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Michael Skinner

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Everything posted by Michael Skinner

  1. more examples... ant centipede. All stuck in place, unable to move, even when attacked.
  2. They are swimming now too. I posted about this in another thread.
  3. The Aphids are a mess too, I have seen them do the jump then run to a blade of grass, then just stand there at the base of the grass and never move again. I could walk away for hours and as long as a lady bug didn't eat one they are still there, just standing. The Two in this pic are just standing in those spots jumping up and down squeaking like they do. They don't move other than to jump up and down, they have been there since I started my new Sept Update game. I try to always start a fresh game with every update to keep the problems to a minimum, so I know it's not a problem caused by loading a save from a previous build.
  4. Ants can now swim apparently, this guy has been swimming around the flooded zone all morning in my game since the Update. I have seen others out there too, so there are more than one of them doing this.
  5. Found a Grub spawned INSIDE a can... I know grubs spawning in weird places is a problem but this one was new to me.
  6. yeah , all the lawn mites in this picture are stuck to the ground, you can walk right up to them and they just spin in place and act like they are trying to move , but can not.
  7. hard to see , but there are 2 lady bugs trapped inside this hole, they can not get out and pretty sure there were aphids in there with them.
  8. On multiple occasions since the Sept. update, my arrows fall from the hedge bush and land on the roots , then get stuck under the graphic of the root. Not just in the hedge , but all over the yard.
  9. Also having this issue even after the most recent update. It is actually worse since the update, creatures are not only spawning in weird places they are getting stuck in the terrain , in objects and sometimes (often) just get stuck in place like they have a pin in their backs and they can not move from that spot. Others are just glitching out because they can not move from where they are stuck. This spider is stuck on this root and was just moving back and forth so fast it was a blur.
  10. When you enter the back room in Oak Lab , you walk on air just above the ground.
  11. A lot of the time when I attack a creature, any kind, it will turn and run away... they just run off in the distance and stand there a few minutes then come running back at me just to run away again when I hit it... Also TONS of mites, stink bugs, beetles, spiders, ladybugs, stuck in place of stuck in a place they should not be in like a cave or such. Also Lots of creatures stuck IN the ground and not able to move , just like they have a pin in their backs holding them down . Also I am pretty sure the Wolf spiders that live in the Oak tree are LITERALLY living IN the oak tree now. Odd behavior all around for the creatures since the update, very odd behavior.
  12. This one was in the first tunnel section as I walked in, nearly killed me before I could get to the second set of doors which it fortunately did not seem able to get through. I do not believe the spider could get out of the tunnel, he seemed stuck in that particular section.
  13. Lots of variations of this, but basically creatures are either getting stuck inside the terrain or objects on the terrain, Or they are getting stuck on objects in the terrain like the ant on top of a mushroom with no apparent way for it to have gotten there. These are just two screenshots , but there are many other instances that I have seen, with pretty much every kind of creature in the game. Figured since this is the last day of public test , I should through this in the pile as well Cheers! Great game all! Keep up the great work! Can't wait for the real deal release, looking forward to it!
  14. There have always been two Wolf spiders living in the base of the Oak tree. Since the launch of the test , they have both been oddly absent from the tree. I thought perhaps I just wasn't catching them in there, but it was consistent through the test. Found out today why they are missing from the tree, Apparently they are stuck IN the tree. There is another Wolf spider that lives under a leaf right of the entrance to oak lab and when you are up in his spot you can hear the other Wolf spiders arrgo you and see parts of their legs protruding from the base of the tree. Could not get a clear picture of them since they move so fast. But they are in there, generally there is a Lady Bug or two stuck in there as well , with a slew of aphids and weevils.
  15. Also they do not form droplets at the top anymore like they used to. Before we could end up with 4 droplets on the web at a time, now they just accumulate at the bottom.
  16. I tested that theory, and you can catch water from them. Not sure if that is intended or not, was not in patch notes that I saw.
  17. I have notice during this test that Head armor for any type of armor , takes significantly more damage than that of the rest of the armor. Not sure if this is intended or not, but it seems like they are taking extra damage vs the rest of the pieces.
  18. Don't know if it is intended or not, but Berries seem to suffer impact damage now when shot out of the hedge. Also they sometimes drop 4 chunks as in the screenshot, instead of the usual 3 chunks. Not complaining mine you , just seemed odd when it kinda squished on impact with the ground. Had gotten used to seeing them just bounce. I have seen them bloat up like that on impact from a normal arrow as well.
      • 1
      • Thanks
  19. Dew droplets are falling to the ground now it seems. Not positive but that spiderwebbing looks like different artwork than previous builds.
  20. Are you loading a saved game or trying to start a new game session? just curious.
  21. I walked all around this thing and even climbed up on the grass around it , but could not get it to discover on the map, anyone else having this issue?
  22. ack! missed that one, thanks and sorry
  23. Same issue, they just die without exploding and you can not loot them.
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