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Captain Corcoran

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Everything posted by Captain Corcoran

  1. I suppose the comedian idea don't seem all that hard to slip in without making a bug run bonanza. Probably not worth even minimal effort because you never know what will cause a mission creep bugfest. On the philosophical side, I prefer game developers to keep fanbased input to a minimum. It just gets messy. I guess if they can keep themselves disciplined, the developers could use some input without it getting to be too stupid, but mostly I want the people who know how to craft a game not to listen to fans, like me, who can't hack it as game designers. I thought this game was already released, but I couldn't find it on steam. I'm looking forward to it. I hope you're right, Chaircucker, and it gets released soon.
  2. "Anyone gone through this?" My dad, my mom, and my biological father all died. Biological father died of cirrhosis when I was ~12. Dad died about 5 years ago. Mom died 2 years ago. I haven't talked to anyone in my family for over a decade at this point, although some of them tried to contact me for a while. I'm a hard guy, but not a malicious one. "Had the funeral today, I wrote the tribute/eulogy. tried to make it light hearted and people laughed a bit and also read a poem at the end." Good for you, daven. Sometimes levity is our only weapon against despair. Better to be strong enough to carry others than need to be carried by them.
  3. I'm in two games right now and no time for either. If online works for you, go for it! I personally hate playing tabletop online. As to the campaigns: I'm playing a character in pathfinder. Monty Hall. Module run. GM determined not to kill any characters. Tons of gold and buy what you want without restriction. I'm running a 5th edition that I've turned into a bastard 5th/3.x campaign. I'm really enjoying that one. I have four new players, my wife, and myself. The new players are catching on. We've played... I think 7 times so far? Something like that. They've been pretty gungho.
  4. Divinity Original Sin 2 and Cattails. Cattails is a silly assed game if I've ever seen one. Waste of money, but I had hoped the person for whom I bought it would like it. Hoped in vain.
  5. Why does content need to be approved by a moderator? I'm playing Divinity Original Sin 2. I'm where I can respec. There's a lot of skill choices, but the battles seem pretty easy on classic so far, so maybe leave everyone specced out as is?
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