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Everything posted by Nihilus5078

  1. Yep On a serious note. I'm actually playing The Force Unleashed II
  2. Approved by the lulz committee
  3. Some Alan McGee's floating around here I see
  4. Somehow I knew this kind of @#$% would come up after guitar hero comes up. I just really play it to improve my reflexes. But here's a screenshot of Blur.
  5. I'm playing Blur now. I just got all the way through.
  6. Nightwish - Amaranth
  7. I've gone back to playing GH5 again even though I'm still pissed at Activision, I've been trying to master Laser Cannon Deth Sentence on Expert.
  8. Dethklok - Laser Cannon Deth Sentence
  9. I have to admit that the last few posts were quite hilarious. Anyway, I got a new bass guitar to match with my electric one so now I can eventually become a multi-instrumentalist.
  10. He really does look like Galen Marek. And yeah, he is good looking.
  11. Cant argue with you on that one.
  12. Ooh, goody I was hoping somebody would put this thread up for me. James Hetfield is a boner waiting to happen Yep. Now I'm all horny. Children of Bodom are hot: One of the best looking men alive. Meet Chip Esten. His wife is definitely hot too, for her age. Funny guy, just like a good looking guy. Of course, not only white dudes are good looking, I've got a mad man crush on Wayne Brady. Yes, Rammstein gets me horny:
  13. I say we just call the thread "football/soccer" due to the continental differences.
  14. Whose the village idiot then? Dunno, but we have a troll living under our bridge. I may end up looking like a freak in the end. But that's going in my sig since that was a very interesting way of putting it.
  15. Why if that isn't a hell of a lot of snipers, or whatever they are
  16. Guitar Hero 5 and Resident Evil 5 for me. Day of 5's,
  17. So did they go on a diet to lose that much weight?
  18. They look like zombies.
  19. Duran Duran - Hungry Like The Wolf. Classic
  20. Okay, so like, I think I might have a hypothesis here: Probably being an angry crank with terrible grammar doesn't help either. Yeah, life can be cruel like that. I mean, I'm no Adonis... but I do have eyebrows. Good thing that 99% of all angry basement-dwelling virgins don't have what it takes to turn their online fantasies into actual deeds, otherwise we'd be in some serious ****. Also: Tea Party theories about how this was a leftist loony trying to make them look bad are fun stuff. I think he looks like a hippie.
  21. Speaking of The Witcher. Cant wait for the second one!
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