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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I should be working late to catch up, but well can't make myself care that much. And in any case have a lot of family stuff to do. Doesn't stop people sending me emails at 11 pm and expecting an answer. Apparently because one guy leaves his laptop on and connected 24/7, everyone else must do the same
  2. You didn't inquire about their childcare and health benefits ?
  3. Well, to put it this way, for our application, being 64-bit is a paradigm shift.
  4. Congratulations on more money (hopefully). Probably need to learn some new things here, maybe can finally learn mobile app development. Either that or remain in fintech.
  5. Realized I should start looking for a new job.
  6. Sadly for a lot of people "helping others" is for pussies, essentially.
  7. Going to finish Act of War, never did get around to it. This game is Modern Warfare : The RTS.
  8. Finally deciding to watch Cowboy Bebop.
  9. https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/classified-challenger-tank-specs-leaked-online-for-videogame/ "A gamer identifying as Challenger 2 commander has posted a classified document online in order to improve the accuracy of the design of the tank in the game ‘War Thunder’."
  10. Better to nuke it. Only way to be sure.
  11. I think so, based on the last time I tried injecting mine...
  12. The (I assume) strings at 7:00 are great.
  13. Ah, the snowbirds aren't expats. Just pansies that can't handle winter
  14. My coworkers are really technically minded, even conversations are run with a handshake protocol. One guy messages me with "Hi...", I wait for the question or purpose, nothing. 2 hours later "Hi....", so I say "Hey" and then he says the question. Weirdos.
  15. Well, going to Toronto or Vancouver would not give you the right idea that's for sure, as those people more often than not would have fled the place for a reason, therefore you're going to get a skewed view of things other than weather and the flatness. I'm sure you can find Canadian expats that ran to the US in Florida whose assessment of Canada is going to be skewed. Have to consider time delay as well, I know next to nothing about life in Trinidad as not been there since the 80's and all I have is my relatives to rely on who have...uh..curious biases, heh. Point was not that they are not qualified, but you have to consider the risk of getting as tinted an opinion as the other side.
  16. Odd to alloy the WHO's perceived bias to their opinion, but the people you spoke to are just purely credible. Looking around I did get a chuckle of people criticizing Cuba's health care for being very two tier in that the rich get good care and everyone else gets terrible service, especially on an American heavy site.
  17. I'd guess never ? As you say there's no organization and it's the same as 'gamers', pretty much. So, in this case it's a subjectively bad one ?
  18. Wonder how hot that runs.
  19. They'd have to sacrifice US access for Cuba, so, Cuba is always going to lose out, I think.
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