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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. I'm still waiting for more Black Isle games to hit the service *crosses fingers*.
  2. But all of ours are official... officially better than the original ones that is.
  3. How weak-willed does one really have to be in order to seriously believe in any of this ****? Lord Xenu, thetans, the bridge... it's like something out of a bad sci-fi film from the 50's. *facepalm*
  4. Best awkward moment at any establishment involving animals, especially with young children present.
  5. Just endured a blackout that lasted around eleven hours, thunderstorm hit with 40 mph winds. A few trees fell over and took a few good portions of the power line grid with them. Couldn't sleep with the humid weather and no running fans.
  6. Looks interesting to say the least, although probably won't be a day one buy for me.
  7. This is excellent, thanks a lot!
  8. So what were you complaining about? Is putting out a new processor every year too often? Wasn't complaining actually, just stating an observation. Think nothing of it.
  9. All thanks to Intel who's releasing a new core processor every year. My core 2 duo will last me another 4-5 years before I consider upgrading. It's called progress. You want them to stop developing better, faster and more efficient processors because you can't afford them? No one is forcing you to upgrade, I'm running an old Opteron processor and still doing pretty well. Yes because I was really complaining about prices and not being able to afford anything. Oh wait, I didn't.
  10. All thanks to Intel who's releasing a new core processor every year. My core 2 duo will last me another 4-5 years before I consider upgrading.
  11. Can someone AP-fy Tron guy for me please?
  12. I wish more Black Isle games would be released on GOG. I'd love to replay them as a lot of my old games are in the basement (which unfortunately a lot of stuff got ruined and thrown out due to a flood years ago, haven't seen any of my old PC games since.)
  13. Hey Lucasarts, I've got a guaranteed money making idea for you: It starts with K and ends with III.
  14. I think it's safe to say everyone is past that, but the lack of info (lack being an understatement) is annoying.
  15. I wonder if we would still have to wait this long if Hines wasn't in charge of marketing for FO: NV.
  16. Yeah, my first play-through is definitely dalish.
  17. I don't know why, but seeing the gabe avatar made me lol.
  18. Yay for selling your sister.
  19. A teaser? Hell I'd settle for a concept art image.
  20. You shouldn't have to wait that long. Right. So can we expect the announcement before 2011 or will are we looking for a release in 2013?
  21. Alan Rickman will play Kelthuzad
  22. Still play Legacy of Ys: Book I & II for the DS. This is how Zelda DS should of been.
  23. What do you mean? Me thinks he doesn't like pyramids all that much.
  24. Mad scientists and orbital missile stations. I guess you haven't played Broken Steel yet. I've played very little of it, and from the looks of things I won't be continuing until I get my room back in order (scraping wallpaper and painting is fun.)
  25. w00t for Feargus avatar!
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