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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. ^ A bit rich coming from a scratched record like you. Saddam was up to his neck in blood. He made Gaddaffi look like an amateur.
  2. Generation 'Y' entitlement complex 101.
  3. I think we should expand our examinationof the causal economic and geographical factors that influence the deployment of cart-escalators in large retail developments. Anybody here from, say, Malaysia or Singapore? I bet you have them, lots of them.
  4. That's interesting, actually, because to me the two are inextricably linked.
  5. The effete, slightly fey otherworldy NPC is a wel-trodden trope, I give you Haer'Dalis from BG2 for example. The only difference, as per current EmoWare SOPs is that now you can bone them.
  6. Zevran looks like he's auditioning for Adam and the Ants.
  7. By Odin's raven! Where do you live man, 12th Century Persia? Even here in Third World Europe we have such escalators in Toys 'R' Us, Marks & Spencers (oh yes, we really do) and of course my local Waitrose.
  8. Obviously, I choked on my kedgeree the other morning when I heard the BBC Radio 4 crew, the people who died in a ditch opposing the Iraq war, quizzing politicos about why "nothing was being done" about the Mad Dog of Tripoli. So let me get this straight, OK? Toppling sadistic dictators in totalitarian, oil-rich Arab regimes is OK as long as George W Bush didn't order it. OK, just so as long as we're clear on that one. For the record, it was a left-of-centre British government that got into bed with Gaddaffi and released the Lockerbie bomber. The current lot have FUBAR'd our defence budget even more than the last lot. And our liberal media are now, suddenly, sabre-rattling. Sheesh.
  9. Alternatively, you could smother an old chamois leather in Marmite and chew on that instead. No difference.
  10. Alpha Protocol. It's a great game, but the problem was probably an expectation deficit - people of course expected a MGS / shooter type game instead of a well-written, thoughtful, witty RPG where combat was part of the mix, not the raison d'etre. Anyhow, like I say it's more fun than a sack of kittens, the spiteful review scores say more about gaming journalism than they do about the game. The only thing I will say is that the hacking minigame is the most annoying thing in a RPG I have ever experienced, ever. It's like finding a dead slug in an otherwise perfectly executed Caesar salad. Never do that to me again, Obz, please. Cheers MC
  11. And as they say, "a camel is a racehorse designed by a committee."
  12. LOL you are all trying to apply consistency and logic to an argument with Magickal Volo. R00fles!
  13. Ninjas versus Vikings. Meh. English football fans pwn them both. Anyhoo, let's hope CA sort out the AI, despite loving the series Empires put me off and I'll need to see some glowing reviews to drag me back.
  14. This callsign is playing BG2 and Alpha Protocol. He will not regret missing this game. Out.
  15. Haha. WTF!? That's right, he's committed heresy. Burn the witch. Why not have a think, y'know, an original thought? One not prescribed by your almost certainly libtard peer group? Maybe challenge them and explore a perspective you don't normally share? I do it now and then. Sometimes I even realise my point of view on a subject was skewed. Why not check it out?
  16. Of course, the uncomfortable thing for a lot of folks is the slowly dawning realisation that Cheney, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld had a point...
  17. This is their trademark narrative structure, you just missed the bit that goes TREACLY MUSIC > EMO FLIRTING BY NPC > TALKS ABOUT THEIR PROBLEMS > GIVE THEM A GIFT > POORLY ANIMATED LURVE
  18. It's a case of pop eating itself, CRPGs aped pen and paper now pen and paper apes video games. It uses a 'streamlined' (we all know what that means) system resembling one part MMORPG, one part part trading-card game. The iconic classes are FUBAR'd so they are now 'cool' for the attention-deficit crowd. It's horrible.
  19. 4th Edition D&D isn't really D&D, folks here are gonna hate it. Really, really hate it.
  20. Again, the control freakery is a fairly recent development. It used to be a nice company to interact with, now it's a sort of prissy, precious type of outfit. And as somebody who loathes the collected works of Joss Wheedon, I'm sort of seeing the link.
  21. LOL... again LOL :: cries :: Over 13000 posts. And every one a winner, like this.
  22. Tigs, seriously mate, you deserve a medal. You'd have to pay me real money to play this PoS.
  23. I hate it when the gaming press fail to dig where Bio are coming from on this, the skill trees are distinct, help the player make optimal decisions and are indicative of the sort of game Bio wants to make. And, of course, the epic dARk HeRoIC FanTaSY that only Bio can deliver. Naysayers should be sent, quite rightly, to the gaming naughty step for being out of touch elitists.
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