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Posts posted by vault_overseer

  1. Seriously, who else can Obsidian turn to? Sega shafted them, Activision is the new evil, Atari is dying, Take Two is a decent possibility, so is EA and Bethesda(and we'll learn more about this pairing next year)


    Let's hypothesize that Sega drops AP and then Obsidian has to go and find a new publisher to pick them up and allow them to finally release the poor thing, what happens?

  2. I think Repair ties into the economy pretty significantly. It's true that eventually the F3 economy gets blown out, but at least for a while Repair has a big impact on it.


    Also, COND affects about seven different stats (damage, rate of fire, spread, value, chance of jam, and two others I'm forgetting).


    Awesomeness and immershon?


    Wait a sec, F3 has weapon jams?

  3. I dunno, I didn't mind it that much, but I did think weapons degraded too fast for the most part, necessitating carrying around dozens of weapons and millions of ammo.


    How would you improve the system?


    I wouldn't mind seeing some thing like repair allowing a slower rate of decay (indicating maintenance). Or a maintenance option in the menu that would cause time to pass but increase the durability of the weapon, extending its life (but then time passage would have to matter, I think, for that to really work).


    That would be interesting, use tools to perform maintenance on the weapons, or forfeit the maintenance altogether and deal with quicker decay and having to cannibalize weapons to repair. That might be too complex though.

  4. I agree. The bots were pretty well done. I would have like to see the Protrectron's made a bit stronger. It doesn't take much more than a good sneeze to put one of those down, which seems kind of silly for something called a Protrectron.


    Isn't Protectron supposed to be a civilian model? It would make sense for it not to be build for withstanding multiple plasma hits. Kinda like mall cops:)


    If you remove the ingot hunt and the time spent walking across all those catwalks, the total play time for the Pitt is about 7 minutes. That's pretty lame.


    Yeah, it's short, but it's very atmospheric, most fallouty location after Paradise Falls, IMO

  5. I was walking around Paradise Falls last night, and realized that it is the most "fallouty" location in Fallout 3. Granted, it could use more quests, but overall, the layout, the design and the characters really made sense. It was especially fun to get up on Eulogy's pad and start shooting everyone with my incinerator :p

  6. By the way, the wastelands are way overcrowded: I get to see different types of enemies next to each other without reacting to each other sometimes.


    I think it gets better further up north. After all, it's a pretty small game world.

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