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About Balthamael

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    Oulu, Finland
  • Interests
    The universe.

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  1. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/nov/2...reunified-korea China is getting pissed off with Pyongyang. Not exactly a huge surprise, but this coming out so soon after the latest episode might get interesting.
  2. Least surprising fact about these leaks is that Sarah Palin does not know the US government doesn't have jurisdiction outside the US borders. Good for her that she found a spot to advertise her book, though.
  3. That was the impression I got, yes. But you are of course correct. I apologise for my previous post.
  4. ^Oh, keep trying. I am sure there will be someone, eventually, who will admit how wise and intelligent you are. There must be, 'tis a big world after all.
  5. I seem to remember that years ago some CERN scientist actually estimated a probability for LHC causing the end of the world. It was only about 10^-60 or so. This caused some discussion in the media, and I assume the CERN people learned not to make such estimations in the future. Don't know what(if anything) was the basis of the estimation, and I can't seem to find the article anymore. (You should, of course, bet the existence of the universe on those odds any day long.)
  6. Probably none, as there is no clear path from "we just created a black hole in our particle accelerator" to "OMG, it's going to devour our planet!". Miniature black holes don't exist long enough to contemplate growing bigger.
  7. The UK treasury apparently does not believe the offer to be genuine. http://www.zdnet.co.uk/blogs/communication...posal-10020975/ Personally I am inclined to believe that Lord James is suffering from senility and has trouble differentiating between fantasy and reality. Seems the most likely explanation.
  8. I am not sure if the thing you are looking for even has a name. 'Geographic feature' might be the best match, but I think that is far too wide a term for any search to turn up useful results.
  9. While I do believe that some truths are better off buried, I think government's privilege to classify documents is a tremendous power, and one it is bound to misuse. For this reason I applaud the work Wikileaks is doing. I don't think Wikileaks, and other journalistic organisation for that matter, should use other criteria than veracity when deciding whether to publish. With any classified information you could always come up with scenarios where lives might be endangered or other bad situations might occur if it should be revealed. And so, slowly, gradually, you would become a lapdog of those you were meant to guard against. I think it is the government's responsibility to keep documents it doesn't want published from falling in wrong hands, or preferably avoid doing things that need to be classified in the first place. As for atrocities, the moral responsibility falls upon those who commit them.
  10. You are correct, and there are no easy solutions to this problem, I am afraid. If violence is inevitable, you should always be the one to strike the first blow. Get them before they can get you.
  11. I do not know if the universe has an intelligent creator of some sort, or if it came to be by some other means I do not understand. I do *know* that if there is an intelligent creator, then it does not know, nor care, about me. I am beneath the notice of such a being, even more so than a single bacterium is beneath the notice of a biologist looking at a culture on her petri dish. And you know what, I feel good about it.
  12. Chieftain. I am kinda new to the game still.
  13. Due to a lucky streak with scouting ancient ruins, I ended up having a single unit of mechanized infantry in 900 BC. Needless to say, the game didn't last very long after that. Do you people think this should count as a bug?
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