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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. I am kvetching on the weather here. I've had about 3 and a half days of weather good enough to do priming and painting in over the last two months. I thought it had turned a corner last week, but now we're back to a serious cold snap due to icy winds from Siberia. So I have scattered pieces of Mando armour waiting to be properly done that I can't because we keep sinking below 10 Centigrade temps and that causes the paint to go funky. And of course my budget was on the spray cans that I can't use inside the house. I've been nibbling away on the small accessories, because I can nip outside, spray and then put them back in the house instead of the garage, without the house getting fumed up. Which I can't do with the significantly larger armour pieces. Still. I do now have some shiny. My DT-10 heavy blaster "clean" and assembled (now I need to give thought to how I'm going to approach weathering it):
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