you add more!
  15. This is definitely not my idea, but adding a large cooler would be a great addition to the game. This is because it would be the only area where cold temperature could be an issue, and it would be an opposite to the sizzling effect. It could be made tilted over with ice and drinks scattered everywhere, and the player could find certain items like special food crumbs or soda drops etc. You could also make it standing upright, in which case the player would enter through an opening, and enter an almost empty cooler with some water and ice and crumbs. You could also make it full of ice and items, in which case the player would have very little time to explore risking freezing to death as they would be walking on the ice cubes. It would be more of an exploratory venture in search of rare items that must be kept frozen (cheese sticks, popsicles, yogurt) The benefit of entering would be rare food items and the downside would be freezing temperatures and some bordering bugs like spiders and ants. The terrain would be the main enemy as one would not have the benefit of shade like in the sandbox, because once they're in they have very short time to get items and get out or they'd freeze to death.
  16. While there are already throwable spears in the game, I believe an update on spears in the game in general would be good. Updating the current spears in the game to be throwable (as a main way of dealing damage) and stackable would be nice, and adding a tier 3 spear to complete the spear tree would be cool as well. Basically, it would be a cool addition to actually have a weapon that benefits from the throw ability, not like throwing an axe at a Wolf Spider. Stacking 10 stinger spears and throwing all of them at a Wolf Spider though should absolutely kill it, and I would argue maybe less should. This is because the cost to make each spear would be expensive, and the chance of it being lost when thrown. Actually, you could revamp the entire spear program by introducing pikes, which are made for melee whereas spears are made for throwing. Spears would basically be a ranged weapon, but would add new ways to combat enemies as one could throw multiple of them in a row and kill an enemy, but they would have a damage increase so they could actually do damage. You could even purposely nerf the pebblet spear because it's so cheap to spam build, but dramatically boost the stinger spear and the tier 3 spear because of the cost to build and risk of loss. It would also include another way of ranged combat to where you don't need arrows. A drawback of using these would be low blocking ability while equipped, and high durability loss when thrown. It would basically the fastest and most damaging way to kill enemies from far, but ammo would be very limited.
  17. Adding elevators, which could be designed from dumbwaiters, would revolutionize building in Grounded. It could be made simplistic, or relatively complicated with gears and ropes like in real life. To dissuade people from spamming the build to reach very high places in game by "cheating", you could make it very expensive to make and maybe very large to fit the whole group. That way, people would only build it in their bases and it would be more of a luxury build instead of a height spam. People already spam clover roofs as a ramp for this purpose anyways... This would be the tier 3 of stairs, where as tier 2 is the bounce web. It's recipe could be silk for the ropes, a choice of grass or weeds or mushrooms for the walls and floor of the car, and maybe some other things like boiler glands or firefly goop for adhesives and lighting. Like I said earlier, you could make it look sophisticated with gears on top of the car's support showing the ropes, or could sell the idea by just making it look cool. To operate it from the outside, you would just pull the rope (player pushes button) and it would come up or down, and you would do the same thing inside. You could simplify it by asking on screen what floor the player wants to go to, "up 1 or down 1" which would be shown as "push button for..." You could also just have the player select a floor from a pop up menu when prompted, or if too complicated only allow 2 floors per elevator, so there's just a prompt to "use elevator". To add a floor to the stop, the player could do it in build menu and attach the floor to the shaft, which would have to meet certain conditions and such to prevent bugs. The concept makes since since there's no electricity, and the concept has already been done in the form of dumbwaiters. I think it would be a great addition, and it would basically be the vertical version of ziplines!
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