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About kronozord

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  1. Any chance of improving loading times between screens?
  2. I personally didn't like the wiz/chan build, i think its too slow and only blooms really late. But i love the DoT builds with combusting wounds for sorcerer role play. If you need a guide try this one.
  3. Is this patch coming to GoG? Why is Obsidian spending money on this after all this time, is because of Avowed?!
  4. The best and worst improvement is the full voice acting, it really helped bring this world and its inhabitants to life. Its really good in some parts and terrible in others, lots of stiff delivers and voices reused for different characters that sound exactly the same. E.g. you can easily identify Woedicas voice in multiple chars with no effort to sound like a different person. I also hate how they wasted a lot of money voice acting stuff that could be simple animated and then complained about it. Having someone reading a bunch of sentences to describe a visual effect were the worst ones, like when you first connect to the pillar in port maje and the narrator read 3-4 paragraphs of worthless mystical mumbo jumbo, what a waste. I wouldn't say the worst but i also dislike the inspirations/afflictions naming, is strong better than energized or resolute, who knows? There are just too many keywords to remember, maybe for native English speakers this is trivial but not for me.
  5. If Avowed is a success there is no reason for MS to spend resources in a POE3 instead of a Avowed2 if its not a success well the result is the same! I think the most probable way for a POE3 to exist is for Baldurs Gate 3 (aka DOS3 with DnD ) to be a success and microsoft see market value in crpgs.
  6. Ive been using a seer with the Sun and Moon flail and it does little damage even hitting twice so it generates very little focus for the SA. Are the rogue damage bonuses so much better that make the weapon worth it?
  7. I would lower CON and max perception, you want to hit always. If human I would go with something like: 11/10/10/18/13/15.
  8. Fassina will always be limited by her subclass doesn't matter if she is a loremaster or not. For her I only used her own grimoire and llengrath martial masteries/katreens grimoire which are identical up to level 8
  9. You could try the loremaster combo for fassina and spam summons so they do the tanking for you. Im not sure if the chanter summons stacks with the wizard phantom, but if they do you will flooding the battlefield with creatures, i never tried tough it feels like an awkward combination for a conjuror.
  10. If you want spell casting power with her you have to multiclass her with druid. You will lose the black bow but the druid versatility in insane. You cast all the druids DoTs spells on top of combusting wounds and melt the entire battlefield. Even when you run out of druid spells you can still go meele with the summoned weapons and being in the front lines with a cast relentless storm is just the icing on the cake.
  11. You can say that about anyone, without what it makes them special they are all just auto attackers. If the bow expires use the summoned lance or the summoned staff etc and you can always empower to use the black bow again or use a cipher to cast brilliant on you. And Fassina still has some damaging spells like necrotic lance or my personal favorite death ring, she is not useless without the weapons. Maia is probably the best companion for DPS just give her The Red Hand.
  12. I dont think Fassina works well as a main tank because although most of the buffs have zero cast time and near zero recovery the summoned weapon doesn't, you have to wait that she goes through a full Sailor Moon transformation before she becomes operational. You could argue that she could start tanking then summon a weapon but dont forget that she doesn't have additional engagement slots and you have to rely on items to help you achieve that. IMHO think she works better as a secondary tank. My party composition is something like you described, I only use 2 tanks, a main to hold aggro and a secondary with higher mobility because taking down priests/wizards and chanters is normally a top priority. Also i have 5th element as single target DPS.
  13. Do you think this build would work for Maia? I made her a geomancer this time around and this was the only post that i found to provide a geomancer build. Do you recommend any grimoire in particular? She doesnt even has one for starters.
  14. @Shai Hulud How do you manged to survive with such low Res, did you relied on stealth for everything?! Im using your build in POTD with no dump stats and it gets taken down in 1 second, all the enemy AI focus on this guy even when i stack deflection and AR, idem animal companion.
  15. @Shai Hulud I want to improve my party in Port Maje to help me go through Gorecci Street and the Dig site. I actually made my MC a orlan seer build based on the your post on One-Eyed Jack. I have Eder as Swashbuckler and Xoti as priest and i want to have a complete party ASAP. The reasoning behind the druid was to help me fight the beasts in the digsite so a nature godlike ancient seemed the best choice. And i want to hire another godlike to summon, chanter or herald to fill the battlefield with summons. The bonuses to Dex and Int looks interesting in both cases.
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