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Darth Exsilum

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Everything posted by Darth Exsilum

  1. Yes i did laugh slightly when i worked it out
  2. No...because he can play the game but crashes on movies his current system can't handle the movies
  3. I just thought his name bares semblance to the great coding taboo 'goto' (any programmers here will get this haha)
  4. Fair enough...But Tech support staff are usually hopeless along with any files/software they MAY send you haha
  5. I can't see it being a specific movie causing errors as they are all in the same format (.bik) if anything it could be the in-game trigger that causes the crash, or the swap over between file formats. But if the game is crashing on ALL movies then you have a point regarding the intel chips.
  6. Can you say that again but this time with clarity?
  7. Well the music was pretty good but some of the general sounds like monsters and droids that make the same sounds when they die was pretty poor- it always amuses me when you kill a male NPC and he produces a female dying sound...
  8. That's understandable, as this is a forum affiliated with an actual publisher I understand your position and that of the other moderators, though quick question as long as we're not telling people where to find no CD cracks and only advising that they can clear up issues is that OK?
  9. Are you playing on separate accounts as in log on accounts for your PC if so it could be due to the fact that he's not running the program as an administrator when you are (his account is trying to run the application from and through yours which XP and Vista doesn't like) Or simply his save game has become corrupted which just happens I'm afraid this sounds more likely to be honest.
  10. Disable the videos from the options panel at the main menu, and you'll be able to play the game fine...
  11. Disable the videos from the options menu- Clearly your PC doesn't like the movies as that's where it's crashing so simply disable them...
  12. Surely not! ;-) There was a quiet sophistication to the character, the ruthless efficiency, the snappy retorts not to mention the secretive role he plays in manipulating the galaxy's future. All were improved further by the fact that he was a droid!
  13. It's been a matter of time for the last three sodding years...
  14. You mean you can't move her with the keyboard and only manipulate the mouse? If so just return to windows and click on the game until the keyboard kicks in or save the game and control returns (i figured this out as i play games while having conversations in MSN)
  15. The only thing i could suggest is pausing the second (and i mean F**king fast here) and equip some health to your character while the game is paused may work- probably won't though...
  16. Ahh well done! Enjoy KotOR and all of it's wonderful sound ;-)
  17. I've heard otherwise- if you own it you can do what you want to it as long as you don't distribute. Besides it's completely controllable there's no way of knowing if you use a no CD crack...alsoooo (I'm not sure if this is entirely accurate) if a no CD crack happens to fix an issue with a game then from what i understand it's fine because the publishers/creators of the game have failed to provide a product of high enough standards, which is definitely the case with KotOR 2 (i recently took the executable file and dismantled it to see how it worked, to be frank it's a complete mess) again not sure on the accuracy of this just thought I'd put it out there.
  18. I agree with Jediphile on this one the fact that G0-T0 was such a good character was because he was a droid...I suppose it was a kind of irony
  19. I don't mind that he disagrees thats his prerogative, Just backup the statement by saying why...Simply saying no contributes nothing.
  20. Good point I suppose they wanted to keep the mystery untill (if, maybe, possibly, DARE WE DREAM?!!) there's a KotOR 3.
  21. Strange usually importing that.dll file sorts this problem out straight away (I had this same problem when first playing the game on Vista). This solution may seem simple but humor me, go in to your swkotor2.ini file and check all the sound options (it may be something as ridiculous as that). Another possible solution is the dreaded reinstall but I assume you have tried this already... Also try cracking your game (I doubt this will work though as that mainly fixes problems with people who can't get the executable to function properly, But it's worth a shot) It's hard to assess these types of issues as these are usually because of a problem at "the other end" opposed to known issues with the game itself- Sorry i can't be any more help!
  22. What a compelling argument you make...Idiot Anyway I'm glad other people to be a good character Yes many people seem to think (myself included) as an actual party member he was pretty useless. Your point about T3 is a good one he does seem to be bridge between the two games, I only wish there was more of a story you could follow with T3 what you are able to get out of him is very vague (which could be the point)
  23. Agreed in terms of being useful he was pretty rubbish he didn't really have any special skills either. But The character was fantastic I think I liked the dry sense of humor the most one of my favorite lines "If there's anything I can't stand it's an untidy galaxy" along with "...then stop causing events of planetary destruction- you are a walking catastrophe"...I had to have five minutes before continuing after those little gems.
  24. No worries- I'm glad it did, Cracks tend to clear alot of these sort of issues up really well.
  25. What?! You lot are so skin deep...True the game did not leave much room for character development, but what was there was pretty good- the cold calculating business man with a twisted sense of humor, he also had some cracking one-liners! I'm glad some one agrees ;-)
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