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Everything posted by squillaempusa

  1. I've gotten a couple email replies from obsidian, as well as private division. They say that they were working on a fix. I didn't get quite as far as you, but was close, before I couldn't load saves anymore after dying attempting to get to the chairman's computer. Had to load a much earlier save (lvl 6) to continue playing with that character. Very irritating losing that much progress. Obsidian asked that we send in our unloadable save files to help them figure out what's going on, since they are unable to replicate what some of us are experiencing.
  2. Here's the email... Hello Squillaempusa,Thanks for writing in and I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing some technical issues with your save file.Sadly, based on your description, it's likely that your save file has become corrupted and that you will need to load an earlier save file or start over. In order to find out what may have caused this corruption, could you please send us the following information:1. What is your console's model?2. Do you own a physical or digital copy of The Outer Worlds?3. Was the game installed on your console's hard drive or an external drive?4. Was the game updated right before these save files became corrupted?5. Could you tell us a bit more about the state of your save file before the corruption? What area were you in? What quest were you working on? Which companions were with you? Anything else that you think might help?If you have any questions, please let me know.Kind regards, Andrei Private Division Support
  3. I got one from Private Division yesterday (Saturday). Said basically we're screwed. He told me that our files were corrupted some how. Not sure if that makes sense though, because wouldn't a corrupt file be a different size than a good one? My bad/lost save files were the same exact size as my old usable save file, like 9.3mb.
  4. Any chance there's a fix for ps4 save bug in near future?
  5. Same thing here, basically. Patch v.1.3 didn't help me either. Very unfortunate. Hopefully they fix this soon.
  6. I have encountered a very similar bug on ps4. Will not load saves. Game is pretty much broken for me, unless I start over. Lvl 23, so not really interested in doing that, plus there's no guarantee that the same thing won't happen again.
  7. Any plans to fix the ps4 won't load saves bug?
  8. Saw that loading screen after loading a very old save, then trying to load a recent save. Got the error code, and then that. This is after the most recent patch (v.1.03). Does it mean something? Are they on it and a fix is coming? Or coincidence?
  9. Same problem here on ps4 during quests at Byzantium. Level 23, 60 hrs in. This issue has been going on for a couple months it seems and still hasn't been resolved apparently. Extremely irritating. Updated to v.1.3, as well as updating console.
  10. same issue here. just installed patch v.1.3 and now i get the error code instead of the frozen screen. this is a 2 month old problem and still no fix? why? uninstalled app, reinstalled, and back to frozen screen. still cannot load saves. tried all suggestions around forums (clear cache, disable internet for ps4, etc) to no avail. 2d 10h in, so will not be starting over, especially since there's no guarantee that it won't happen again. infuriating for sure. this is a broken game. how unfortunate, as a big Fallout fan, i very much liked this game.
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