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Everything posted by Aristes

  1. Aristes


    See, I told you it was too technical for me. I got it mixed up with the solid state memory debate. That 1/10th the time of DRAM looks pretty sweet, though. Hey, anything that can run faster and cooler sounds good to me!
  2. Okay, we're going to house, feed, keep warm, keep cool, permanently power a space station crammed with enough people to last for centuries in the best forseeable fuel we will have available and my arguments regarding technological barriers suck? Yeah, and we're going to build it in fantasy land and there will be nothing unforseen out there either. Everything is going to run perfectly. The computers say so. By the way, the universe will last as is forever also.
  3. I'm not playing devils advocate. I discard your argument pretty much out of hand because, while I things look cut and dried to you because of your current situation, I think you are downplaying some significant impediments to your galactic plans. First of all, we need to assume that everything we can fashion on earth will suffice to maintain a self sustaining vessel that would allow transport of enough of a sentient species and that nothing will befall either the planet or that vessel before that sentient species was ensured survival elsewhere. You present it as a done deal. Playing devil's advocate would assume that I agree with you but I'm present counter arguments. I'm not. I think it is a possibility because I assume that scientific discovery will generally progress faster as we've seen from human experience. However, it is not necessarily that this will be the case. Moreover, that science assumes that it can overcome every barrier to our galactic ambitions, whereas it is actually quite possible that there are barriers that we simply will not be able to surpass. We've managed to do so many wonderful things on this planet, and in such a short period of time, that we think that there is no natural law that we cannot overcome. I don't take that for granted. Look, we don't have a huge difference between us. It's small but it is distinct. You believe it is all but certain a sentient species will make it off of the earth and survive outside of the solar system, whereas I believe it is possible. That's it. All I'm saying is that it's not all but certain. There's just as much chance whatever life is or will be here will not survive even to the death of the sun, let alone past it.
  4. We're still humans, Gorth. If we use the addon menu, you know what most folks will use it for.
  5. Aristes


    I think you're crazy, mark. The article (more of a proposal from the looks of it) is way too technical for most of us forum monkies in these parts. However, I will say that I'm quite interested in solid state technology. If they can increase the speed by a substantial margin, then we'll be one step closer to that fleet of space colony ships Krezack is proposing in the other thread.
  6. Hello, I'm Aristes and I'm a... logic gameaholic. Yes, I've become addicted to the damned things. I mean, they are games, whether they're on a test or not. Moreover, they're actually fun. I just finished a 6 question maximized variable setup in less than 10 minutes. I jumped up and strutted around the table like a rooster in the hen-house. Awesome. I. HAVE. MADE. FIRE! lololol Yeah, maybe I've brain washed myself. I never get more than a couple hours sleep at a time these days and I've gone 24+ hours without sleep a few times over the past couple of weeks. I think I'm getting a bit loopy, but my spirits are actually quite high.
  7. We've gone from the colonizing of the moon to ensuring the survival of a sentient species past the death of the sun? My friend, we can all be optimists, but that's a lot of variables to ensure anything. On the other hand, maybe we will actually get our act together and get out of dodge. On the third hand, that presumes that the only real impediment to a sentient species making it off this rock is the life-span of the sun. Now that's a lot of variable. But, hey, I'm a human being. I'm pulling for us also, you know. Even if the us of the future is some tentacled and radioactive monster with ten eyes and bad breath. I want someone to build the Tower of Babel or maybe re-enact the flight of Icarus.
  8. I actually think your point is good, but it's not 'undoubtedly.' There are too many variables in play, not the least of which is that we will overcome substantial obstacles and that they can be overcome. While I grant you that scientific discovery has progressed at exponential speed, you have to keep in mind a couple of things. First of all, in the grand scheme of things, our sample of time is minute. We don't have a large enough section of time to accurately gauge whether we will be able to continue our advancement at breakneck speed. Moreover, if simply living and evolving has the potential to break through these problems, why has there been no directly conclusive evidence of extra-terrestrials. The universe is a big place, but it stands to reason that, should there be potential for life on even a small fraction of planets, and if we can surmise that technology will advance at a similarly breakneck speed in any sentient population, that some of these species must have been around for considerably longer than us and must have found a way to convey their intelligence through vast amounts of space. After all, your assumption is that we will inevitably be able to transport a sufficient population that our earthborn sentient species (human in ancestry or not) will survive the death of the sun. It stands to reason, that being the premise, that our efforts to communicate would precede the actual ability to transport. I'm not trying to harsh your buzz. I agree with the idea in general, but I don't think it's foregone. Rather, I think you, like most human beings, and like me if I'm to be honest, are optimistic because it's not in our makeup as a species to believe in insurmountable obstacles. We've always found a way, and therefore we believe we always will find a way. In my heart, I have the same faith, but my mind tells me that there is really no conclusive evidence.
  9. I forsee buying Victoria in the near future. That and EU3. Stopped at EU2, but now I'm jonsin' again.
  10. If we're doing seconds, it would have to be Zork.
  11. You might get it to work on your dad's rig, King, but it's going to be murder in the cities and you're going to take up what's left of his hard drive which will screw over the virtual memory for anyone who uses the machine. At a little over 3 gigs, you don't have much there for installing newer games. Is a new computer out of the question? If so, there are other games out there that will cause considerably less grief. Not a lot of the newer games, but some of them and some really good older games too.
  12. Play Grim Fandango for sure, e. It's a great game. Probably one of the best graphic adventures I've ever played. ...And the voice over work is extremely well done.
  13. If players can switch between Horde and Alliance regardless of race, then it will inevitably become far worse and much more confusing. I like that. The faction system is idiotic anyhow.
  14. Supreme Overlord and Commander. The blue skinned chics will just flock to you!
  15. He's not a yank, you wanker! Good Lord, I wish I were drunk right now.
  16. Disgusting wretch! Reminds me of Monte Python. "Bring ouchyer dead!" EDIT: And, to be on topic, I took a break to clean the kitchen up a bit and cut a big chunk out of my thumb. At least the bleeding is slowing. I got tired of applying pressure about 20 minutes ago and wrapped a rubber band around it. Now I can type!
  17. I barely played Fable and haven't played Fable 2 at all. I'll pass on Fable 3, I'm afraid. As far as the Molyneux hating goes... *shrug* He's hyping his game. That's probably what he's supposed to do.
  18. I despise HK. I did enjoy KotOR, though, so I don't agree with the harsh on Bioware.
  19. There are two things that might breath life into my WoW experience. I think the Worgen idea is kickass. I like the idea of being able to switch factions. I have a blood elf, but my gaming clique can't abide the horde. Being able to bring a hordie over to the alliance and get along would be great. The only difference would be not knowing who was doing what. From a gaming perspective, it should be hard and the other thing is it would really make screw with the factions. Since I hate the faction system anyhow, anything that throws a wrench in the works is good.
  20. bejeweled and farmville. You can buy tractors now in farmville. W00T!
  21. hehehe I don't think it's a trap. That doesn't seem like the Almighty one's style. Anyhow, I answered legit. I like their games. I guess I have to give Bethsoft the nod on the latest game, but I've enjoyed Bioware's games more on the long haul. NWNx has been a very uneven experience for me, but I enjoyed KotOR quite a bit and their other games I've played. I haven't played every game from either company, but it's all good.
  22. I appreciate these chumps with my money. I guess, however, that an extra bonus is that I get to come on a message board with a bunch of folks and argue about them. That's probably my favorite thing. I'm also looking forward to New Vegas and Dragon Age.
  23. Naw, it comes with it's own voice com imbedded in the game now. The quality isn't stellar, but it's okay.
  24. I gotta tell you, I admire anyone who can stay awake during accounting. Ugh. I just can't do it. Not too terribly much for working with numbers, although I will. People who enjoy that sort of thing, engineering, accounting, and the like, are quite impressive.
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