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Everything posted by imitenotbecrazy

  1. Well, Obsidian should thank god they've got such a devoted and loyal fan to speak for them. Their game certainly is not doing it for some.
  2. And on the other side of the coin you have people rating it a 10/10 which it in no way deserves. Very VERY few games deserve a 0 or a 10. This is another reason why those sites and ratings are bull****. Hell, there were reddit threads made to ratingbomb Fallout 4 and 76. There's losers on both sides that just want to see the other fail.
  3. And that's fine if you choose to take those reviews to heart. I don't bring up review scores or quotes usually because I feel they rarely reflect my personal thoughts on games. I will outright laugh at the freedom of choice quote though. Here's a snip from my thread from earlier Choice and consequence (HAHA) is largely a farce. I've save scummed a bunch of situations only to find out they had the same outcome anyway. Maybe one line of dialogue was different and addressed my choice but it's largely meaningless. In fact, they've gone out of their way to make your choices seem less meaningful. I killed the named leaders of a faction and their whole base in my second playthrough, got a simple line of dialogue about it, then still ended up in the same fight with that faction (that I wiped out) with "Faction Leader" as a replacement for the named NPC that I killed. Absolutely disappointed in how meaningless the choices are here.
  4. My first playthrough was just under 17 hours with over a dozen side quests, loot hunting and messing around. The main quest is around 12 hours if you only do that
  5. The writing is good, nothing amazing or something that is GOTY worthy. I don't see the overinflation here. It's humorous and varied well but the story itself is not compelling and pretty poorly planned. It crashes to an end before it really gets off the ground. I don't think Bethesda's writing itself is better, so you can't fall back on me being a bethesda fan here. I just am not impressed with TOW's story. The same complaints have been made for years about New Vegas. The main quest with poor, with the side quests and companions well written.
  6. The real irony here is that they didn't write the story, some of the guys currently at Obsidian did. And then they were bought my Microsoft of all companies. If you're gonna try a dig against corporations, you failed here. The game is far from fantastic. There's tons of areas for improvement. It's a solid 7/10
  7. I brought up two actual comparisons to the topic. You've cried that bethesda hurt you and you don't like their writing (off topic). There's been zero reason to continue a real argument because you aren't even in it.
  8. Plug your ears and shut the **** up then Absolutely useless to the conversation
  9. Amazing that the sheer mentioning of a Beth game makes you guys quiver with anger and stupidity HAHAHAHAHA
  10. I could have used New Vegas as the benchmark for main quest time, but that would have made Outer Worlds look even worse since it's longer. Not sure what more you need to understand about me not comparing writing here. Outer Worlds is short, compared to ANY game Obsidian themselves have done. There, does that make you happier?
  11. Great FPS? I wouldn't say that. It's serviceable. It's missing some pretty common features for an FPS in 2019. Agreed on the mediocre RPG thought though.
  12. No one ever said anything about writing. The conversation is about how short this games is, keep up
  13. Oh I'm sorry, did you not realize Outer Worlds is a giant fetch quest?
  14. Any RPG with assignable skill points? Obsidians use of "skill groups" to 50 is incredibly streamlined and handicaps players that want to play a more diverse character. The three times I've tried to create and play a vastly different character, it all ends up feeling and acting the same. Conversational skill checks are insanely easy as are lock picks and hacking. The skill system is half meaningless, as is the different gear. Pick what armor looks good and don't worry about the rest because it has little actual bearing on gameplay
  15. You can try to invalidate my fact with your opinion but that doesn't make this game any better or longer. It's a mediocre RPG that won't stand the test of time like those "turds".
  16. The whole game feels like that. From Skills to "secrets" it's a dumbed down streamlined "RPG"
  17. Wow, some quality points you have there. Quite the conversationalist
  18. I've seen some interesting discussion about the quality of this "RPG" since release and want to talk about some points. The skill system is incredibly streamlined and ultimately generic. Group levelling skills until 50 has led to all of my characters feeling, acting, and succeeding the exact same way. I would have to intentionally decide on a "dump skill group" in order to come close to a real flawed character. I could not pass only TWO conversational skill checks due to them being a 100. It's just far too easy to have those skill points in just simply barely levelling them. The gear system is embarrassing for a 2019 RPG. You continually get thrown the same stuff over and over with little to no stat change/advantage or even a reason to choose new gear. GR Breakpoint had a more meaningful gear system, which is incredibly detailed and useful. It makes you want to explore and find new items, where OW just makes me want to sell everything. For weapons, the 'Tinker' mechanic eliminates most need for getting new weapons. You might want to move to the mkII version to save some cost in tinkering but overall, I don't even want to grab weapons other than to sell them. By and large, fetch quests dominate this games quest list. What it boils down to is "I want a thing, this person can get me this thing, but I need to get them this other thing first" It's incredibly boring and repetitive. I can't see how people demonize Bethesda for this yet are praising Obsidian Choice and consequence (HAHA) is largely a farce. I've save scummed a bunch of situations only to find out they had the same outcome anyway. Maybe one line of dialogue was different and addressed my choice but it's largely meaningless. In fact, they've gone out of their way to make your choices seem less meaningful. I killed the named leaders of a faction and their whole base in my second playthrough, got a simple line of dialogue about it, then still ended up in the same fight with that faction (that I wiped out) with "Faction Leader" as a replacement for the named NPC that I killed. Absolutely disappointed in how meaningless the choices are here. Not necessarily indicative of an RPG but my god this is short. Just under 17 hours with a dozen side quests, a bunch of loot hunting, and general messing around the credits started rolling. It was almost over before I knew it. I was honestly shocked when I saw the point of no return message. Fallout 76 had a longer main quest than this. The dialogue is good, we knew that would be the case. I say good because it's not very compelling. It's funny and the variety of writing is good but nothing makes me really give a damn about them or the situation. This was the same as how I felt about New Vegas, so perhaps I should have expected the main quest to be lackluster to me. Side quests held my interest much more This is all speaking on the "RPG" aspects of the game, which it should absolutely excel at. Basic gameplay mechanics, combat, visuals, enemy and NPC variation are complaints for another day Why do any of you feel that this is a "superb RPG"??
  19. Average completion time for JUST the main quest of Fallout 3 was around 24 hours. Outer Worlds isn't even half that. It's a short story by any standards
  20. I'm excited about this as I'm really on the fence with this game. With gamepass I pay nothing more to have it on my xbox and PC. Win win for me
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