pfft to the people who say they are done with PC games. yeah watever. ill continue getting them. the Future is INDIE DEVELOPERS!. kotor 2 beaten. now lock in storage for many years to come.
that really sucks. i stopped playing it the week it came out cause i have already beaten it :/. dont feel like doing it over again as evil. bugs? wat bugs? except the movement bug
why not just boycott games then? or start a protest at their headquarters. i might never buy certain games from certain companies. Bliizzard can always be counted on :D.
yeah im getting same problems in mining tunnels. i have a 1.6 ghz P4, Ati Radeon 9200 (updating drivers will mess up other games so i wont update) Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS, 768 Ram. Im not gonna play KOTOR II until there is a patch fixed