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Darth Exsilum

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Everything posted by Darth Exsilum

  1. There are always issues with gaming on a laptop...Firstly we need more than what you've given us, System specs. please (this is explained in Bass-Game Masters sticky thread) but just set everything to the lowest possible standards in the options menu.
  2. Everyone raves about HK, Kreia, Nihilus etc but I have to say I thought one of the best characters and most amusing was G0-T0...What do the rest of you think?
  3. Just a thought are you on Vista per chance?
  4. If the problem started with the installation of the patches uninstall the game and reinstall it but don't bother with the patches. Or crack your game (seeing as you own it properly that's fine) Also try downloading a new executable file (there are loads around)...
  5. Damn it to the bowls of bloody Hell...I hate it when you come up with an idea that's all ready been done
  6. I had an idea that you could replicate the Form II technique Makashi by creating a mod that would place an invisible and inactive melee/lightsaber in one of the Player's Hands and then placing a lightsaber in the other hand...This would simulate the effect of using one hand fighting although not perfect its probably the closest thing we will get to any actual visible differences between the forms. I got the idea from when you equip two ligtsabers one in each hand, pause the game and un-equip one of the lightsabers while the game is still paused the character looks as though he/she is using a one wielding hand technique. so if anyone fancies the challenge
  7. Ahhh good point well made. This is true I downloaded a dodgey version of Splinter Cell 3 and there was feature that made the character fall off a zip line if the version wasn't legitimate. No KotOR II has no such features- I can assure you...
  8. I don't think whether the game is a legitimate copy or not really affects event triggers...This just sounds as though the player hasn't completed something that would normally allow the leave Peragus event trigger to function as normal...I think if you let a few Sith board (as I said in my previous post) that would trigger the mini game repel boarders and carrying on from there should let you leave and continue as normal. If not it's the 'R' word I'm afraid
  9. Strange sounds as though an event trigger hasn't...well triggered. Next time you play through go through everything thoroughly- Conversations, quests, side quests- Maybe next time let some sith board- that might trigger the event for the repel boarders mini game...
  10. That's true...At least they are now at the stage where all that is left to be done is polish and refine- just a question of how many areas they find that need polishing...
  11. Yes I agree with your observation on the word 'like'. It seems to have replaced the function of the word 'said'.

  12. Hmmm interesting I shall check them out...I think a few bands have used this concept, I found out recently that Marilyn Manson had come up with it about 4 years before me- ahh well it's hard being original these days!

  13. Thanks. It's based on a French symbol called the Cross of Lorraine...But I designed my version as a Christian cross merged with the an inverted cross- canceling each other out creating 'nothing'!

  14. Bravo gt3 indeed!!! I didn't think of that (oh the embarrassment) as always the simplest solutions prove to be the best...
  15. I'm a C++ programmer for Software Development company. I deal with these sort of issues on an almost daily basis; if I didn't know my stuff I wouldn't have lasted a week at said company. Anyway back to the matter at hand...That is odd indeed what it sounds like is that your save game files have been moved somewhere else. This may work- Open up the file location of KotOR 2 and do a search for all files with the suffix .SAV that way you SHOULD (in theory ;-)) be able to find where all of your save have wandered off- Your situation is most peculiar indeed! And for the record... Guess where these were...In the application boot executable- Patches fix in game errors, not different .exe files
  16. Downloading the kotor2.exe file will not help anything. Your issue is an in game executable which is different from an application start up executable which is what that file does. When an in application executable happens there is generally nothing that can be done about it. As for the KSE I'm not sure entirely how the program was constructed but it probably looks for any .SAV files which are how save games are stored the other 6 saves you have have almost certainly been moved or corrupted and that is why your game doesn't pick them up while the KSE does. If I were you I'd delete all your saves and start again that should clear everything up. Don't bother with downloading new .exe files (you can if you want obviously) but they only improve the application start up- not in application events.
  17. It's nothing to do with the fact that it is intel hardware/software it's simply that they haven't met the necessary system requirements. And if it were because it was intel technology you would have to write new drivers- which is not easy I assure you.
  18. I'd be surprised (all be it pleasantly) if it become available before the end of the year- But who knows really we're all kept in the dark when it comes to progress (this isn't a dig at Team Gizka- They're still an awesome bunch for even attempting this let alone getting as far as they have)
  19. Yeah that's the only real problem I have with Team Gizka- Their lack of communication, though in fairness they probably are preoccupied with making the actual mod. All I was after was a thread for a time scale where they would say "6 weeks" "3 months" or whatever, so at least we could all see the finishing line and if they ran into anything we'd just have to accept it when the time scale went up again- Just something for us all to gauge by!
  20. Both games are identical except for subtle changes in the GUI- The main thing you lose out on is mods (and of course the restoration project).
  21. That is ANOTHER executable error (this is the third one I've posted on in two days). If your game runs without the patch then don't use it (depending on what version/update you've gone from it doesn't do THAT much anyway). Back to your main issue the only real fix you can do is replay through and hopefully avoid the executable error you could try disabling videos just for that scene and see if that helps (do this from the configure menu) videos in my experience seem to be the main cause of crashes in KotOR.
  22. You're welcome. I'm sorry I couldn't give a more hopeful answer but KotOR as you probably know has been absolutely riddled with executable errors ever since it came out. And you'd be right about the headache- even a skilled C++ programmer probably wouldn't bother it's such a pain in the arse....anyway if when you play through again it crashes at the same point it could be a corrupt file somewhere but I think you should be fine....Good luck-and look on the bright side at least you will know what to do second time round ;-)
  23. That sounds like yet another executable error. There's not a lot that can be done unless you happen to be a C++ programmer. Anyway the only solution I know of is to delete the games and replay through- sad but true sorry!
  24. I would change the resolution first if I were you (use the configure button to do this) set it to the lowest and work your way up. If that fails I suspect it is because your on a laptop. Laptops can run the game (I have both games on my laptop) but your need to have a really good laptop as the graphics cards in them can have the same specs as their PC counter parts but not the performance capabilities. You could swap your graphics card if your good with hardware I use ATI graphics if that helps. Failing THAT I suspect it's an executable error (KotOR is RIDDLED with these). Looking at your graphics card specs I think that's your problem. The strange thing with gaming on laptops is you need a more powerful unit than you would normally need in comparative terms to a standard PC (basically a PC and Laptop could have the same specs but the laptop wouldn't run the game). Hope this helps and hopefully the resolution change will work but I think you've had it mate- Sorry!
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