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Lead Magnet

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Everything posted by Lead Magnet

  1. In my game after the patch, the dew collectors simply stopped I had four. Three in my main base, one actually intersected by grass that spiders oftten made waggle, and never affected by it. And one in a hedge area remote base. All had 4 on them after patch. After I'd collected all of it and drank it (and yeah, thirst DOES seem to drain faster), they never came back. I honestly didn't notice at first. My four mushroom farms also stopped producing, and they used to produce several times a day. I assumed maybe spawn rates were increased, and went about my exploration. Collected all the clay, and all the acorns. Acorns used to respawn sometimes right when you whacked them. So, again, didn't think anything of it. But, after going around gathering resources, exploring, and every time coming back to my oak tree base, seeing zero acorns and zero dew or mushrooms, it became obvious this was broken. Played more than 10 days, but ran our of resources. Drank all my smoothies. Ants robbed ALL my stored food. They normally cannot even get into the base, and have never tried, but I found some at the bottom of the stump, sort of running into the stump, and wondered "why are they there," and later found they'd gotten all my stored food. Sigh. I raided all the 100 mushrooms at the large garden under the porch, and have my inventory stuffed, and have been drinking dirty water, but I can't really play with my inventory full, and can't keep food in the base, anymore, or get water, so gave up. I'd hoped for either a patch or at least official comment by today. I'm not quite concerned as this does not bode well at all for alpha development, if the devs break something and don't acknowledge it, or hotfix it many days afterward. Means throughout alpha, we're going to be getting serious breaks and just be left in limbo. I hope they realize, though it's an advanced release, we are still customers, excited for the game they are creating, and spending a lot of free time within its universe. Breaking it without even a "oops, dammit, we'll fix this as fast as possible" creates really bad karma and lack of trust. Do I REALLY want to invest more time in this, if this is going to be standard operating procedure?
  2. It's quite upsetting to me that this didn't already get a hotfix today, as it warrants a full rollback. Maybe the devs don't realize it, but the game is utterly unplayable outside creative. Without any way to hydrate... I mean, I relied on mushrooms for food, and dew collectors for water. Both are gone. I've eaten my store of acorn bits, and acorns don't spawn anymore, so no more of those. The huge cache of mushrooms at the porch hasn't respawned for me, and I'd already turned all of those into smoothies, which I've already drained for fluids. This sort of issue, that completely breaks gameplay, should be a mega top priority, but I've not even seen an official acknowledgement of it, beyond one mentioning a stuck time issue, which I've not had, yet, and am not looking forward to. If there's a way to manually roll back, at least we could keep moving forward in single player. I realize 1.1 fixed some things, but in the process, broke the game utterly. I'd rather go back to science not respawning and being able to progress in other areas, until both issues can be fixed. Hopefully there will be a resolution tomorrow. Friday I was really looking forward to a weekend in the back yard with the bugs, but it's been unplayable all weekend, sadly. Oh, yeah, and my base, totally inaccessible to ants, now had the remainder of my food stores stolen by them, right out of the chests, with them nowhere near being inside the base. Joy. TOTALLY love the concept of this game, and I realize early access is GOING to have issues. But, one side of those issues is building a rapport with the players and a process to address serious ones quickly. I remember game breaking things (nobody can anticipate everything) in other games' updates, but usually if the update came out Thursday, by Monday, Tuesday at the absolute latest, there was a hotfix. And prior to that, a very easy to find announcement from staff saying, "Yep, we borked it... working on a fix!" Knowing it's being worked on is usually enough for the player base to relax about it.
  3. On game crash when recycling plants and boards storage, etc. This happened to me, and I found it to be somewhat random. I could recycle one, then crash on the other. Reload, and crash on the first. So, just save before doing this, and recycle. If successful, save again, and recycle the next, until finished. Frustrating, but it WILL get you around the bug. Took apart a whole base and had to do this for most complex items. I think it relates to how the items drop when you hit recycle.
  4. Having the no spawns issue many are having. Time is NOT frozen. I'm getting night and day, still, but my dew collectors, mushroom gardens are not respawning in 3 game days so far. No wild spawns of any kind are respawning. Flower petals, plants, food items, water, you name it. I was on a mass resource collection for several game days, and so only noticed because returning to my base at oak tree, no acorns popped, and my dew and gardens were not respawning. Now, after several more game days, saves and quits and restarts, still no spawns. Out of water to drink, so out of game until fixed. Hope it's just a simple trigger and fixed Monday/Tuesday. LOVE game, but this particular bug effectively ends playability.
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