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Everything posted by pcrk2

  1. IGN review review
  2. Don't forget to keep an eye on Amnesia. It's very Penumbra-like.
  3. Frictional Games released yesterday the demo for their upcoming game, Amnesia I must say it was magnificent. You can download it right here
  4. Alan Parker- 8 Albatross- 14 Ali Shaheed- 9 Conrad Marburg- 10 Grigori Pazinhov- 5 Henry Leland- 11 Hong Shi- 10 Konstantin Brayko- 13 Mina Tang- 9 Omen Deng- 17 Ronald Sung- 7 SIE- 16 Scarlet Lake- 17 Sergei Surkov- 3 Sis- 18 Steven Heck- 17 (+1) Yancy Westridge- 4 (-1)
  5. It seems Obsidian has the power to turn every ruin into gold
  6. I'm pretty sure this will come true
  7. Congratulations Obsidian! Also, they have polished the visuals a lot since the first reveal trailers
  8. ak-47 and desert eagle old school! anyway, are the guns going to be registered? or just the model with a fictional name?
  9. something wrong with it?
  10. Is the gameplay going to be as good as in rainbow six vegas 2? i mean challenging difficulty, good cover system, powerful weapons, etc. and another question: desert eagle is present in the game?
  11. Actually I like to know that my weapons aren't hidden and after I press a key the gun comes out by miracle. It's more realistic... and they fully need the realism in this game
  12. OE makes the game, and that box is 99% fake, made by some random Gamestop employee. I wouldn't trust any dates this early in the cycle. I was just ironic when I said Sega is developing AP rofl
  13. OE can you confirm/deny it?
  14. In that cover I get the feeling that Mike is Bill Buchanan from 24... his facial expressions are close to Bill's.
  15. ok a few drops are fine but you can see the guard leaving behind much more blood than that... it needs to be adjusted.
  16. It wasn't necessary... after all Sega developed the game and OE just assisted to make sure that they're doing no mistakes. No need to be mentioned on the box. Now seriously, it's just a preliminary box, I'm sure this isn't going to be the final look.
  17. I think they know what they're doing saying that but still it sounds exaggerated. We just got one dev diary and a couple of previews... too soon to make that kind of statement. But if they are right... then I am so happy.
  18. After watching it again and again I noticed a few things that I dislike: The weakest part was lip-syncing. The graphics on the environment are great but the characters are not that good. At 1:54 Michael stands in the middle of the fight (and I assume there are more enemies in other directions) without taking cover and kills the terrorist with no problem. At 0:56 he beats the crap out of that guard but at very single punch the blood starts to flow. It isn't realistic, maybe after a few kicks it's okay but not after each one.
  19. How will the player control either if he is running or simply walking? By a key (run/walk) or a system more like Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (scroll button) where you can set the speed you want.
  20. That would be nice. But I don't think OE will allow it.
  21. So we already have plans for AP2
  22. I agree on that part. Maybe Obsidian can change things until the release.
  23. It looks good but when he's trying to hack the door right before it opens a wood bar falls and then disappears And a few other glitches. But overall looks awesome
  24. Why the Onyx engine hasn't been used for developing AP instead of UE3? Because it's not suited? It wasn't fully developed when the work on AP began? Other reason?
  25. I hope not. They should take the time to complete and make the game better and better not to release a demo just because we want to play it as soon as possible. If the game isn't completed till the release date I would want them to push it back rather than having a buggy experience.
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