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Hey everyone! Patch 1.2.2 is here, bringing a variety of fixes and improvements based on your feedback. From crash and quest fixes to gameplay tweaks and UI updates, we’ve addressed several community-requested issues to make your experience even better. As always, if you run into any other issues or have feedback, be sure to reach out—we appreciate your support! Community-Requested Fixes Making Crafting and Upgrade System more Approachable Updates to Equipment Tier difference feedback and penalties/bonuses: Changed Tier penalty system from a hard tier to tier system and made it dynamic based on players equipment and the tier (and sub-tier) of the enemy. Tier difference rules now only apply when there is a +/- 4 level gap. Tier II enemies will now play a small reaction animation when struck by lower-tier weapons, instead of not reacting at all. Reduced damage reduction when player weapons are closer in tier to an enemy. Significantly decreased how often companions comment about player needing better armor and/or weapons. Upgrade materials can no longer be sold to merchants to inadvertently make upgrading difficult. We have a longer-term fix involving buying back from merchants in the works. Missing NPCs In specific situations, some NPCs weren’t where they should be. Saving the game, and re-loading will put them back where they should be. We will have a fix soon that fixes the situation completely and doesn’t require a save and load. Quest & Exploration Fixes The brambles in the Delemgan Glade will now vanish when the Adragan Heart is acquired, preventing players from getting stuck inside. Grysca (the apothecary) now correctly speaks with the player to advance An Untimely End, even if they previously encountered a bug with Thalla the Ogre spawning twice. Added a system to respawn key characters when loading a save if they were previously missing and blocking quest progression (including Ambassador Hylgard and The Watcher Runyd). Companion & NPC Improvements Reviving companions in combat now restores them to 75% of their maximum health instead of 50%. Starting health of companions has been increased to help with their viability in combat. Merchants & Economy Merchants at the Dawnshore docks now offer 'Fine' gear in addition to 'Common' gear. Crashes & Major Issues Removed chance to crash when casting Corrosive Siphon on destructible objects. Optimized resource handling of VFX while the game is paused via radial menus to prevent rare leaks and crashes. Quest & Area Design Fixed invisible collision blocking the player in Strangleroot. Prevented players from charging into unintended areas in Strangleroot, avoiding quest progression issues. Enemies now navigate the bridges of the lava tubes more consistently. First Contact with the Enemy quest now progresses correctly if all badges are collected before speaking to Nauki. Players can now complete Steel Resolve after the main quest in Emerald Stair if they had completed enough objectives beforehand. Kowha now responds correctly if the player returns to them after starting One Last Drink. Dialog with Giatta upon leaving Naku Tedek now triggers consistently when loading saves before the conversation. Updated Mapping the Living Lands quest conditions to allow starting from future regions before talking to the quest giver in Dawnshore. Updated A Lady Never Tells quest flow so it correctly completes in the quest log when starting via the courtesan, getting the shipment, then speaking to Giuliana. Governor Ignasi’s option to turn in the spy can now only be triggered once instead of being repeatable. Conversations with leaders in the final area no longer end prematurely when choosing the Let me reconsider option. Made an additional ending option for the leadership conclave available to players who initially backed out but wish to reconsider. Adjusted environment art near the Trantons bounty in Emerald Stair to prevent bounty loot from becoming unobtainable. Previously missing voice-over lines in ambient content now play correctly. Systems & Gameplay Improvements Seeds of Vengeance summons now scale correctly with health and damage. One-handed weapon Parry enchantments now function as intended. Party buffs from the player now correctly target companions only, instead of summoned creatures. Kai no longer gets stuck if using Unbending Defense while mid-air with Leap of Daring. Improved frame rate when rendering damage numbers on multiple enemies at once. Improved item randomization when restocking shops. Blast ability for wands now plays the correct visual and sound effects. Improved logic for animations on companions at the end of combat. Improved transitions on the top of Mt. Forja. Fixed interaction inconsistencies with objects and NPCs obscured by other characters. Controllers no longer rumble when loading a save before the final boss fight. Fixed issues with pond coin interactions. Added error codes for save game failures. Improved where characters are looking during certain conversations. Audio Improvements Cutscene in Naku Kebel now properly plays sound effects. Eating food from the radial menu now provides audio feedback. Increased volume of Woedica’s voiceover audio. Player voice now plays more consistently for abilities with vocal components. Improved transitions between music intensity levels when exploring. Music during the end slides now plays at the intended volume. Visual & Art Fixes Updated Banner Dwarf’s outfit LODs to reduce clipping during animation. Captain Ngunu’s neck is now properly merged with his head. Steel Garrote Soldiers have re-grown their missing hands. Improved shadow quality on Xbox Series X Performance Mode. User Interface (UI) & Controls Cloud transfer prompt is now properly centered on ultrawide displays. Xbox cloud transfer dialog buttons no longer shake rapidly when hovering over the bottom part of the button. Initial splash screens now properly support Chinese characters. Interaction prompts pop up more reliably. Opening a radial menu after leaving and returning to the game no longer triggers the pause menu. Removed unintended English characters in the One Last Drink quest journal for non-English languages. Cloud save UI now defaults to selecting the recommended option.
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We’ve released a small patch today to help repair some game files in the build. This update is purely for maintenance, and players should not notice any changes to their gameplay experience. Thank you for your support!
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Public Test Patch Notes for Update 1.3.0
Shyla replied to Aarik D's topic in Public Test Bugs & Support
Public Test Build 4345 to 4349 Damaged buildings no longer load back in with lower health each time on Mild Mode. Playground saves from build 4340 or earlier no longer have items and harvest nodes removed when loaded. Fixed random crash when walking around the yard. -
Public Test Patch Notes for Update 1.3.0
Shyla replied to Aarik D's topic in Public Test Bugs & Support
Public Test Build 4336 to 4340 Added BURG.L Quest UI audio. Fixed navigation mesh constantly being rebuilt while placing various Design Objects in Playgrounds (CPU optimization). Fixed the Koi Scale and Fish Bone floating upwards very quickly when dug up. Reduced Black Widow stun duration and increased the speed of their two new attacks. Fixed issue where toggling Handy Gnat on and off could cause lighting to be incorrect. Harvestables no longer disappear when placing them far from your teen in Handy Gnat mode. Science reward for wave attacks does not include creatures that you cheese. Selecting objects with Handy Gnat feels more precise. Large objects will now snap to the ground correcting with Snap to Ground enabled. Various objects will no longer disappear when returning back to Design mode. Daily BURG.L quests work again after loading your save. Fixed crash that could happen with clients when relocating an object. Fixed some creatures being halfway in the ground when returning back to Design mode. Reset Factory Defaults in the Options window works properly. Swapped hit creatures with its weakness BURG.L quest to Kill Orb Weaver with their weakness. Other small BURG.L quest fixes. -
Hello everyone! We want to share a nifty tutorial related to localization for members of the modding community! Update 1.2 now has support for string override tables, which will allow you to make modifications to change typos, grammar, and glossary linking. While we always strive to have good localization, we understand it is a very complicated process and often leaves mistakes. Using override tables gives users the ability to change any string in the game. We hope these changes will help our community with support string overrides for entire languages that we did not localize to. Please note that the instructions only work for Steam, but the string table override mods should function on the Windows Store (GamePass) version of Pentiment if placed in the appropriate folder. Start from an existing StringTableBundle Find the language string table bundle file for the language that you wish to modify. These are JSON files that exist in the Pentiment_Data folder of the local install path of the application. You can get properties about the Pentiment application in Steam and click "Local Files" and then click the "Browse..." button. Navigate to the Petiment_Data\StreamingAssets\localized directory there you should see directories for every localization that we support. Open the appropriate localization and included "text" directory to find the lang.stringtablebundle file. Open this file up in any text editor and you will see a JSON object that contains every string for this language. Change the StringTableBundle After you have a bundle that you wish to edit. Make any string changes that you wish to reflect in the game. As mentioned above this can be direct string changes to each string in the game. You will often need to locate the string via a search or if you're not sure you can enable the debug settings on the Steam version of the application using the console command "QA" this will enable labels next to all conversations in the game as well as display helpful information about which conversation and cutscene is playing at the current time. This can help you locate the string that you wish to modify. Start the Pentiment application Hide the ` (Tilde) key and open the debug console. Type "QA" (without quote) and hit Enter You should now see the conversation NodeID numbers which coincides with a string ID number within a given string table within the string table bundle. In addition to making changes to the direct strings for a localization you also can add markup to your strings for added functionality. The markup tags that you can add directly are: <i>Italic Text</i> <red>Red Rubrication</red> <blue>Blue Rubrication</blue> <green>Green Rubrication</green> <shake>Shaking Text</shake> <frantic>Frantic Text</frantic> <whisper>Whisper Text</whisper> In addition to being able to add procedural markup, you may also modify how the procedural glossary system parses the text by manually tagging the entry with the following markup. This is some text about <link=g:lex_talionis>Lex Talionis</link> that you should know If you want a full list of all of the glossary terms in the game that you can link to, you can search in the Pentiment_Data\StreamingAssets\design\gamedata\bundle.gamedatabunde and search for Game.GameData.GlossaryTermGameData and use the term's DebugName in this markup. If you want to prevent text from being tagged by the procedural glossary system you may also add the <XG> tag to a block of text. This is text that is parsed for glossary terms <xg>this text is not</xg> and this text is. Save a mod folder After you've made the changes you wish to make you must save a folder that is the parent of this string table override. The path where this is located is in a hidden AppData directory. Navigate to the directory C;\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Obsidian Entertainment\Pentiment If needed create a new directory called "mods" here and navigate within that directory. Create a new folder under mods and name it something unique for your mode like "eng_glossary_fix1" Under your mod name folder add a new localized directory Under the localized directory add a folder that matches the localization name (Step2 of Start from Existing StringTableBundle) In that localization directory save your new string table bundle whatever you want but with the appropriate .stringtablebundle extension. Launch the game executable and the strings should now be updated! The full path for a mod should be marked as follows. C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Obsidian Entertainment\Pentiment\mods\<mymodname>\localized\<localizationname>\<stringtable_name>.stringtablebundle Make a new language Since you can update every string in the game you could potentially update every string for example in the game to a new language! To do this you follow all of the steps above edit every string in the game to be translated to the new language. In addition to the .stringtable file you must also create a new language.xml file that you put in the same directory. That file is a small data file that tells the game information about this language. Name: Debug name of the language Folder: This is the folder name where we should look for the .stringtablebundle file for a language this should be a new directory. This is also the folder where this file is located. Charset: What font/character set this language should use. Due to the custom way fonts are handled in the game may only choose the following options.x Latin: Pentiment Custom Latin Fonts (Default if missing) Japanese: NotoSerifJA (https://fonts.google.com/noto/specimen/Noto+Serif+JP?query=Noto+Serif+JA) Hangul: NotoSerifKR (https://fonts.google.com/noto/specimen/Noto+Serif+KR) Cyrillic: Alice (https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Alice) Hanzi: NotoSerifSC (https://fonts.google.com/noto/specimen/Noto+Serif+SC?query=Noto+Serif+SC) GUIString: The display name for the language in the dropdown Save this language XML file in your mod's localized\<localizationfolder>\language.xml (in this case this is the AppData\mods\ukrainian\localized\ukuk directory as an example) Relaunch the game and this language should now appear in the dropdown in options. Additional considerations If a character is not on the specified charset fonts specified in the language, the glyph will fallback to a last chance font which may look incorrect or not render at all. Most of the characters we use for our game are precached, but characters that we don't use will need to be computed when the character is first rendered which may cause performance issues. To reduce conflicts with other string overrides you only need to include the string bundle, string table, and id that you are changing. This is a minimum string change for the GUI table to change the new string.
Added localizations for Russian, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese. New Outer Farms area allowing you to find more of the character's homes. Optimized game resources which may result in a larger patch download size. Many bug fixes and improvements. PC Only String Override support allowing users to change the text in the game and make localization mods. Guide coming soon!
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Public Test Patch Notes for Update 1.2.0
Shyla replied to Shyla's topic in Public Test Bugs & Support
1.2.0 Public Test - 4098 to 4099 Changes Fixed Ziplines sometimes not being interactable. New music in the Brawny Boy Storage Bin. Gravity adjustments of the charged Spicy Staff projectile. Advanced Building subcategories are properly labeled. Wide interaction setting properly restores on load. Improved UI narration with the Super Duper interface. Base buildings can be seen from farther away or during cutscenes for higher graphics settings. Hot Tub light customization can be seen during the day (even though the lights only turn on at night). -
Public Test Patch Notes for Update 1.2.0
Shyla replied to Shyla's topic in Public Test Bugs & Support
1.2.0 Public Test - 4094 to 4098 Changes Fixed random crash that could occur related to bases. Damaged Buildings no longer load in with lower health than before on Mild mode. Fixes buildings / bases sometimes destroying themselves after load. Wasp Queen spawns regular Wasps more often but with less health. Repairing saves that had the "Missing Scientist" quest complete but did not have the last ****tail recipe unlocked. Lowering the number of Wasps that spawn in the lower yard after angering the hive. Wasps that are released into the yard respawn every 6 days instead of every 3 days. More wasps and hives must be destroyed to trigger the wasp escape cutscene. More wasps and hives must be destroyed to trigger a base attack. Small art changes to Wasp Paper Lamp. Mosquitos and Bees no longer fight each other constantly. Player summons can no longer be affected by negative bard effects. Upgrading the Super Duper has a new camera angle and audio. Coziness level up audio triggers properly for clients. Hot Tub light color can be customized. Showing what control is "Repair" when using the Handy Gnat. Various audio fixes with the Wasp Queen. -
Public Test Patch Notes for Update 1.2.0
Shyla replied to Shyla's topic in Public Test Bugs & Support
1.2.0 Public Test - 4091 to 4094 Changes Coziness level up audio has been changed. New Buildings: Wasp Paper Lamp and Wasp Paper Partition Wasps only apply poison by default now instead of an arrangement of poison, venom, and bleed. Bleed is still applied if they have been buffed by Wasp Drones. Charged Spicy Staff projectile launches correctly. Wasp Queen land attack is now blockable. Broodmother jump back attack is blockable. Wasp Queen normal attacks do slightly more damage. Fixed stuffed creature scaling that was undone with the 1.2 public test build. Growing muscle sprouts now only gives 2 muscle sprouts by default. Muscle sprouts can Green Thumb grow into larger sprouts that can be chopped into 2 muscle sprouts each. Cozy meter hides the fill bar at level 5 instead of level 4. Less wasps spawn during base attacks. Fixed a client crash that could happen when crafting. -
Public Test Patch Notes for Update 1.2.0
Shyla replied to Shyla's topic in Public Test Bugs & Support
1.2.0 Public Test - 4089 to 4091 Changes Arrow Auto-Pickup Improvements Arrows will now auto-pickup only for the player who shot the arrows. This is to prevent players picking up their friends' arrows on accident. Arrow markers will only display for the player who shot the arrows. The game will not crash for clients when they start zipping. Fixed random crash that could occur while playing. Ziplines properly render. Wasp Queen poison rain attack no longer has projectiles disappear mid-air. Wasp Queen no longer gets stuck in the wall of the hive. Replacing a structural building with another will properly provide support and prevent incorrect collapses. Wasp Drones show their name as "Wasp Drone" on the health bar instead of "Wasp". Place Many will behave better when placing walls and standing very near the wall plane. Diagonal walls will no longer appear in unusual locations while Placing Many of them. Reduced CPU usage while placing grid buildings. Pets will teleport to master on rest even after saving and loading the game. Placing Many without snapping to an existing building will now work more reliably. Fire from Burny Rounds will correctly hurt creatures if they were in the fire the moment the round exploded. Fixed some jittering with projectiles for clients. Stuffed Creatures and Wall Mounted Creature buildings more reliably apply their status effects when interacting with them. Feather trinket now properly works. Pinecone roof buildings can be built on. Wasp Drone buffs no longer can apply to other bugs. Burny Rounds no longer cause a framerate drop. Storage Bin BURG.L chip can no longer be cheesed using Wide Interaction settings. Dead body in the Wasp Nest has been moved to make it easier to find. Added icons for the Duper Disk items. Base walls render from farther away on High and Epic graphics settings. -
The Super Duper Update Hey there Grounded fanatics! We're totally stoked to reveal a rad new update packed with awesome new features and improvements. New Features Wasps Swarm the Yard Get ready to buzz with excitement as wasps invade the yard. Battle with wasps and drones that guard their mini hives across the upper yard. Keep your eyes peeled for the hidden main nest as well. A word of caution: piss off their kin and you'll release the full fury of the hive. New Boss: Wasp Queen Cozy within her hidden hive, the ominous queen of the skies awaits. Super Duper (Item Duplication Machine) Introducing the Super Duper! The Super Duper is a new piece of equipment installed in the Oak Lab that duplicates gear and items using Raw Science. Find Duper Discs in the yard labs, which upgrade the Super Duper to clone even more items. The first disc unlocks operation of the Super Duper, while the other discs unlock duping of higher-tier equipment and items. Any equipment that is duped will include all the item's Smithing upgrades. Higher-tier equipment costs more Raw Science to dupe. It can even duplicate trinkets, unique items, and upgrade stones! Example: Duplicate an upgraded equipment set for your friends if they are joining your party mid-way through your adventure! Chillax at your Base Bases are more than just protection against giant insects that want to eat you. They are also for making you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Buildings now exude cozy vibes when you are nearby. If you are around enough cozy buildings, your level of coziness will rise. For each new level of coziness you reach, you can unlock new things: New decorative building recipes A mutation useful for base building New emotes to expand your body language Being in a cozy location will also give you status effects that decrease your hunger and thirst drain and slowly heal you. Multiple buildings of the same type don't give you the same level of coziness. For example, one bed will provide lots of coziness, but a second bed of the same type will only give you a little more coziness. There are five levels of coziness. Your current coziness level will show on your HUD if it is at least 1. Note: Some existing decorative buildings are now unlocked via the coziness system instead of by analyzing a material (such as the Grandfather Clock). Handy Gnat Helps You Build Have a large base renovation in mind? Tired of gravity holding you down? Then see what the buzz is about and call on your local construction pro: Handy Gnat! As Handy Gnat, you can fly around to build and customize bases to your heart's content. In order to use Handy Gnat, you must have the "Handy Gnat Unlocked" custom game option toggled on. This option is on by default in Creative and Creative with Bugs game modes. For Survival game modes, you must convert your game to a Custom Game first in the Game Settings menu to enable this feature. Once enabled, Handy Gnat can be activated in the Crafting menu or the Construction radial. Handy Gnat can build from storage near your teen and even haul Grass Planks and Weed Stems. Additional Custom Game Options All Mutations Unlocked Start with all Mutations unlocked and available. Fully Yoked Start with all Milk Molar infusions fully maxed out. Handy Gnat Enabled Allows you to activate the Handy Gnat build helper. "All Recipes Unlocked and Free" has been split into two separate options.: All Recipes Unlocked, and All Recipes Free. Loot Luck Increase the chance of obtaining rare drops and receive more loot in general! Loot luck comes in 2 forms: Generic Loot Luck Increases drop rate for all items on all creatures. Targeted Loot Luck Greatly increases the drop rate for all items from a specific creature type (for example, "Loot Luck: Black Widow" will increase the drop rate specifically for black widows). This new luck status effect can be found in various places, most easily by utilizing the new "Rub For Luck" feature on all the stuffed creature buildings! Turret Improvements The Pebblet Turret and Pollen Turret have been converted to be a single Turret called "Acorn Turret" that can load different ammo types like a bow. When in the Turret, you can press 'R' or Right Bumper to swap ammo types on the fly. The new ammo types you can craft are: Rocky Rounds Pebblet rounds made smooth with bug acid. Pack a punch and push targets back. Groundy Rounds Sticky turret rounds that don't do a lot of damage but can ground flying insects with ease. Pointy Rounds Sharp and simple. Very small cooldown between shots. Sappy Rounds Gooey rounds that are perfect for slowing down enemy crawlers. Burny Rounds Hot little suckers that can set the ground around them ablaze. Pollen Turret recipe and Pollen Turret Science Store entry have been removed. If you previously purchased either the Pollen Turret or Pebblet Turret, you will have access to the new "Acorn Turret" building recipe. If you previously purchased both Turrets, you will be refunded 4,000 Raw Science. Turret aiming angles have been increased so you can aim higher and lower. You can now see the health of the turret while inside of it. Yoked Gardening Muscle Sprouts can be grown in the Garden Patch now. New Achievements Three new achievements added related to the new features and content. Photo Mode Improvements Added Depth of Field slider. 5 new poses added. Steam Deck Support Grounded has been updated to include official Steam Deck support. Fixed issues and improvements include: The game now boots past the initial loading screen. The Xbox log-in window properly displays. Tuned the default graphics settings for Steam Deck to provide an enjoyable experience. Also includes some Steam Deck-specific optimizations. Steam Deck virtual keyboard pops up when selecting any input text field in the game (entering a multiplayer game password, naming your trail marker / storage, pet, etc.) Control prompts no longer flip flop between displaying gamepad and mouse/keyboard controls when using the touch pad or gyro. Note: The Steam store page will not reflect this official support until after the 1.2 Public Test period is complete. Quality of Life Features View Enemy Status Effects Status Effects applied to creatures now appear beneath the enemy health bar while you are attacking them. Building: Hold to Place Many Tired of placing one wall at a time? Then utilize Place Many! You can press and hold the build action and move your cursor to place many structural buildings all at once. You can also bind the "Place Many" control (default unbound) to start Place Many with one button press instead of using the "Hold Build" action to activate. Example uses: Place a horizontal line of 10 foundations all at once. Place a vertical set of 8 walls all at once. Use both directions to make a 10x10 set of walls all at once. Cool Extra Examples: Quickly build a vertical spiral staircase. Quickly build a fireplace with a chimney as tall as you want. Relocate Walls / Floors / Roofs / Foundations You can now relocate walls, floors, roofs, and other structural buildings as long they are not the sole supporter of another building. Mutations You can now configure 4 Mutation loadouts and quickly swap between them using the new Mutation Loadouts radial. The default binding to open the new radial is Right D-Pad on controller or T on keyboard. To make room on the controller, the emote and chat radial have been combined into a single radial. There are five new mutations to unlock. Active Mutation status effects display in the UI next to your other status effect icons. Shared World Backup Saves Shared Worlds now create local backup saves on the last host's machine anytime a save is made. These saves are not stored in the cloud like the primary Shared World save and thus only the host that made them has access to them. Backup saves can only be loaded if you were the last host for the Shared World when the backup save was made. This is done to prevent multiple players from loading very old backup saves that stomp over the current playthrough progress. Beneficial use case example: Your base is completely destroyed and the current host wants to load a backup auto-save from 15 minutes prior when the base was still standing. New Content New Equipment / Items Wasp Morion Wasp Breastplate Wasp Greaves Bard's Tudor Bard's Bow Wasp Queen Trinket 6 secret trinkets Pollen Arrows More smoothies and meals New Buildings Over 90 new buildings have been added for your base building needs! Utility Large Storage Chest Holds 60 items. Large Plank Pallet Holds 60 Grass Planks. Large Stem Pallet Holds 60 Weed Stems. Hot Tub Seats up to four tiny teens, who gain the "Hot Springs" status effect upon soaking in it. Decor Bunk Bed Petal Bed Pupa Leather Couch Trash Can Ant Candle Spider Candle Acorn Shelf Koi Scale Shelf Pinecone Shelf Toenail Chandelier Fireplace Hearth Fireplace Chimney Fireplace Half Chimney Fireplace Chimney Clover Roof Fireplace Chimney Crow Roof Fireplace Vent Picture Frame Pinecone Table Pinecone Armoire Short Pinecone Dresser Tall Pinecone Dresser Vase D Vase E Vase F Weevil Statue Aphid Statue Koi Statue Yoked Girth Statue Moldorc Statue [REDACTED] Statue [REDACTED] Statue Standing [REDACTED] Brazier Sitting [REDACTED] Brazier [REDACTED] [REDACTED] Base Structures Clay Half Clay Foundation Curved Clay Foundation Pebblet Half Pebblet Foundation Curved Pebblet Foundation Clover Clover Peaked Roof Clover Peaked Dome Roof Clover Valley Clover Awning Clover Awning B Clover Awning Corner Clover Awning Diagonal Clover Awning Diagonal B Crow Feather Crow Feather Valley Large Crow Feather Peaked Roof Crow Awning Crow Awning B Crow Awning Corner Grass Grass Outer Curved Floor Corner Grass Stairs Interior Corner Grass Stairs Corner Grass Half Stairs Interior Corner Grass Half Stairs Grass Valley Weed Stem Stem Outer Curved Floor Log Valley Acorn Acorn Stairs Acorn Half Stairs Corner Acorn Stairs Interior Corner Acorn Stairs Corner Acorn Half Stairs Interior Corner Acorn Half Stairs Mushroom Mushroom Stairs B Corner Mushroom Stairs Interior Corner Mushroom Stairs Mushroom Valley Pinecone Pinecone Roof Pinecone Roof Corner Pinecone Roof Squared Corner Pinecone Roof Interior Corner Pinecone Flat Roof Pinecone Flat Triangle Roof Pinecone Peaked Roof Pinecone Peaked Dome Pinecone Valley Ash Ash Valley Other Bur Outer Curved Floor Buoyant Foundation Ramp Wall Mounts Infected Wolf Spider Infected Gnat Grub Wasp Wasp Queen Stuffed Infected Wolf Spider Infected Gnat Grub Wasp Wasp Queen Other Changes / Tuning Audio Updated pickup and equip sounds for weapons, armors, and items. Many more objects will now play the proper material impact sounds when hit. BURG.L Quests Raw Science reward values granted from Kill quests have been simplified: Passive Creatures = 50 per kill Tier 1 Creatures = 100 Tier 2 Creatures= 200 Tier 3 Creatures= 300 Conversations BURG.L now plays talking animations during conversations. Milk Molar Upgrades There's now a sixth level of the "Health" upgrade. Health has been rescaled. Previously: 30 → 50 → 65 → 75 → 80 Now: 30 → 55 → 75 → 90 → 100 → 105 Stamina has been rescaled. Previously: 20 → 35 → 45 → 50 → 55 Now: 25 → 45 → 60 → 70 → 75 Hunger and Thirst rates have been rescaled. Previously: 80% → 70% → 60% → 55% → 50% Now: 80% → 65% → 55% → 50% → 45% Healing upgrade has been rescaled to have diminishing returns like all other upgrades. Previously: 15% → 30% → 45% → 60% → 75% Now: 20% → 35% → 45% → 50% → 55% Combat Creatures now have a stagger cooldown to prevent them from being stun-locked, ranging from 1 second to 20 seconds depending on tier/creature. Perfect Blocks now deal significantly more stun damage to flying creatures. Mosquitos now have an extended hit box to make them easier to hit with melee weapons. Increased stamina to swing club type weapons. Base unarmed damage reduced because it ignores resistances. Bosses The Broodmother has been updated to provide a slightly harder challenge. You can no longer hurt the Broodmother as she slowly descends from the ceiling. No longer receives specific damage type resistances as her phases change. Now applies various debuffs on her attacks. Idle time spent between attacks has been reduced. Health has been slightly increased. Broodmother no longer attempts to leap to specific egg sacs after a phase change. Added a new "backwards dodge" attack to the Broodmother. Mutations Lil Fist: Bonus damage stacks now clear when you take damage. Mastery bonus proc chance reduced. Trapper PEEP.R final tier now requires 60 gold cards instead of 59 to even out the tiers (20 → 40 → 60). Meat Shield bonus health value increased. Buff Lungs bonus stamina value increased. Cardio Fan stamina regen buff increased at all tiers. [REDACTED] Stranger: Proc chance doubled. Damage of [REDACTED] summon increased. Shocking Dismissal proc chance increased. Grass Master bonus damage increased. Rock Cracker bonus damage increased. UI Survival tutorial quests can be toggled off in the options menu. On Steam, the Main Menu will not ask you to log into an Xbox account until you access multiplayer features. Recipe lists in recipe buildings are now sorted by tier. Some of the buttons on the UI have been modified to look more like buttons when using the keyboard. Additional clarification on weakpoints has been added to the creature cards. Weapons that maintain their original damage type after upgrading down an elemental path should be communicated more clearly For example, an axe that's upgraded down the "spicy" path should now communicate that it's spicy + chopping World Treasure chest in Black Anthill storage room now always gives 2 crow feathers instead of randomly giving 0 to 5. The Stump Lab has been improved to have less frustrating platforming. Added a quest objective and map marker for finding the Hedge Ascent for the Hedge Lab quest. Wolf Spiders will not wake up on their own for the first 3 nights of starting a new game. Large Feather nodes can now drop up to 10 feather resources, up from 7. Small Feather nodes can now drop up to 3 feather resources, up from 1. Pets Pets will jump to their homes or masters when the party rests. Active pets will magically appear near the player if they are very far away. Optimization Notably reduced the amount of network traffic between hosts and clients when playing Multiplayer. Improved framerate on extended playthroughs with larger bases. Creature pathing will not fragment memory so much, which should help prevent out-of-memory crashes. Improved CPU performance of based built on top of buoyant foundations. Improved CPU performance when items are floating in water (example: Lint in the Undershed water). Other general CPU performance improvements. Buildings The "Copy" action is now mapped to R3 for Gamepad. It was previously unmapped. Sitting in chairs slows your hunger and thirst drain. Roof Interior Corners are now placed by flipping Roof Corners (default 'G' or Y button). Several types of buildings will now conform better to the ground during placement. Player can hold the Drop button to drop all hauled items into storage buildings. Minor performance improvements on saves with large numbers of static freeform buildings, such as partitions, stuffed creatures, and vases. The Grinder will now work with nearby palette storage. Asymmetric Ash buildings now have a flip option. Aligning buildings with the terrain will be smoother, particularly close to the player. Ceiling-mounted buildings can now be optionally grid-snapped. Armor and Weapons The repair hammer now repairs buildings when thrown. Crossbows now grant the "Rough Reload" effect. Block canceling is enabled after firing a shot. Damage is significantly reduced on the next shot if fired faster than the normal reload duration. Spears: Rusty Spear base damage reduced. Thrown base damage decreased across all spears. Melee range increased across all spears. Ant Club base damage reduced. Bonus poison damage granted by spider armor sleek effect reduced. Super Gas Arrow damage reduced (normal gas arrows unchanged). Sleek Ladybug armor extra healing effect slightly reduced. Toenail Sword base damage increased. Fire Ant Club charged attack damage increased. Prod Smacker base damage increased. Salt Morning Star base damage increased. Sour Battle Axe stun damage increased. Pinch Whacker: Damage from AoE shock increased. Stun damage from AoE shock increased. Sour Arrows: Stun damage when used in crossbows increased. Stun damage when used in bows increased. Mint Staff base damage increased. Sour Staff: Base damage increased. Damage per pulse on charged projectile increased. Stun damage from direct hit of charged projectile increased. Mosquito Rapier: Base damage increased. Charged attack damage increased. Tiger Mosquito Rapier: Base damage increased. Charged attack damage increased. Spiky Sprig attacks now apply a small bleed DoT. All poison DoTs provided by weapons and armor now have the same tick rate. Increased Poison Nova's damage per tick to compensate for new slower tick rate. Increased [REDACTED] Club's bonus venom damage from [REDACTED] perk effect to compensate for new slower tick rate. Items Roasted meats now heal the same amount as base smoothies, instead of that of beefy smoothies. Unarmed bonus attack triggered from the power droplet base damage reduced. Crafting Reduced crafting cost for most meals. Bug Fixes Crash Fixes The game will no longer crash when dropping certain items directly from a chest. Fixed a rare crash linked to Building Integrity. Major Fixes The player will no longer clip into objects at the end of a zipline trip. Clients no longer always see the Oak Lab explosion flames when joining a game after BURG.L has already been rescued. Mantis fight no longer lags when the Mantis attacks. Using Photo Mode for long periods of time while hosting a Shared World will no longer make the Shared World appear as if it is not being hosted anymore. Other Fixes Player's head will appropriately render when interacting with beds or in conversation. Boss music will correctly play after retriggering a boss fight after loading a save game. The player cannot sit in chairs when the seat is obstructed by something. The player can no longer place overlapping grid-snapped buildings by looking straight up. Wolf spiders will not wake up until the third night (second fix). Sunken Bones no longer jump around when digging them up on clients. The Garden will now ask the player for confirmation when they cancel production using the hotkey. Triangle Ash Walls can no longer be walked on. Acorn Shells dropped from wall-mounted heads will no longer clip into walls. Items on ziplines will no longer clip through objects. Fixed collision on car tire rim to allow player to properly drop through small holes. ORC Disruptors will drop ingredients when destroyed by the player. ORC Disruptors will now play audio correctly on clients. Gnats will no longer continue playing animations while dead. PEEP.R '???' UI element no longer can get stuck on screen when a creature walks out of PEEP.R view. Highlighted key words in item descriptions no longer have large spaces around them when playing the game in aspect ratios smaller than 16x9. Grubs now have a hit reaction animation. The player's weapons will no longer be shown while zipping after loading a save. The player will no longer become oddly stretched when loading a save while on a zipline with a shield. Copying unflipped buildings will set the building being placed to unflipped. Deposit All can no longer overfill plank and stem pallets. Half Stairs can now be placed directly against walls. "Take All" will work correctly on Sap Catchers after loading a save. Guard Dog mutation and turret damage bonuses now properly work on wave versions of Lawn Mites, Antlions, Larva, Orb Weavers, Orb Weaver Jrs, Ticks, Tiger Mosquitos, and Fire Ant Soldiers. The player's facing direction on the map now faces the correct way when they are ascending ziplines. Player nameplates will fade out in the correct locations on aspect ratios other than 16:9. Curved walls can now have curved floors placed in the middle of the wall's inner side more reliably. Foundation Ramps can no longer be placed up against and clipping through walls. Items will no longer become stuck on the hotbar when consuming the last item while entering zipline placement mode. The player can no longer relocate walls with wall-mounted buildings attached to them. Camera monitor feeds no longer show labs with missing art. Certain destroyed buildings, such as diagonal walls and straight roofs, will no longer leave floating buildings they previously supported. Creatures will no longer sometimes be improperly deleted on load. Freeform buildings optionally-snapped to grid buildings will now properly collapse when the supporting buildings are destroyed. [Redacted] was asked to hum less. Water Containers will display the correct levels after loading a save. Lure arrows and gas arrows will now have correct textures when loaded in bows. Adjusted the position of a few pre-placed ziplines to make them easier to reach when going up them using the ZIP.R upgrade. Diagonal walls will now appear at the correct rotation when changing their material. Filtering lists like the Recipe list is now correctly case-insensitive in non-English languages. Clubs no longer lose their generic damage type when upgraded down elemental paths. Power Droplet no longer triggers the Quickdraw effect Infected Wolf Spiders no longer sometimes die while jumping. Dead aphids will no longer become stuck in mid-air when falling onto a choppable plant. Players with the ZIP.R upgrade will now consistently start zipping in the direction they are facing.
Greetings employees of Halcyon, We have a new update to the Spacer’s Choice Edition that will help resolve many of the visual and performance issues that have been reported, allowing you to continue your colonial duties. While this does not resolve all that we’ve seen, The Board would like to inform you that the team is still working to address additional reported issues and will continue to do so in future patches. The 1.1 patch is rolling out now to our players on PlayStation®5 and PC (Steam, Epic Games Store, and GoG). However, the Board asks for some patience from our Xbox Series X|S and Microsoft Store players, as we hope to have the 1.1 patch available to those employees by the middle of next week. Thank you for your patience while our team worked diligently to get this out, and continue reading below to see what resolutions this update brings you. Top Community Issues: Adjusted settings for Ultra and Very High graphic modes, improving experience for PC players on higher end graphics cards Fixed issues with SSGI being set inappropriately high on PC affecting performance Updated SSR values to improve cinematic mode on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation®5 Updated dynamic resolution on PC Improved framerate in performance modes for both Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation®5 Performance: PSO experience improved to mitigate hitching during shader compilation SSGI auto settings updated preventing scenarios where it would toggle on unexpectedly Stability: Solved rare crash on PS5 in Roseway Fixed chance for Xbox Series X|S consoles to crash during long syncs Prevent temporary memory leaks from appearing in UI screens on Xbox Series X|S consoles General: Various HLOD improvements to reduce popping on all platforms Fix many instances of flickering textures on all platforms Reduce chance for characters hair to glow on all platforms Fixed two instances of invisible enemies on all platforms Fixed invisible trip mine beam on all platforms Improved texture resolution on the Xbox Series S Fixed skin shading issues seen on some companions on the Xbox Series S Encountering a bug not listed above? Contact our support team directly to report issues.
Fixed an issue where some players would get stuck on the starting load screen
Endris has a new minigame that can be found at the beginning of Act 1 Logic issue with the Final Day of Law and Judgment has been fixed to prevent people from being condemned if they were never accused Telling Father Gernot your evidence against a character in Act II will no longer automatically prevent you from speaking with that character in the future. There is now a Persuade check-in place that can allow the conversation to continue. Credits have been adjusted and updated to contain various additions and fixes Parallax has been added to the meadow Credits speed can now be adjusted, speeding up, slowing down, pausing, or reversing You can now skip the intro Created hybrid input option that keeps mouse active when using keyboard and mouse Added an instant dialogue display option Fixed bugs with the input mapper Various Bug Fixes and Improvements
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A Holiday Treat During the month of December, a few new unlocks will be purchasable at the Science Shop that will grant the "Holiday Tree" and "Holiday Wreath" building recipes as well as a new December Sign Set. The "Holiday Tree" may also present random gifts to the player only during the month of December. Note: While these unlocks can only be purchased at the Science Shop through the month of December, they will stay unlocked forever for your world if you have purchased them. Creative games will have these recipes unlocked permanently if loaded during the month of December. New Features Additional Row of Backpack Inventory The teens have discovered a hidden pocket in their Holding backpacks, providing an additional row of inventory space and allowing you to carry more items while adventuring. ZIP.R (Go Up Ziplines Upgrade) Ascend Ziplines and traverse them more quickly with this ingenious device from Wendell. The ZIP.R utilizes Aphid power and a gear train to overcome the force of gravity. The ZIP.R can be found in a new room in the Oak lab that requires the Assistant Manager keycard. Once collected, this new ability is permanently unlocked for all players. Building / Crafting Quality of Life Nearby Storage Range Increased The "Nearby Storage" range has been doubled from 10 centimeters to 20 centimeters. Build From Nearby Chests Base buildings can be built using ingredients from nearby chests. Build From Nearby Pallets Base buildings can be built using ingredients directly from nearby grass and stem pallets within a 40 centimeter range. Multiple HotPouch Bars The HotPouch now supports 3 sets of favorites that you can swap through while running around the yard. Have more items and gear ready to quickly use or swap out. Naming Trail Markers Trail Markers can have text added to them. The text will be shown anywhere you can see the marker. Adjust Depth of Field Option Players can change the background depth-of-field blur between High, Medium, and Low settings (High is the default). Wall Mounted Trophies - Mark Foe ability Players can "Mark Foe" on any wall mounted bug trophy to give them a 15-minute damage buff against that creature type. Colored Lights All lights that you build can now be customized to any color of the rainbow using new Color and Saturation sliders. New Content New Buildings New Base Buildings Mushroom Stairs Mushroom Half Stairs Grass Half Stairs Grass Side Table (acts as storage as well!) New Vanity Buildings 3 Vases Koi Scale Chair 3 Folding Partitions Note: Scale will be adjusted in future Public Test Build update Additional Stuffed Bug Trophies Antlion Ladybird Black Ox Beetle Scarab Termite Worker Termite Soldier Termite King Moth Tick Black Widow Black Widowling Black Ant Worker Black Ant Soldier Fire Ant Worker Fire Ant Soldier Spiderling Infected Ladybug Infected Larva Ladybird Larva Roly Poly Stink Bug Green Shield Bug Mantis Note: Some of the above trophies are missing icons that will be updated in future Public Test Builds Additional Wall-Mounted Bug Trophies Antlion Ladybird Black Ox Beetle Scarab Termite Worker Termite Soldier Termite King Moth Tick Black Widow Black Widowling Black Ant Worker Black Ant Soldier Fire Ant Worker Fire Ant Soldier Water Flea Spiny Water Flea Spiderling Tiger Mosquito Infected Ladybug Infected Larva Ladybird Larva Diving Bell Spider Water Boatman Tadpole Roly Poly Stink Bug Green Shield Bug Mantis Note: Some of the above trophies are missing icons that will be updated in future Public Test Builds New Trap Large Spikes Upgraded spike trap that deals double the damage. Made from Ash Cement, Splinters, and Lint Rope. Note: this trap is only available in Creative Mode. We will patch in the ability to unlock this receipe in normal games soon. New Pose Added the "Power Up" pose to Armor Dummies and Photo Mode Other Quality of Life Each individual Storage building can be configured as included or excluded from Nearby Hot Deposit. Looking at a creature in PEEP.R mode that has already been PEEP'd will show you their card for quick access. Broken items will no longer unequip or drop in the world when destroyed. Equipped items that are broken will not appear on your character and you will not gain any of their effects. Buildings now give back 100% of their resources when destroyed or recycled by the player. Thrown items markers have been adjusted to show at further distances and to always stay on screen to make thrown items easier to find. Added a "Respawn at Nearest Field Station" button on the Death screen. When a creature that drops raw meat is killed with a spicy weapon, they will drop cooked meat instead of raw meat. When a creature that drops raw meat is killed with a salty weapon, they will drop jerky instead of raw meat. When sleeping, if your wakeup time was in the middle of the night, you now will wake up in the morning. You can now copy options from the customization window (such as lights) and paste them onto other, similar objects. Copying a building using the Pick control will copy its customizations to the newly placed buildings. Bows and Crossbows can no longer be thrown. The default throw button now brings up the ammo radial when using a bow or crossbow. Difficulty Adjustments Dying now only drops natural resources in the death backpack, in all difficulty modes. You no longer drop any crafted items when you die. Durability damage on death increased from 5% to 10% in Medium difficulty (still 0% in Mild and 10% in Woah) When a player dies in the pond depths, their backpack will be teleported to the top of the pond. Dying in the pond from drowning will trigger a survival quest about crafting pond diving gear (if you have not already crafted it). Pets are now invincible by default in Mild difficulty. Adjusted the outside nighttime lighting to make it easier to see at night. Other Changes / Tuning Audio Audio for combat has been improved (including a new Perfect Block sound). Combat Charged Attacks Damage of all charged attacks increased. New animations for all charged attacks will better communicate when an attack is charging Blocking You can now block with bows and crossbows. Damage reduction provided by non-perfect blocks increased from 50% to 75%. Blocking an attack will now consume stamina when blocking with anything instead of only when blocking with a shield. Stamina regen rate is now increased by 25% while blocking instead of being decreased by 25%. Stinkbugs can now jump. Mutations The summon from the Mantsterious Stranger mutation no longer does friendly fire damage. Weapon Mutations have been reworked from random procs to guaranteed bonuses. Additionally, each one grants a "mastery bonus" for hitting level 3 with that mutation. Dagger OLD 5/10/15% chance to apply bleed on hit. Bleed for 100 damage over 10 seconds at all levels NEW 100% chance to apply bleed on every hit (non-stacking, but it reapplies and resets the duration) Bleed for 30/50/75 damage over 5 seconds Mastery Bonus: dagger hits reduce target's bleed resist by 25% Axe OLD 5/8/10% chance to stagger an enemy on hit NEW 100% chance to reduce an enemy's physical damage resistances (chopping, bashing, slashing, and stabbing) on hit Damage Resist reduction scales up based on level of mutation to 10/15/20% Mastery Bonus: Attacking with an axe applies a buff to the player that removes their non-exhausted stamina regen delay Hammer OLD 15/25/30% chance to slow enemy attack speed by 20% NEW 100% chance to slow enemy attack speed by 10/20/30% Mastery Bonus: Hammers apply 50% more stun damage on all of their attacks Spear OLD 15/25/30% chance to lower enemy enemy damage resist by 20% Thrown damage with spears increased by 10/20/30% NEW Thrown damage with spears increased by 10/20/30% Attacking with a spear gives you a temporary buff that reflects 50/75/100% damage back to the enemy Mastery Bonus: Charge attacks with spears deal 30% more damage Sword OLD 5/10/15% chance to lower stamina consumption for weapon swings by 20% NEW Hitting a creature with a sword lowers their attack damage by 10/20/30% Mastery Bonus: Hitting an enemy with a sword gives you a temporary buff that lowers your exhaustion timer by 90% Club OLD 15/20/25% chance to enter Rage in combat Rage increases damage by 20% at all levels Rage prevents perfect block NEW 100% chance to enter Rage when hitting a creature with a club Rage increases club damage by 15/20/25% Rage prevents perfect block Mastery Bonus: Regenerate 1 HP per second while in rage (scales with healing received buffs) Staff OLD 5/15/25% chance to proc an extra elemental effect based on the staff type Spicy adds a burn effect for 50 damage over 5 seconds Fresh adds a 30% movement slow for 5 seconds Sour adds 10 additional stun damage NEW Adds the appropriate elemental effect to staff attacks 100% of the time Spicy adds a burn effect for 25/50/75 Fresh adds a movement slow of 10/20/30 Sour adds 2/4/6 stun damage Mastery Bonus: Attacks with staves apply a buff that reduces stamina cost of further staff attacks by 50% Bow OLD 5/10/15% chance to root an enemy for 2 seconds NEW Reduces stamina cost of sprinting after landing a bow attack by 50/75/100% for 5 seconds Mastery Bonus: Elemental arrows apply their special effects Spicy burns for 50 damage over 5 seconds Fresh adds 30% movement slow for 5 seconds Sour adds 10 additional stun damage Unarmed OLD 25/50/75% chance to increase unarmed damage dealt by 2% until combat ends. Stacks infinitely. NEW 100% chance to increase unarmed damage dealt by 1/1.5/2% until combat ends. Stacks infinitely. Mastery Bonus: Every unarmed attack launches a mini follow-up punch for half damage. UI Each player can hide their own nameplate and map marker from the other players, using the visibility toggle on the legend entry in the Map screen. Game Mode selection in the game lobby is now in a standalone window with more information about the different modes, instead of just a dropdown. The Game Lobby UI has been updated. You can access the multiplayer text chat window while you have any other UI window open. HUD markers that display cm distance will only show it when directly looked at, to help reduce UI clutter. HUD markers will fade out when obscured by closer markers, to help reduce UI clutter. If many items of the same type are dropped in the same place, only one HUD marker will be shown for the whole pile. The "building under construction" wrench HUD markers have been removed as unnecessary. The Science Shop now shows you what tech chip each unlock came from (except recommended items, which all go to the "Recommended" group). Sign Sets in the Science Shop show you the sign images you will unlock before purchasing them. The profanity filter has been tweaked to fix certain false positives. Creature trophy buildings for the same class of creature are now grouped as material variants in the building radial. Pet inventories can no longer be accessed or used as Nearby Storage unless the pet is nearby. World Labs now contain "Water Coolers" where you can quench your thirst and discuss the most recent televised sports event with your coworkers. The secret locked door at the end of Black Ant Hill lab now better indicates how to open it. Removed shelves from Pond Lab biometric scanner room to clear up the line of sight to the scanner. Loot on these shelves has been moved to chests in the vicinity. Consumable items dropped in the world will despawn after two days. Added Data page entries for the Super MIX.Rs and a few other items found in the Upper Yard. Optimization Reduced memory usage to fix memory-related crashes. Reduced CPU usage across the game. Buildings Spike Strips no longer deal friendly fire damage. Spike Strips now deal 50 damage per hit instead of 40 damage. Armor and Weapons Moth armor "Ranged Cut" effect chance to proc increased from 20% to 30%. Mantis armor "Cutman" effect damage increased from 15 per second to 20 per second. Accessibility The Read To Me narration of the Game Lobby, OS, Resting, and Customization menus has been improved. The Read To Me narrator will renarrate the Building Radial when the player changes the building material. Bug Fixes Crash Fixes Fixed a crash that could occur when a creature performed a charge attack through clovers or grass. Fixed a random crash that could happen while generating navigation data for creatures. Major Fixes Ants no longer gather excessive amounts of food in ant hills. They will stop when they feel they have a sufficient amount to feed themselves. Creatures should no longer get halfway stuck in the ground. BURG.L should no longer randomly go missing. If the audio log in the Haze Lab was missing on older saves and was never collected, it will show up now. Creatures will properly lose aggro after incapacitating a player instead of immediately retargeting them on revive regardless of where they are. Other Fixes Creatures in the Sandbox no longer get stuck on ****tail umbrellas. Fixed some spots in the Mantis arena that the player was not supposed to be able to get to. Players can no longer trigger emote animations while attacking. Fixed a handful of world terrain visual issues. Music changes from entering a new biome will transition more cleanly. Ladybugs will properly aggro players when hit by thrown two-handed weapons. Fixed memory leak in the Mantis boss fight. The Resource Scanner will no longer hitch when opened with a lot of items unlocked. Usernames with leading numbers will no longer become scrambled in certain contexts when playing in Arabic. Read To Me will no longer read conversation lines that are already voiced. The player can no longer connect ziplines to inappropriately angled target anchors. Fixed the Pond Biodome POI sometimes not unlocking. Sap Catchers can no longer be built on Fresh Storage. The game will no longer slow down when the player rapidly scrolls through building radial pages. Wall-mounted buildings can no longer be placed on turrets. Wall-mounted buildings can no longer be placed on stuffed flying creatures. Pets will no longer trigger inappropriate banter dialogue when player characters see them. Zipped haulable items will no longer float away when they contact a character. The player will no longer enter first-person perspective while zipping in some rare cases. The player will be correctly restored to their desired perspective after freeing themselves from multiple spider webs. Black Widow will no longer jump abnormally high. Thistle needles will no longer respawn immediately after loading a saved game. If a player disconnects while on a ladder, the ladder can now be recycled. Ingredients dropped from destroyed stuffed bees and gnats can now be picked up.
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Public Test Patch Notes for Update 0.14.0
Shyla replied to Shyla's topic in Public Test Bugs & Support
0.14.0 Public Test - 3805 to 3811 Changes Stones of Toughness and Rocks of Fashion now show damaged states when you are busting them with a hammer. Fixed Payback base attacks sometimes not triggering. Fixed crash that could occur when viewing the Accessibility tab in German. Pets can no longer drown. Lowering cook times a bit in the Cookery. Icons updated for Pet Tombstones, Glue Masher, and Cookery. Untamed Gnats no longer can carry stacks of Grub items while flying around. Clients can now crouch after exiting a turret they entered while on a ladder. Cookery now cooks all items at the same time and cooks faster. You can now exit Turrets using the Interact button (E on Keyboard default, X on Controller default). Pet Gnats will actually stay at the Pet House when deposited instead of continuing to follow the player. Broodmother boss music removed from the final Haze lab encounter. Smithing Station UI properly updates after upgrading a weapon or armor. Apple core chunk locations are properly synced on clients. Upgrade Nuggets added in the bird bath. -
The Home Stretch (0.14) This update will be notably lighter than previous ones as we have been putting most of our focus on 1.0 work and polish, which will be our biggest content release to date. The Home Stretch (0.14) is the final major update for Game Preview before our 1.0 Release in September. New Features Convert Non-Custom Games to Custom You can now convert any non-custom game into a custom game at any time while playing to be able to tune values on any game as you go. Gnat Pet You can now tame and own a bumbling little gnat pet. Pets are also more helpful and less squishy as outlined in tuning changes further below. Rest Time-lapse Upon resting, you will see a quick time-lapse of the yard as the 8 hours pass. BURG.L Moves! BURG.L has acquired enough chips to remember he can roll his treads to inspect the Oak lab and fulfill his assistant duties. New Features: Windows Store Builds Import Save The "Save Game" interface now allows importing Steam saves into the Windows Store version of the game. New Crafting Content Rotten Meat Slurry: For taming Gnats. Cookery Meals are now crafted at the new Cookery building instead of the Oven. Meals can be created much earlier in the game now. Unlocked by purchasing the "Cooking 101" Science Shop unlock which is one of the default unlocks you can purchase once unlocking the ASL station. Changes / Tuning Armor and Weapon Upgrade Changes Quartzite, Leather Scraps and Leather Plates has been removed from the game. Upgrades now require a unique, non-respawning, resource found across the yard Armor upgrades require "Fashion Nuggets" Levels +1 through +5 require "Fashion Nuggets" Levels +6 and +7 require "Cool Fashion Nuggets" Levels +8 and +9 require "Rad Fashion Nuggets" Weapon upgrades require "Tough Nuggets" Levels +1 through +5 requires "Tough Nuggets" Levels +6 and +7 require Globs similar to before, but are crafted out of "Cool Tough Nuggets" Levels +8 and +9 require Jewels similar to before, but are crafted out of "Rad Tough Nuggets" Cost of upgrades has been dramatically reduced Levels +1 through +5 Weapons start at 2 and increase linearly: 2 → 4 → 6 → 8 → 10 Armors start at 1 and increase linearly: 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 Levels +6 and +7 Weapons start at 5: 5 → 10 Armor starts at 2: 2 → 4 Levels +8 and +9 Weapons start at 5: 5 → 10 Armor starts at 2: 2 → 4 Tough Nuggets can be found by harvesting Stones of Toughness. Fashion Nuggets can be found by harvesting Rocks of Fashion. Fashion and Tough Nuggets can also be found in lab chests. At certain points in the game you'll unlock crafting recipes to create Fashion and Tough Nuggets, transitioning the resources from finite to infinite. Note: Rad Nuggets will not be able to be crafted until 1.0. Factional Reactivity / MIX.Rs / Waft Emitter The amount of destruction that can be done to larger bases has been lowered. Each faction now has a different reputation value requirement before it becomes upset at the player. Players will no longer be attacked by lots of larger creatures at the same time. Larva have been added to Factional Reactivity and the Waft Emitter. Buildings destroyed by defense event creatures now drop a small amount of the resources it took to build it. Base attack difficulty will slowly ramp up over the course of a playthrough instead of being able to instantly go from easy to extremely hard over a short period of time. Base attacks will can no longer trigger while in a lab or underground. The Waft Emitter will no longer work in the Haze while the haze is still active. Improved creature spawning locations for base attacks. An Auto-Save will attempt to trigger right before a Payback attack or MIX.R event trigger. Movement You no longer will be occasionally launched sideways after hitting your head while jumping. Animation Updated and improved a handful of run/walk/attack third person animations. Audio Assistant Manager boss has new music. Volume and distance attenuations of creature sounds adjusted to better inform the player about what's nearby. Unique ambient sounds added to help diversify soundscape. Improvements to overall mix and clarity. Crafting Crow feather arrows awarded per craft increased from 2 to 5. Glue Factory name changed to Glue Masher. Glue Masher has updated art. Localization Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean now use correct fonts for those languages. Accessibility Various tweaks and improvements to the Read To Me feature have been made throughout the UI. When navigating dropdown menu options, the index of the selected option will be narrated. Combat Final encounter in the Haze lab has been tuned: Default number of enemies reduced. Additional enemies are added based on difficulty level. Additional/harder enemies are added based on player count. Bows now do bonus damage when fully charging a shot as opposed to snapshotting. Spicy Coaltana can now trigger Burr Traps when thrown. Pets Pets will no longer leave the player when they are unhappy. Pet happiness governs various other things, but will never cause your pet to leave anymore. Pet equipment now gives pets substantial defensive upgrades +200% bonus max HP Bonus DT based on tier of equipment Bonus DR based on tier of equipment Passive buffs given for having an active pet have been tuned. Pet inventory can now be opened directly from the player inventory screen via a new "Pet" button. Weevil pet gravestone has new art. Interface The "Save Game" interface will only show saves from the current playthrough instead of all of your saves. Data page on the SCA.B has been improved Items are now recategorized to better fit the story Some audio logs and notes are now dated Items are now sorted and it's easier to spot logs and items that are missing The password being typed while joining a multiplayer game is now hidden. Custom Game Settings (and thus the Game Difficulty setting) can be accessed from the Death screen. BURG.L quests can be acquired by double-clicking them. A button to view the Survival Guide has been added to the Death screen. The "Build a Lean-to" survival quest now displays the Building Radial control next to it. Building General Dead players will no longer bounce indefinitely on vertical bounce webs until they respawn. Building Placement Floors now support cells and walls underneath themselves. Floors require only 2 points of contact with the ground rather than 3. Sap Catchers can no longer be attached to Turrets. Optimization Save game sizes have been reduced. Reduced memory usage. World/Resources House patio wood panels have been cleaned up and holes have been patched. Cookie Sandwiches now follow the new "big food" structure introduced on hotdogs and apples in 0.13. Creatures Hostile bugs tether more appropriately, including those pesky mosquitos. Scarab HP has been halved. Scarab peripheral vision cone has been reduced (it's easier to sneak up on them). Added new BURG.L quests for killing the following bugs: Black Ants, Antlions, Black Ox Beetles, Ladybirds, Dust Mites, Rolypolys, Termites, Tadpoles, Water Boatmen, Water Fleas, and Diving Bell Spiders. Ladybird Larva now drop up to 5 spikes each Art Improved player shadows while playing in first person view. Bug Fixes Major Fixes Clients can now correctly use ladders that were previously broken when built in some areas. The player cannot unbind critical controls such as "UI - Select" by binding the key to a conflicting control. Multiplayer games that have been active for longer than 90 minutes no longer stop showing up in the Game Finder window or prevent players from joining via invites. Fixed issue with users having trouble hosting or joining multiplayer games after having the game open for long periods of time. The Crow Crossbow no longer occasionally misfires. Other Fixes Sleeping creatures will no longer attack nearby players immediately after loading a save. The player will now be able to crouch after entering a turret from a ladder. Furniture will no longer collapse when replacing the floor it's built on. Palisade Curved Gates can no longer have structures placed clipping into the tops of them. Flying creatures will no longer become stuck when trying to land while over water. Resource Surveyor will no longer detect rotten foods as sources of fresh food. The player can no longer pick up items through floors. Floors can no longer be built through diagonal walls. Accepting a BURG.L quest will now show one notification instead of two. The player can no longer attach grid buildings to the moving parts of palisade gates. Saved game "Time Saved" will now be displayed correctly when saves are shared across time zones. Chipsleuth quests will no longer complete if the game is loaded after collecting the chip and before turning it in. Droplets do not merge unless they are the same type of liquid. The hauling UI will display correctly after loading a game where the player was hauling. The Defrag tooltip is now translated. Items that fall through the world will now be destroyed, or returned to play if critical. The Rest button will properly activate if the Rest cooldown expires while you have the Rest UI open. Buildings cannot be built on big food harvest nodes. Wall-mounted buildings cannot be built on swinging doors. Cacti should behave more consistently and cause less instant deaths. Mom Genes can no longer trigger underwater. Cookie Sandwich Bits will no longer spawn under the ground when breaking cookies. Bug Fixes - Xbox / Windows Store Builds Renaming a save game or playthrough will properly update the names such that they will stay renamed after restarting the game. Resuming the game from being Suspended will bring you back to the Main Menu if you were in a Multiplayer game when you went into Suspend mode. Bug Fixes - Steam Builds Fixed issue where playing another game that requires Xbox Live login while logged into Grounded would cause sign in issues. Fixed crash that could occur when signing out of your Xbox Live account in Grounded.
Public Test Patch Notes for Update 0.12.0
Shyla replied to Shyla's topic in Public Test Bugs & Support
0.12.0 Public Test - 3555 to 3561 "Next Material" action only shows up in the Building radial and not the others. Survey data on the Map after loading a save is no longer incorrect. Survey visibility on the map for clients toggles on and off correctly. Arrows properly embed into hanging pupas that fall down when shot. Fixed some client issues when toggling various items on the map. UI art pass on the Building Radial material pips. Additional terrain polish. Doors behave correctly for clients. Customized lights actually apply custom lighting changes after loading a save. Haze Field Station has it's own Data tab entry. Pressing LT no longer closes the Ammo radial (which is previous page when you have more than 8 arrow types) Crash fix that could happen when removing a PEEP.R marker -
Public Test Patch Notes for Update 0.12.0
Shyla replied to Shyla's topic in Public Test Bugs & Support
0.12.0 Public Test - 3542 to 3552 Bugs Fixed a crash related to grid buildings. Fixed a crash that could happen when using Hot Deposit. Fixed a crash related to creature audio loading. Fixed a crash related to closing the Map. Ladders no longer adopt strange rotations when being added to existing grids. XSX no longer randomly hitches. Termite King pathing improved. Termite King will no longer waits to attack while other smaller termites are around. Termite King walk animations are no longer really fast. Larger bugs should get stuck in the terrain less. Photo models in the Data tab display correctly. Black Ox Beetle rock attack is no longer blocked by grass. BURG.L will no longer offer Chipsleuth quests the player has already completed. Burrowing creatures no longer show their name when the player looks at them. The UI will no longer incorrectly imply that bombs can damage Tier II and III resource nodes. Hedge cutscene works properly for clients. Fixed a few science placements. Building Customization camera placement has been improved in certain scenarios. Beefy smoothies can be crafted in Creative mode or with "All Recipes Unlocked and Free" enabled. Balance / Changes Coaltana animations have been updated. Charcoal sizzle damage has been increased. Ammo Radial supports paging now that more than 8 arrow types exist. Black Ox Beetle audio adjusted. Ladybird audio adjusted. Additional icons added for items that were using placeholders. Light, Medium, and Heavy armor effects have unique icons. +25-50% durability for all weapons to compensate for higher repair costs. Reduced base repair costs for most Tier 3 tools and weapons. Woah mode now only applies a 25% durability penalty instead of a 50% durability penalty. Globs now cost 20% less shards to craft (1 less for candy, 2 less for quartzite and salt). Scarabs now drop 2-5 twinkling shells instead of 1-2. Slightly reduced height of Bounce Web bounce hitbox. Players can no longer walk on constructed wall pieces. Charcoal sizzle rate has been slowed down. Removed base green thumb chance while growing normal mushrooms in the garden. Pupas hanging from ceilings can now be knocked down, like the berries in the hedge. Pupas hanging from ceilings now properly respawn. Termite Delight meal added to woodpile cookbook. Fall damage no longer affects durability in any way. Survey stations now cleanly cover all playable areas of the backyard once all are discovered. New Jack and Ball art. Updated VFX for Black Ox Beetles and Termites. Additional terrain polish in the upper yard. Additional locations to discover in the upper yard. Additional item icons added. Updates to the Status Effect display the Backpack and Status tabs. -
Public Test Patch Notes for Update 0.12.0
Shyla replied to Shyla's topic in Public Test Bugs & Support
0.12.0 Public Test - 3539 to 3542 Changes Fixed a crash related to flying creatures flying around. Fixed a few issues with Charcoal bag collision. Lighting pass on upper yard interiors. Crusty Roly Poly armor no longer requires sickly parts to repair. Added more raw fiber, sprigs, pebblets, etc. to the upper yard. Green Shield Bug now drops a unique resource needed to craft a new item type. Ladybird Larva are no longer completely immune to spicy damage, just highly resistant. Adjusted Bug Gloop drop rates across the new creatures. Termite King deals more damage and drops unique resource needed for the Termite armor. Termite King visuals have been updated. The red highlight around damaged buildings while holding a repair tool works properly now. Science zipline anchors are no longer can be copied. The Building Integrity custom game option actually enables Building Integrity. Pupa hides no longer fall through the level occasionally when harvesting Pupas. Science Ziplines can no longer be Copied. Changed what background music track plays while near the BBQ Spill. Infected Wolf Spiders properly spawn for games that had already plugged the Haze canister prior to the 0.12 Public Test Build. Adjusted respawn times for various bugs and items in the Upper Yard. Survey Station UI has been updated to show more map. Hot Keys while using the Survey Station work after mouse scrolling the map. Added more loot onto the Shed deck. -
Public Test Patch Notes for Update 0.12.0
Shyla replied to Shyla's topic in Public Test Bugs & Support
0.12.0 Public Test - 3537 to 3539 Changes Two handed weapons can no longer be auto equipped on pickup when only holding a shield in your off hand. Aphids on the Roasting Spit are properly positioned on the spit. Weapon Upgrades can be purchased for free in Creative mode or if "All Recipes unlocked and free" is checked in a custom game mode. Smoothies can be purchased for free in Creative mode or if "All Recipes unlocked and free" is checked in a custom game mode. The Cookbook in the Woodpile BURG.L chip now contains recipes. Survey Stations are now unlocked when the associated point of interest is spotted, instead of on interaction. The red highlight around damaged buildings while holding a repair tool works properly now. Spider Web slow status effect has an icon, name, and description for the UI. Points of Interest unlocked no longer display a Key Item acquired notification as well. A particular science pickup near the edge will no longer be in the retaining wall on very old saves. Charcoal Hot Spring shows up in the Data page. PEEP.R Mode no longer has performance issues on all characters besides Max. Termite armor mesh updated. Termite armor has status effects added. Camera positioning for light building customization better frames the light building. Adding audio and particles to Pupa harvesting. Resource Survey stations are automatically added to the map area if you have already discovered the Field Station they are sitting in. Craft Many works properly in Creative mode or if "All Recipes unlocked and free" is checked in a custom game mode. Termite walk animations have been polished. Various entries on the Data tab have had their inspect model updated. Health tuning pass on various bugs added in 0.12. Proper descriptions have been added to the Termite Axe and Black Ox Hammer. Termite King health and damage resistance has been increased. Morning Star recipe requires normal Roly Poly parts instead of the deprecated sickly Roly Poly parts. Ladybirds should stop wandering into the Under Construction area of the upper yard. Aphids no longer always drop pet memorials. Splinter arrow mesh has been updated. Two handed weapons can no longer be auto equipped on pickup when only holding a shield in your off hand. Aphids on the Roasting Spit are properly positioned on the spit. Weapon Upgrades can be purchased for free in Creative mode or if "All Recipes unlocked and free" is checked in a custom game mode. Smoothies can be purchased for free in Creative mode or if "All Recipes unlocked and free" is checked in a custom game mode. Additional area polish. -
New Explorable Environments Note for the test: The new areas are still in active development. We encourage everyone to build in these areas for feedback and testing purposes, but please keep in mind that the terrain and objects in these areas might shift or move before the official 0.12 release. Please also keep in mind that as we continue to add new items to the game during this testing period, there is always a chance that anything you build in the test may not work as expected when moving from the test to the live build. Thank you! The first expansion into the upper yard! BBQ Spill Get ready for this sizzling hot area as you prepare to journey through the ashy wastelands of the BBQ Spill. Shed Surroundings Filled with plenty of items to explore and new creatures to encounter, we know you'll find plenty to do in this exciting new area. Woodpile Traverse into the depths of woodpile, but beware, because as you lumber deeper down the halls you will quickly realize you are not alone. New Bugs 10 New Additional Bugs Termite Soldier Termite Ladybird Larva Ladybird Black Ox Beetle Roly Poly (not sickly) Green Shield Bug Dust Mite Scarab Infected Wolf Spider New Crafting Content Termite Axe (Tier 3) Black Ox Hammer (Tier 3) Termite Chest Armor Splinter Arrows (Tier 3) New (secret) Weapon New set of base floors (Burr Weed) Two new meals (one available now and one to follow in an update!) New Features Resource Survey Stations Field Stations now have survey stations that can be operated to search for resources in the yard. After flipping the switch in the Hedge Lab, the surveyor system across the yard will become powered. Surveyors are found at Field Stations. Analyze resources to be able to survey for them. Each survey station activated adds to the survey area across the yard. Place a waypoint on the map where there's a high concentration of a specific resource you want to mark. You can survey for any analyzed material, including insect parts! Custom Game Options Custom Game Options are a new way to fully customize your yard experience. If you select the custom game option from the lobby screen, you can adjust settings and make the yard your own: Difficulty All Recipes Unlocked and Free Bugs Spawn Bugs Ignore Players Building Integrity Quests Player Damage Friendly Fire Pet Invincibility Hunger/Thirst Drain Stamina Drain Equipment Durability Food Spoiling Menus Pause Game Backpack Items on Death Peep.R Mode Peep Resonance is a SCA.B Executable feature turning your tiny hands into light wave amplifying chambers that bring the distance into focus. Peep off into the far reaches of the yard and drop player waypoint markers. These markers show up on your map and other players' screens for better team peeping and navigation around the yard! Place a waypoint by looking at a spot in the yard and pressing a button. Place a waypoint by opening the map and selecting a location to drop a waypoint. Building Customization There's a new menu to a selection of buildings which allows you to customize the look or behavior of the building. Bounce Webs can be adjusted for angle and power. Firefly Hanging Lantern, Sap Sconce, and Mold Sconce can be turned on and off, and adjusted for strength and color. Armor Dummies can be posed with any of the poses usable in Photo Mode. Improved Data Page The Data tab in your SCA.B menu has been improved to better organize and show new information. Items and information will be categorized by where it came from or what it pertains to. You will also have entries and descriptions of all notably locations discovered in the game as well as know how many you are missing from each area. Status Effect Display Status Effects are now displayed with tooltips on the Backpack and Status screens. Active Status Effects will also be displayed on the HUD below the SCA.B display. Additional Features New Languages Turkish, Thai, Arabic, and Japanese. Craft Many "Craft Many" button in the Crafting menu will allow you to craft 5 of something at a time. Copy Placed Building You can quickly select a building blueprint to start placing down by walking up to an already placed building and hitting the "Copy" interact action. This way, you can quickly copy building blueprints without always needing to open up the building menus. Storage Hot Deposit You can now "Hot Deposit" like items on storage buildings by holding Interact on them. "Hot Deposit" will automatically deposit any items in your inventory that match any items already in the storage container. Achievements Added 8 New Achievements (Note: Achievements on Steam will not be viewable during the Public Test Build period) Changes / Tuning Systems If players die with a bow equipped, the equipped ammo type will carry over when respawning. You can now rest at any time of the day. You will rest for 8 hours and will not be able to rest again until you have been awake long enough to rest again. Controls Added "Level Camera on Sprint" option. Many UI controls that were not previously rebindable in the options menu now are. Mutations Blademaster no longer repairs the durability of swords. Now reduces the stamina cost of the next several attacks when procced. Javelineer no longer slows enemies. Now reduces enemy Damage Resist when procced. Accessibility Added "Wide Interaction" option, which allows the player to interact with objects without looking directly at them. Several interfaces have had narration support added or improved. Added "Read To Me Speed" option. Various notifications are now narrated when shown. Important narration such as quest notifications will not be interrupted by lower-priority narration. Combat Weapons now deal progressively more damage with each hit in a combo sequence. The first attack of a weapon combo does the least amount of damage Combo finishers deal the most amount of damage Overall DPS of a full combo is the same Specifically, instead of a 3-hit combo doing 100 → 100 → 100, now it'll deal 50 → 100 → 150 Hammers now have a 3-hit combo to utilize the above combo system changes. All weapon types have had a damage curve pass to make sure they're in-line with each other. Shields no longer slow down movement when blocking. Reduced the movement penalty for moving backwards. Crow arrows now apply a bleed DoT. Building Health / Repair Tool The attack input can be held to constantly trigger the repair action repeatedly while holding the repair tool. The repair world icons are now replaced with a red outline around the buildings that need repair. Building structure health values have been increased across the game. Interface You can assign similar tools that are at different upgrade levels / types to different slots on the Hot Pouch. For example, one slot can be a Spicy Pebble Axe while another slot is a Fresh Pebble Axe. Tools of the same upgrade level / type will be grouped to the same slot if you have more than one. Players can now place a temporary waypoint on the Map UI. Dropped item/arrow icons become less visible if the player is in combat to remove HUD clutter while fighting bugs. Selected items in the storage UI will display what level upgrade they have if any. Damage type icons shown when looking at harvestable objects now only show when the object is in range. Weapon Upgrades Weapons can now be upgraded to +9. +8 and +9 require a new upgrade material. Damage and durability increase per level up has been reduced across the board. Upgraded weapons will now require additional resources to repair. Doors Base doors now properly save and load which direction the door was open. Curved doors now only open in the outward direction. Building General Updated Smoothie Mixer art. Building Placement Buildings of the same shape are now grouped in the building radial. The building material can be changed with the "Next Building Material" control (default F key / Y button) Structural buildings are no longer allowed to overlap unbuildable materials (plastic, glass, metal). Large foliage such as grass and rocks will now block placement of certain non-structural buildings. The Spinning Wheel and Grinder The Spinning Wheel and Grinder UI's have been updated to work similar to the Oven UI to support more features: Pulling items from Nearby Storage works now. You will see a list of all recipes you can do at these buildings even without having said items to process. You can grind any Grass Planks or Weed Logs you are hauling into Plant Fiber. NOTE: To backwards support this with saves prior to 0.12, any items that are finished and not collected or currently being processed in the Spinning Wheel or Grinder will be lost when loading a save prior to 0.12 for the first time. Optimization Improved CPU performance for hosts of multiplayer games. Improves framerate for host and experience for connected clients. World/Resources Grass blades drop planks with only a 20% drop rate when destroyed by explosives. Grass blades break immediately when destroyed by explosives. Creatures Slickly Roly Polies no longer drop sickly parts. Items Using the Dandelion Tuft no longer requires stamina. Crusty Roly Poly armor no longer craftable. A complete crusty set can be found hidden around the yard instead. Antlion armor now considered Medium armor. Bug Fixes Major Fixes Creatures will stop clumping into certain areas when players are not around. Arrows shot from the player should no longer occasionally come out delayed. Player voices while wearing the Gas Mask will no longer cause audio corruption. Game The crafting interface can no longer become unresponsive to keys after pressing enter in the filter box. World Pond breakers will now show a red indicator when powered but not yet reset. Some assets that could not have buildings placed on them now can. Building validity checks for very flat or narrow buildings are now more consistent. Items/Equipment/Resources Roof Squared Corner will no longer change into Roof Corner after placing one. Drying Berry Chunks on the Jerky Rack now credits "Artificer: Berry Leather" quests. When slime molds are harvested, clients will see the correct number of remaining stalks in the cluster. Pets Clients will now see the pet Inventory prompt on their pet after rejoining a game in progress. Pet Memorials will no longer forget the pet's name after being demolished. UI Fixed ultra-widescreen issues in a handful of UIs. Bug Fixes - Windows 10 Store Platform: The 'Export Save' option in the save/load menu now shows the correct hotkey Ominent Practical Technologies [CLASSIFIED]
Public Test Patch Notes for Update 0.11.0
Shyla replied to Shyla's topic in Public Test Bugs & Support
0.11.0 Public Test - 3362 to 3364 Changes Bug Fixes Fixed an issue with crossplay connectivity. -
Public Test Patch Notes for Update 0.11.0
Shyla replied to Shyla's topic in Public Test Bugs & Support
0.11.0 Public Test - 3355 to 3362 Changes Bug Fixes Fixed random crash related to equipping armors. Fixed random crash related to creature pathing. Fixed random crash related to saving bases. Fixed random crash related to looking at base walls. The laser trap in the mini-boss fight has the lasers spinning in opposite directions. The 3d model that displays in the crafting menu for the flavored arrows correctly matches the recipe selected. Fixed Puff Mushroom found in Black Anthill sounding like water when damaged. Added audio attenuation to Infected Ladybug's bomb explosions. The Coup De Grass mutation now has a second tier. Additional propping in the new areas. Meaty Gnats can now respawn. Added icons for the new sites discovered on the map. Added new icon for the Milk Molar SCA.B Scanner. Main Menu is now extra Hot and Hazy! Additional sound pass. The Damage and Stun item rating bars have been tuned to account for the newer high tier weapon values and the bonus damage that can be gained via the Smithing Station. Resource Analyzer shows unlocked recipes in an auto-scrolling box instead of having them overflow off of the UI space. Minotaur Maze key has a new model. More icons added for new items added in the Hot and Hazy update. Scale pass on Crow Feathers. Backyard fence posts have new models. More of the gum spots in the yard will respawn after being harvested. -
Public Test Patch Notes for Update 0.11.0
Shyla replied to Shyla's topic in Public Test Bugs & Support
0.11.0 Public Test - 3353 to 3355 Changes (Only noticeable across Public Test Builds) Red ants will no longer spawn in excessively large quantities. Very long structures will no longer disappear for the client when they're far from the start. Ant eggs of all types now take twice as long to hatch. All meals that required a roast as an ingredient now require jerky of the same type instead. Quartzite nodes now grant 4-11 shards instead of always granting 7. Roly Poly attack tuning. Adjusted terrain that blocked players from getting the minotaur key. Alarm audio triggers when breaking the glass in the Black Ant Hill. The Haze gum plug cutscene is no longer blurry.