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Everything posted by Cl_Flushentityhero

  1. The GT community as a whole is pretty degenerate, IMO. Certainly there are intelligent people there (after all, it is IMO one of the best review sites out there), but they tend to be drowned out by mindless chanting. Still an awesome site because of the aforementioned and having, well, game trailers.
  2. Or, AP follows the time-honored rule that amount of stubble = how badass the character is. Thus, as Thornton gains skill points through the course of the game, he also gains more pronounced stubble.
  3. I can see a physical resemblance, but I hope Thornton bears as few similarities to the man immortalized by this video as possible:
  4. Oh yeah, and on-topic, I'm not sure if a demo would showcase the (hopefully) innovative parts of AP, specifically long-term consequences and dialogue options that matter rather than simply being right/wrong choices. My suspicion is that a demo might make people think it's just another cover shooter (and possibly a subpar one) with a few gimmicks added on. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to try a demo before the release, but I'm not sure it would be the ideal way to show off AP's hypothetical strengths or move more units at release time.
  5. Methinks Harry Gregson-Williams is a little beyond Obsidian's budget
  6. http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...15&start=15 Sawyer posted a couple times in the "Proper CQC" thread, which should answer some of your questions.
  7. This was something I was wondering as well . . . Another possibility is that, if the AI is generally proactive in going after Thornton, using cover to corner camp might be effective. Quantum of Solace (the game) let you do quick dashes between cover that were pretty effective at closing the distance. I can hope. While Obs mentioned that they didn't want CQC to be 'set pieces' like in the Bourne Conspiracy, you have to admit that the season 2 finale of 24 (in the LA Coliseum) was pretty badass. Also, since the animations are not gun-based from what I've seen, it lends itself well to fisticuffs. One possible technical difficulty is that, IME, melee enemies in shooters are almost always scripted encounters or mysteriously have four times as much health as gun-toting enemies (or both). This leads me to believe that it's difficult to make AI that will competently ambush the player at corners.
  8. http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/thomas_..._for_peace.html The pentagon's next big strategy, perhaps. The guy is also pretty entertaining to listen to.
  9. EBgames has it listed Though I suspect that was not your point.
  10. *whistles innocently* http://www.ebgames.com/browse/search.aspx?...lpha%20Protocol I'm not saying it's official, but EBgames is usually pretty accurate.
  11. Come on, would I resort to such underhanded tactics? And the expansion/DLC is a good question. I can see several perks to building the franchise off expansions and DLC rather than sequels. 1) More frequent releases, combined with cash flow allowing continued support for patches (and eventually modding?). 2) New gameplay features and gear could be retroactively used in the original story. 3) More justified in focusing on content creation in expansions; since sequels are usually expected to make significant refinements to the core gameplay. Then again, there are also reasons why a straight-up sequel might be better. 1) Longer dev cycle. 2) More time to refine gameplay and fix things that didn't' quite work right. 3) Obs is already pretty awesome at creating good core content, often polish is more the issue the mainstream complains about. Not that I'm claiming to answer Pop's question in any way, but it's interesting to consider given that the basic AP package seems like it will be a fairly focused bit of storytelling.
  12. Also, it almost goes without saying that everybody should catch the 2-hour 24 special "Redemption" tonight.
  13. I'm not actually sure whether this is AP-relevant, but I just saw Street Kings again and it's still awesome. It has pretty much nothing to do with spies, though it does have moral ambiguity combined with good action sequences.
  14. Hmm, thanks for the link. Doesn't actually sound like we missed much in the way of info . . . or there's the possibility that whoever was trying to summarize failed.
  15. Will Thornton have ample opportunity to emphatically say "Damn it!" throughout the game? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIdOmodhWLA
  16. Welcome to posting . . . once you get going it's hard to stop. Fallout 3 had a pretty cool minigame that combined resources limitations and skill. I also like the splinter cell lockpick minigames. Still, at the end of the day, lockpicking minigames aren't all that exciting, so as long as it flows within the game I'm good with whatever. IMO, you may be a special case in caring whether the graphic is 2d or 3d.
  17. Heh, keep in mind that, at the time of that post, they had not released that tidbit of info. And that was really more of a side point, anyway.
  18. And in a "ripped from the headlines" note, a man applies CQC to disarm and kill/severely injure four attackers. I believe he's now facing a life sentence, but that's not the point. NYC bouncer convicted of a third murder Published: 11/21/08, 8:25 PM EDT http://tinyurl.com/57c46p NEW YORK (AP) - A bouncer already sentenced to lengthy prison terms for two New York City murders has been convicted of shooting another man dead and wounding three others outside a Manhattan nightclub. A jury on Friday found 32-year-old Stephen Sakai (suh-KEYE') guilty of murder, attempted murder and assault. He faces at least 15 years in prison at his Dec. 15 sentencing hearing. He is serving two sentences of 25 years to life in prison for the previous murder convictions. Sakai testified he feared he would die during a fight outside a Chelsea nightclub in May 2006. Sakai said he took a gun off one of his four victims and started firing. One of the injured was partially paralyzed.
  19. I totally played through most of MGS4 wearing the brown suit & tie once . . .
  20. There are a number of different outfits that you can select before the mission begins, whether you want combat armor, a tactical stealth-oriented suit, or a number of normal clothing options. What are the advantages of civilian-type clothing? Does every mission allow to you to "blend with the crowd" (I use the term loosely, since apparently there are no crowds in AP), or are there other benefits?
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