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Todd Estabrook

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Everything posted by Todd Estabrook

  1. Ugh. I've been playing since this game was made available in early accesss. I've purchased it for 6 of my friends. 4 of them have given up on the game because of continual high ping/lag issues. I really thought Obsidian would have corrected this issue with the release of 1.0, but it is still happening. Why? We are all on PC through Steam, all of us have insane upload and download speeds, and all of us have high end gaming systems. Seriously, none of us should be experiencing the kinds of lag and poor performance we have with Grounded. Especially since we all play many other multiplayer games together without issue. Have I opened tickets? Oh yes. Many over the past couple of years. So please Obsidian, please just set Grounded up for dedicated servers already so we can play this game together.
  2. Any chance we could see more aggressive insects? I think ants in particular should be problematic. They should periodically raid player bases/storage boxes and gradually include soldiers that try to destroy buildings. Players should need to build defenses and actively run back to their base when insects attack or risk losing everything. For as much as I love this game, it feels too passive. I've seen Wolf Spiders patrolling at night that walked right by my base like it wasn't there. And unless I actively engage, many of the hostile insects won't come looking for me or the things I've built. Please bring back curious insects. I miss gnats booping me constantly and ants walking up to me and tilting their head curiously. I think every insect in the backyard should be interested in the players.
  3. All of my backpacks in the deep part of the pond were at the initial spawn point in my games. The backpacks did not show on my HUD until I went back and 'saw' them. Then they appeared on the HUD. I didn't need to use the Game Preview Debug, but that is a great idea if they are not there.
  4. In the multiplayer game, yes. Loose anything: planks or stems or acorn bits - these all bounce around as they enter render distance. Sometimes it causes lag, sometimes it causes rubber-banding.
  5. In our multiplayer game this evening, things began to lag and glitch. And I happened to look over towards the rose bushes from our homebase, and beheld the strangest sight. I have no idea what happened, or if this is normal, or even the cause of our glitching and lag. But I thought it would be worth sharing. Has anyone else seen anything like this?
  6. Thanks for the clarification and explanation. Good to know its something on the roadmap.
  7. Discovered this post and sent in a ticket. Looks like others are experiencing similar.
  8. After not playing for a month or so, my friend and I started a new multiplayer game last Friday (November 20). The game ran flawlessly and we have played every day for several hours since. She is hosting the game, and I am joining. She only has 3 saves at a time. However, just now as we loaded in a few things happened: 1) My inventory disappeared and I started at the beginning case. Also, I had all of the beginner quests to find food and drink re-enabled. We tried reloading a past save which did not change this. A bummer since I was wearing the bee armor and carrying the bee spear, all of which are gone now. 2) Bugs were glitched everywhere. Spiders stuck in roots and inside leaves, a stinkbug inside a fence post, ants inside each other. I thought this bug was resolved. 3) My ping was bouncing all over the place. This hasn't happened to me before, so its a new one. It is not my connection, it is only in the game. Anyway, this was disappointing since the past 3 days have been so smooth and quite frankly, epic. Has anyone else had similar experiences?
  9. Not sure what this would be called in dev-speak, but I'd love to see shared multiplayer games. I primarily play with friends, and we all wish we could log into and out of a shared game without the same specific person needing to host.
  10. I've been having a similar problem since the latest update. On a PC and the game will just crash to desktop. No auto-saves or manual saves since after the update will load.
  11. Was going to post and saw this thread already here. I'm seeing the same. Additionally insects seem to be stuck: aphids not able to move off from a small stick they are on, ants not able to move around a single blade of grass they bumped into, weevil stuck against a pebble on the ground.
  12. For me, there was an egg in an anthill that was just a prop. The image you have looks like that egg (the bits of broken shell look to be in the same place) and I couldn't interact with it. However, I went to a different anthill and was able to interact with all the eggs there.
  13. I've heard them snore also. But to be fair, I've not heard anything other than some really creepy growls and hissing. At times it does sound like perhaps some human voices were used as a base for the noises the sound designers created, but I haven't heard any actual words as my friend asserts. I can see where she thinks that though. I think its pareidolia - like when we see faces in patterns or bunnies in clouds or hear voices in white noise but I'd love to know if there is any truth to what she hears the spiders say though.
  14. My friend swears the spiders whisper threatening things like 'eat them' and 'kill them' amidst their other noises. I think its pareidolia; but last night I hung out on a branch above a wolf spider and an orb spider and I totally understand why she says that! I have to give props to the sound design people, spiders are so creepy. Has anyone else heard the spiders whisper?
  15. I just received a reply from sending in my save files. Hopefully we will see a hotfix soon.
  16. I have no doubt they are working on it, but it is still nice to know someone has heard from them.
  17. Has anyone heard or seen anything from the devs on this issue? It's been 5 days of not being able to play anything but a new game for me, and it is really frustrating. (Not only am I off this whole week and was hoping to spend a lot of time playing, but I convinced 3 of my friends to buy the game so we could all play together, and our first game was when it crashed on Friday night).
  18. This forum is literally the company's website. Why has nothing been requested here? Is the Trello board the place to be to get the latest info?
  19. At night I've seen an increase in wolf spider activity: wandering and hunting. That's really the only thing I've noticed as far as insect activity goes. Maybe the differences between day and night will increase as the game matures.
  20. Curiously enough, there were eggs in each of the chambers. 3 in the chamber with the 12 soldiers, and 1 in each of the other chambers. Good to know there is more to the eggs! I'll have to wait around and watch. (I picked up an egg and was immediately attacked. Lesson learned. Went back and was able to retrieve my backpack and that solitary egg for analysis. Unfortunately, that game will not load anymore, so I'm just sort of spinning my wheels hoping for a hotfix soon.)
  21. I've only just begun playing, so I don't know what it was like pre-patch. But I was in the Western ant hill last night: There were about 50 worker ants all circling a single piece of spoiled food. I waded through and picked it up and all of the workers began to disperse. In one of the egg chambers there were 12 soldier ants, which was terrifying. In other egg chambers there were only a pair of soldiers. Later, on my way out there was another instance of dozens of workers swirling around a crumb of cookie sandwich. Again, picking it up caused them to disperse and begin moving in and out of the hill. I'm not sure where these food bits are originating from, but before moving into the hill I noticed a lack of ant activity outside. I'm assuming they were all inside 'stuck' trying to figure out which of them would pick up the crumb.
  22. Whatever you enjoy is all that matters. I mostly play this multiplayer, though I do have solo save.
  23. I am having the same issue. One multiplayer game (with me as host) crashed and I cannot load any of the saves, and my single player game just now crashed and I cannot load any of the saves. I played for 16 hours today and I hope I haven't lost all progress. I'm going to be so bummed. I submitted a ticket, but wanted to post here too.
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