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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. This rather presumes the Judaeo Christian notion that paradise is no work. Hence the ejection from Eden to a world of toil. But I like working. I happen to think it's essential to mental and physical health! They don't advocate that you shouldn't work - society still needs to keep running, which requires participation, but the goal is rather to advance humanity as a whole as well as you, instead of a boss and a pay check. Seems rather naive, the monetary system works because of the reward(money). It's classical conditioning at it's best, so how are they going to keep workers motivated? The problem with idealists is that they forget the reality of living and held everything to an impossible standard, I doubt that the majority of the population will work for dreams and hopes.
  2. My advice to you would be either to become more open about your straight edge views (maybe influencing them into finding a balance) or try to compromise a bit with them. After all relationships are give and take. Won't be easy, but keep your fingers crossed. The funny thing is, in all of my relationships I've been compromising and open. The one I actually had the most 'success' in was my marriage and I was a complete **** and not myself. As for my convictions, I won't be flexible with them. However, none of it them are requirements for my significant other. Though, as every relationship fails, I wonder if they'd be better off as requirements. You could try a retrospective view of all your relationships, see where all went wrong or if it was doomed from the start. Maybe there is a pattern there, I know my lot of failed relationships has helped my love life. A thousand lessons in defeat, right?
  3. Not always effective otherwise revolutions wouldn't happen. It is also very possible that the inverse happens and the rebels gain the public's favor.
  4. Currently playing Dead Space 2, so far loving it
  5. My advice to you would be either to become more open about your straight edge views (maybe influencing them into finding a balance) or try to compromise a bit with them. After all relationships are give and take. Won't be easy, but keep your fingers crossed. Be. the. mayonaise. Just so that people will get the reference, you should have linked it http://personaleffectiveness.blogspot.com/...nnaise-jar.html
  6. Oldies but Goodies
  7. My advice to you would be either to become more open about your straight edge views (maybe influencing them into finding a balance) or try to compromise a bit with them. After all relationships are give and take. Won't be easy, but keep your fingers crossed.
  8. Thanks, I appreciate it. This probably the first time I have spoken about it since I left, it feels kind of nice to unburden a bit.
  9. 5 years
  10. I envy you. I don't know if that's sarcasm or sincerity... I was being sincere. Those are the stories worth telling and remembering, the ones that might not mean much now but as time grows they turn to gold. Not everyone has those. Well I guess that the time has come for my sob story There was this girl; gorgeous woman, whose affections actually took me by surprise. I was a very sour person at the time and wore a permanent scowl on my face, her first reaction to me was to do this (stuck her tongue out) which became my response to her across the classroom which continued as if we were two kids. After having talked to her for a while and to my delight discovered that she wasn't the person I though, I decided to ask her out. The whole fandango continued for almost a month before we finally decided to acknowledge what was going on. I went out with this girl with 2+ years with no sign of our relationship deteriorating (even thought there were some low points, mostly due to my fault) until I had to make the choice of coming to the United States or staying with her (she would't come ) It was a really hard choice but in the end it came to my inability to stand or live in Cuba. I'm really grateful to her for quite literally saving me from myself and the fact that she is still in there haunts me. Maybe one day I will decide to look her up and see if she has changed her mind. :nostalgic:
  11. Now you have gone and scared me Hopefully they will continue to appreciate the work and love that modders have for games and will actually try to reach out to these communities. If anyone deserves a reward it's them. You make a good point, it is still a little early to tell which direction the DLC market will take. Even though I believe that most of the sales are because of completionist pressure, or the fact that you already bought the game and would like to extend the experience. If only they weren't so disappointing. As for ME2, the only DLC worth it's buck was Shadowbroker's Lair, everything else was just adding fancy crap to a game closed up to the modding communities. Not something that I enjoy.
  12. I didn't buy any DA:O DLC (other than what I got for free as a retail purchaser of the game) so I can't comment on it as a value proposition, other than to say that it didn't look like a tempting enough value to get me to buy it. And, judging by how the number of DLCs being offered by developers seems to grow each year, it doesn't look to me like they're "killing" anything. If a few poor-value offerings had the potential to kill the idea of DLC, the whole concept would've been abandoned after the "Horse Armor" incident. When the Horse Armor hit there wasn't really a mainstream knowledge of DLC. It is killing it by simple market rules; if someone else is offering the same product with equal or higher quality and free, people will gravitate towards it. Amongst those some with the same entitlement issues that permeate piracy. In the end a big portion may end up reasoning "if mods are free why is the DLC that fulfills that same position cost money?" and it would be faulty logic. By releasing shoddy work instead of something to the standards of a AAA company, they are cheapening their brand.
  13. ME2 had an shortage of weapons and armors, all of which were later released via DLC. DA:O's Shale was too well developed to be "extra" content right out of release date. It is not about the game's completion, if I pay for DLC it should add something extra and new. Not something that was supposed to be there, moreover the quality of some of these DLC is well below standard. So, if I follow you, DLC is either of poor quality, or it is "too well developed" to be DLC? Anyhow, I don't think that either of your examples hold up. Any fan can get indignant based on their expectations about what "should have been in the game"-- that kind of thing was going on decades before anybody dreamed of selling downloadable add-on content. Basic games are either worth their retail price, or they're not, regardless of whether there is DLC content to come. DLC are either worth their retail price, or they're not, regardless of whether the high quality of their content makes you view the basic game in a lesser light. (Indeed, if a developer listens to their fans and releases DLC that addresses a common post-release complaint about an ancillary aspect of a game, isn't that a good thing??) Do your research and make your purchasing decisions in the manner that pleases you most. Then would you agree that Dragon Age DLC was worth it's money, specially when there was an active community releasing (for free)work that rivaled and surpassed it? They release substandard work and charge you for it; that 's shameless. What's worse it's that they are killing one of the few bastion against piracy that could actually work.
  14. ME2 had an shortage of weapons and armors, all of which were later released via DLC. DA:O's Shale was too well developed to be "extra" content right out of release date. It is not about the game's completion, if I pay for DLC it should add something extra and new. Not something that was supposed to be there, moreover the quality of some of these DLC is well below standard.
  15. I envy you.
  16. No, it isn't. You couldn't even USE that car. You can completly finish a game though. You can eat a burger without lettuce, though you may prefer it with it. If they start charging extra for the lettuce would you complain? If a game is at a development level where the experience feels complete without any additions, then I may agree. When the developers leave part of their game out because it won't meet the deadline then charge you extra for what was supposed to be in the game in the first place, I do.
  17. You could had taken the high road and STFU Anyways don't they also have a ton of bad RPGs in E.Europe?
  18. I remember ME2, I remember all the pre order armors unique to each retailer, I remember the masks and gun that were available to only those who constantly drank Dr.Pepper. Now they sell us all the weapons a piece at a time. Quite frankly I'm tired of this DLC gimmick, seems like a cheap way to swindle us of our money. It's not about completionism, ME2 lacked in the weapons and armor department more so than it's predecessor. Not quite fair that they sell us the game one piece at a time.
  19. So you go ahead and skip the whole reunion? Maybe you are just getting cold feet and are afraid to screw it up for a second time.
  20. Never heard of the Milgram experiment? People usually go to extreme lengths before they defy authority. On the other hand, when revolutions do come, we see a huge upsurge of what I'd have to call "revolutionary spirit," embodied in the form of voluntarism and a united people. You can see this in the ongoing conditions of Egypt, with Christian anti-government protesters protecting the Muslims while they pray, or earlier when people formed a human chain around the national museum to protect it. Of course there is a lot "revolutionary spirit", this is the moment when the dictators seduce us, tease us and treat us to dinner before they **** us in the ass.
  21. Never heard of the Milgram experiment? People usually go to extreme lengths before they defy authority.
  22. It's a common TES meme @Bethsoft forums. The lusty Argonian maid And they use that picture (which apparently is posted on photobucket)?
  23. Odd reference Are you a furry?
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