Hmm, interesting. I havent noticed anything that would indicate that. Can you elaborate on what he said and how he said it that leads you to that theory?
Widmore: "Are you here to kill me Benjamin?"
Ben: "We both know I can't do that."
However, this seems to imply "the rules" more than Widmore possibly being immortal. Why else would Widmore even ask?
Widmore: "I know who you are boy. What you are. I know that everything you have you took from me."
To me this indicates he's either Dharma or a native like Richard. And Richard seems to have lived for a long time already.
Yeah, but the immortal thing COULD make sense in regards to these statements, since the producers like to plant seeds that make no sense NOW and then 2 seasons later you go "OOOOOOH... He's IMMORTAL!"
Richard (he's the dark haired "other" who was like 35 when Ben was a boy, and like 35 when Ben was 35, right?) sure seemed to be immortal all the way back to his first introduction. I was thinking perhaps Widmore wants the island back because he was (now this is a stretch) perhaps the mysterious man who founded Dharma (who's name escapes me) always shown in shadows in his photographs (Alavar Hanso?) and using the island's powers to keep himself alive. Now that he has lost control of the island, he's starting to age like a regular person and having nightmares (hence the bottle of Scotch next to his bed). Would make sense to why he wants the island back so badly?
... or maybe I just have had too much Coffee this morning >.>