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Everything posted by michaelleung

  1. Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Except for Santorum. He's messed up.
  2. Yes. I bought it, and when I started up Steam I had a popup telling me to preload Alpha Protocol.
  3. I've preordered AP on Steam (didn't know Gamersgate had it cheaper... grr) and aside from getting a copy of a pretty bad RPG to go with it (Space Siege) I'm pretty happy. Don't know if there will be a preload, but doesn't really matter to me that much. Kind of wishing I get in-game stuff but again, doesn't really matter.
  4. Oh great, now them terrorists are going to begin jihad in Switzerland. Talk about neutral.
  5. Someone should do a Spacewar remake with the UE3.
  6. Tried the demo out, and I can finally live out my Commander Adama fantasies.
  7. Obsidian... oh wait.
  8. I wish I could, because I bought a Fileplanet subscription and I got a free copy of CoH... then it said you had to live in the US.
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