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Everything posted by Raithe

  1. And as we have that section of Bible Belt Americana who like to say "destruction of property is not a valid form of protest..."
  2. Well, I know a few folks who are going to be happy to hear this... io9 - Tom Ellis signs on for an almost inevitable sixth season of Lucifer
  3. TeenVogue - How to Film Police Misconduct Safely And Ethically Things you might not expect to see in TeenVogue...
  4. What was it someone once said.. "We train our soldiers to kill. Then we give them strict Rules of Engagement, and trust them not to kill potential enemy combatants in the worst of situations when their lives are in danger. The police are trained to protect and serve, but are cheerfully allowed to shoot down their own citizens because it's potentially too dangerous to give them a chance and there's a risk they might get harmed themselves." Yes, that might be paraphrasing it a touch, but it was an interesting point.
  5. Well, when you need to smooth the situation over and make sure you're getting better PR... "Let's arrest a reporter whilst they're live on air..."
  6. Well, that escalated quickly... CNN - Trump signs executive order targeting social media companies
  7. A scattered bit of strong language in there, but this might interest a few...
  8. Tor - Five lessons from the Star Trek Mirror Universe that we need now more than ever...
  9. Well, I am tempted to put this in the funny things thread... PoliticalFlare - Report Trumps friends are planning an intervention to get him to stop the tweets and playing the victim
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