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  1. Yep! If you go to the StatusEffect you can edit the OverrideDescriptionString text by pressing the pen icon:
  2. Ah... Shame it didn't work out of the box... I'll see if I can find a way to debug the mac build somehow and figure out what's wrong. Sorry for the false hope
  3. Check this thread out: There's at least one mod that adds a new armor model to the game: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/373
  4. There's a Mac release available now and I think I've made the correct code changes support Mac, but I've got no way of testing the app myself so just to be clear... no clue if it actually works Mac download links can be found here: https://gitlab.com/noqn/apotheosis#download--run (Be sure to confirm whether your mac is arm or x64 and select the appropriate download) In addition, on Mac you also have to download GTK 3 (the gui toolkit I've used for Apotheosis) yourself. First, install https://brew.sh/, then you can simply run the following commands: brew install gtk+3 brew install gtksourceview4 brew install adwaita-icon-theme After that, Apotheosis should theoretically be able to run, but again I really have no clue whether it will work at all. Please let me know how it goes
  5. Avowed even overrides the fullscreen settings if you've tried to force it from GameUserSettings.ini with FullscreenMode=0 PreferredFullscreenMode=0
  6. I got asked this a while ago elsewhere but never got a response back, I'll copy paste what I wrote back then: _________________ Apotheosis needs to extract some game files that I'm not certain are available in the Mac version. You could help me by verifying whether they exist and if so where they are located! Two Unity asset files (required for extracting icons) on Windows and Linux these are located at .../PillarsOfEternityII_Data/assetbundles/gui.unity3d .../PillarsOfEternityII_Data/sharedassets2.assets The "exported" and "lax*_exported" game data folders. On Windows and Linux these are located at .../PillarsOfEternityII_Data/exported/ .../PillarsOfEternityII_Data/lax1_exported/ .../PillarsOfEternityII_Data/lax2_exported/ ... Thanks! Another issue is GTK 3, the GUI framework I'm using. The GTK libraries are preinstalled on pretty much every Linux distribution and I'm bundling the windows libraries with the windows version of Apotheosis. But just as a heads up I think Mac users would have to install GTK 3 on their own to be able to run Apotheosis.
  7. aaah, you might have to run this command first: iRoll20s Note that this will disable achievements for the rest of that playthrough unless you load an earlier save.
  8. I did some digging and you can bind two keys to enable/disable smart camera with these console commands: BindCommand F6 "SetSmartCameraState ForceEnabled" BindCommand F7 "SetSmartCameraState ForceDisabled" You can replace F6/F7 above with any key listed here: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/KeyCode.html (there's no way create a "toggle" hotkey with console commands like this sadly) The keybindings will persist in your save, but the exact camera state will not be remembered after you exit the game just fyi, it will default to whatever the UI Setting is set to. To revert these bindings, run these commands: SetSmartCameraState UsingSmartSettings ClearBoundCommands
  9. Run these two console commands (skip iRoll20s if you've already enabled cheats) iRoll20s SetGlobalValue n_xoti_light_or_dark_alignment 1
  10. No, very unlikely. Which sucks. I don't think there are any Microsoft-published games on GOG whatsoever, same with Obsidian's games since the acquisition. (Post-MS-acquisition TOW was released on GOG but was published by Private Division.) Yeah I hated that too... check this out if you haven't: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/469
  11. Finally made a fix for this.... https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/769/ Basically, it will... Revert all the changes to Weapon Keywords from Community Patch Keywords 2.0.0 Add an Item Mod to "Keyword Weapons" that indicates that it has the Keyword and explains Enemy Immunities. Make enemy keyword immunities visible in the combat tooltip. IMO vanilla enemy immunity behavior is working correctly, it is perfectly consistent with the Keyword system. The issue is just the lack of clarity in regards to which weapons have keywords and which enemies have immunities. BEFORE AFTER Also - Optional Download for alternative Damage Types since that got positive feedback in the thread regardless. (Weapons that gain a new Damage Type also gain -1 Penetration for balance)
  12. Hi, sorry for late reply! Could you post the .gamedatabundle file with the changes in your mod?
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