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Everything posted by Cl_Flushentityhero

  1. I don't actually disagree with the idea that SMGs should be good for spray & pray, though I don't see what that has to do with dual wielding them either.
  2. As Zoma mentioned, "power" is primarily a function of ammo. Keep in mind that it isn't just bullet width that matters, but also length. A 0.22 has about the same diameter as 5.56mm AR ammo, but the 5.56 ammo is longer and hence has more mass. Muzzle length also increases muzzle velocity and spin of similar ammo, which can lead to improved accuracy as well as additional stopping power. The heavier the bullet is and the faster it goes, the more powerful the gun. Obviously, wound properties and penetration come in play when shooting people, but most games don't pay much attention to that. But, seriously, what does this have to do with dual wielding? I think the point has been made that SMGs/PDWs can be just as accurate as pistols, and that's pretty much the relevant consideration. The gameplay question at stake is: are spray & pray dual-wielders the only viable characters for SMG use? If so, why limit the "SMGs" to that application?
  3. While saying "I just won't use them" is a practical answer, it sort of slides around the awkward point that several people (which constitutes a huge number on these forums) dislike the idea of mandatory akimbo PDWs. Also, does nobody else want the option of akimbo pistols?
  4. I think Micro uzis are generally considered Personal Defense Weapons rather than actual SMGs. That said, from the screenshots, it looks like most of APs "SMGs" are PDWs. Come on though, let's stay on topic of why mandatory dual wielding is a bad idea
  5. Obviously, you haven't seen the Austin Powers movies.
  6. So, a related question, is there a way to get the chain to go off reliably *without* button mashing? Some of us like to save our fingers Or is the held attack just an equally-viable alternative to mashing? Edit: oh yeah, and is the Kerambit used in normal attacks, or just takedowns?
  7. I always found dual wielding SMGs a little on the ridiculous side, but I don't mind so long as it's a choice (with strengths and weaknesses over single SMG). What I do find rather nonsensical is not having single SMGs or dual pistols. It just seems arbitrary. I mean, when did somebody use dual SMGs in a good spy movie, ever?
  8. And, IMO, it's fun when there are advantages to traveling light. You could still bring all your gear, you just wouldn't enjoy the same advantages of making do with minimal equipment. Edit: You do realize this is a circular discussion, right?
  9. Whaa? No matter how skilled you are an object still has weight. IMO, if you go in loaded to the gills with heavy guns and gadgets it should affect your movement.
  10. There's also the iconic image of the counterterrorist operative with a single SMG to consider.
  11. That's a pleasant way of putting it I think it's criminal to not allow going John Woo with berettas, but thanks for the info.
  12. The difference is that I could see having to choose between mobility and firepower among loadouts as a potentially fun and game-balancing mechanic, whereas I find looking for ammo or bringing enough with me to kill 50 guys logistically boring.
  13. Are they also going to show him carrying a giant sack with all of his other equipment? If he needs a giant sack to carry all the equipment, makes sense to me.
  14. I stand by my theory, particularly since Thornton is, in fact, new to the game. Re: carrying two handguns and two rifles, it is, as the screenshot shows, realistic. What would also be realistic is an encumbrance system.
  15. Hmm, usually the guy holding the other at gunpoint is the one who got the drop on the other guy.
  16. So, we've seen that there is dual-wielding of small weapons in the game. One question I have is whether there are benefits of using, say, one pistol instead of two, such as increased accuracy.
  17. Mmm, juicy. Also, I think in a game where loadout and looking inconspicuous are supposed to matter, having your carried equipment show up on the model is a good indicator for how socially acceptable Thornton looks. Edit: oh yeah, and while the article mentions that pistols can be quiet and elegant, I also assume there are some noisy and powerful options?
  18. Here's another important question: after the first mission, do we get Bond-style intro credits and all that entails?
  19. http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=avtQ_dxmZLU Another CQC application that is very quick and effective. Unfortunately, the martial skill is only matched by the poor judgment on display.
  20. well, I think "social sneaking" counts as well, a la hitman games.
  21. Dates, maybe not, but I would trust the delay to summer. AP just hit Alpha (har har) recently, so my guess would be that there's significant work before it's ready for consumption. They've also seen the widespread response to the clips in the first dev diary (on GS and GT), suggesting that pulling a fast one is not an option with how detail-oriented many gamers are. Edit: though it kind of has me wondering, how come Fallout 3 is a GOTY year contender with practically nonexistent facial animation while AP is in the fryer because early footage looked a bit stiff?
  22. I like the SC system, though it seemed kind of unnecessary when you just end up memorizing the exact speed at which you can remain "quiet" anyway. It makes more sense on consoles because it requires a certain amount of skill to push the stick the right amount.
  23. Indeed it is. Aside from for entertainment, I'd recommend it to any ex-servicemen looking to go into private military (of which I suspect we are about to have many, on an unrelated note).
  24. I think Bioware will land closer to the scheduled release. Either that, or they'll just spout something about how "you can't rush the spiritual successor to BG2" and delay it until 2050 for worldwide release . . . on Mars.
  25. heh, arguably all of Obsidian's previously released titles *still* need fine tuning. It is possible that they'll turn their reputation around with AP and deliver a mirror-sheen level of polish, but given how ambitious the core concept is I kind of doubt it.
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