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random n00b

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Posts posted by random n00b

  1. yes, he did, though not necessarily intentionally: "taks must be wrong because he has not proven the alternative," was implied.
    Um, no. That's why I said you're misinterpreting. I'm not saying you're wrong. All I'm saying is that you haven't satisfactorily supported the alternative you propose. The whole strawman thing is based on a mistaken assumption on your part.


    Let me be perfectly clear: I only want you to put your own ideas under the same kind of rigorous scrutiny you subject the ideas of others to.

  2. to heck it hasn't. as noted, the 19th century was sort of minimalist, and communist regimes such as the USSR, NK and china are probably the limits at the other end. in the middle is rampant and failing as well.
    I'm going to take your "auditing things that are implemented" posture now as well, and ask you if those are all the possibilities that can exist, as opposed to simply a few combinations that achieved different levels of success. That me or you can't think of different possibilites doesn't mean they don't exist or that we should stop trying. Thus, down goes your argument that regulation cannot work. I'm being as unconstructive as you.



    i'm not an idealist at all, i simply believe in rights actually existing as inalienable, not something granted by the government. as soon as government intervenes, they take away somebody's rights. if the government can take away one person's rights to favor another, they are no longer rights. capitalism is NOT ideal, nor will it solve all problems. it is merely moral, and results in the best possible solution. there is NO perfect solution, it cannot happen, THAT would be idealist.
    You believe in "inalienable rights" - how is that NOT being an idealist, in a world in which rights are only as good as the prevalent idiosincrasy agrees with them?


    In the end it's just a clash of ideals, and the different hierarchies of "rights" people come up with. Individual rights vs social rights, the one vs the many, etc. If you steer the conversation into the muddy waters of morality, you must concede that there is no such thing as a superior solution, as it all depends on opinion.


    And you still haven't explained how unfettered capitalism is "the best" solution, nor why do you believe this is so, which is even more interesting since you admit that it's never been tried.

  3. i'm not misinterpreting at all. i don't have to prove the alternative. we know that intervention does not work. not at any level. that's why your argument, that i should prove the alternative, is a strawman.
    That sure is a comfy stance from which to take your shots, eh taks?


    Regardless, we don't know that intervention does not work on any level, because it hasn't been tried at all possible levels and we lack a complete, irrefutable working model of economics from which to derive such conclusions reliably.


    You accuse others of being idealists, but you are one yourself, with your unshakable faith in the belief that the market is somehow a closed system that can balance itself without help. All I'm asking for is an explanation, preferably based on logic and evidence, of why you are so convinced that this is so. I'm sure that with your extensive scientific background, this shouldn't be too much to ask?

  4. I think you misinterpret. I'm not saying government intervention IS the way to go. But what you posted does not, in effect, prove that no intervention entails no problems. You don't like interventionism, but there's nothing to suggest that the complete opposite is more desirable.

  5. Well, taks. For all the shots you take at the problems that arise from governmental interventionism, you still have to provide convincing arguments that a fully unregulated market is a perfectly self-balancing system and is preferable to the alternatives.


    Just sayin'.

  6. The financial and political system rewards winners
    That's not just the financial and political systems. It's the way nature itself works. Why does it feel so much better to win than to lose? It's not a rational response, it's something far more visceral.


    It's always been the fittest, strongest, smartest and boldest that survive, thrive and live to pass on their genes to the next generation. Trying to shed millions of years of evolutionary ruthlessness on willpower and nice words alone is wishful thinking.



    Look, maybe I'm being silly here - and call me crazy - but couldn't we have, you know, have a Third Way that strikes a balance between the two? :p
    I don't know man. Can we, really? I mean, it sure sounds nice (vagueness of definition notwithstanding), but is it really a philosophy, a way of things that can come on top when faced with others? I'm not even talking about whether it's a better way of doing things, but, can it even become a prevalent ideology?
  7. 'm also thinking of picking up Fallout 2 via Good Old Games. I haven't played either of the Fallouts, but they both seem to be hot favorites amongst the good folks here. Do I need to have played Fallout to appreciate Fallout 2?

    There'll be things you wont understand before you've played F1, they're not important except for the feel but then again feel is quite important for the Fallout games. I don't see why you would play 2 and not 1 since there are very few graphical and gameplay improvements between 1 and 2 and as such little reason not to play 1.


    F1 is even free on Gametap if you can handle its DRM.

    I played 2 first, and I liked it so much I just had to try the first. You definitely don't need to play one to fully appreciate the other, as the connections between the two aren't that strong to begin with, and the engine and UI are virtually unchanged. The games are set 80 years apart from each other, too. But seeing how F1 is free on GT, it's probably the best choice.
  8. Well, you're one too :p
    Nah. I'm more the Euro-loud-mouthed-ignorant-jerk type. I try my best, though. :p



    No one excepts world's only superpower to play completely fair, but somewhere along the line things got really twisted.
    Empires never play fair. Playing fair is playing to lose, in this case. I guess it's just a matter of comparing and deciding what you like best. A consumerism-based world which essentially depreciates the individual and reduces them to what they can buy, a model that entails that if you can't purchase you're pretty much cannon fodder... or the opposite. The gulags, engineered famines, chronic, integrated ineffectiveness and crimethink.


    Yep, for me it's that bleak. Excuse me now, it appears the depression is starting to fight through the medication :)



    I'm not sure what people are actually excepting on that front
    Indeed. Reading some people's comments, it would appear Jesus is running for prez. Not this time guys.




    America can only blame themselves for Chavez *shrug*
    Good point, and no arguments here. That doesn't make him any less recalcitrant, though...
  9. I wonder if we should really leave so important a decision to US Citizens, I mean, look at their track record.
    Yeah. The US is the only superpower. I mean, some record, eh? They obviously don't know what they're doing.


    And these comments always come from Euro-know-it-alls. Oh well, I guess some things never change.



    I voted damn we're screwed because it really doesn't make a difference in foreign policy who is elected.
    This is probably the single most intelligent comment in the thread so far. The US prez is the US prez is the US prez. Don't kid yourselves, folks.



    South America
    I don't know about "evil conspirators", but Ch
  10. The thing is, History shows that banning stuff just doesn't work. People like their booze, drugs and guns, and ultimately don't give a flyin' **** if those things are banned. Crime is the only thing that's strengthened from prohibiting things that are popular with people.


    Revising the policies which govern gun licenses, monitoring those who own them, those are things that are both realistic and likely to produce results.


    And, also, more money for mental healthcare can only do so much - how can people with mental or personality disorders be consistently detected? And even if they could be, how are the laws regarding forcing people to be treated against their own will?

  11. Draconian DRM is not a dead horse - it is a very topical issue at the moment. As to how many threads it should be mentioned in, I cannot give you a number, but it is perfectly legitimate to mention it in threads that are relevant to it, which means threads that discuss games that have such DRM or games that are not released, but may well have such DRM.
    Even at the cost of disrupting any number of discussions pertaining to other aspects of the games. Just because... you are worried about it. Take your shining armor off for a second, and note that DRM is not a deal breaker for everyone. It is for me, it is for you, and it is for a handful others. But not for everyone. Taking over threads with unrelated discussions (as much as sounding like a broken record can be called "discussing") about DRM is obnoxious and disrespectful to others.


    These boards just aren't the best place to conduct your private crusade.



    And yes, it is a 'feature' of the game itself, or rather an anti-feature, since draconian DRM is integral to the usage of the game itself. Unlike a color of the box, DRM is installed with the game and affects how a game is used, which makes it a part of the game itself as far as the end user is concerned.
    The point is that it's something over which Obsidian has no power whatsoever. They didn't design it, they didn't implement it - it's not a feature of the game. It's up to Atari. You are attempting to campaign against the wrong people.
  12. In how many threads can you beat the same dead horse?


    I don't like EA's DRM, but hijacking all possible threads with the same old song isn't such a good idea. We already had something along those lines when K2 was released, and it resulted in more stringent moderation policies and a threat to shut down the boards permanently.


    And no, anti-copy systems are not features any more than the color of the box the game is shipped in is. They are entirely up to the publisher.

  13. What is that, a Quake 2 mod?


    Actually, it appears that Photobucket scaled down those pics on its own. I don't know if it's an imposed feature or just something I didn't adjust before uploading.


    And just in case you weren't being facetious, it's Clear Sky.

  14. Not paying full price for rental rights of software that contains malware is the only thing consumers can do in the face of this DRM escalation. Making lots of noise is a possibility as well, but if statements like Rob's are anything to go by, it's pointless.


    I understand that Rob's taking one for the team and all, but really, his arguments fail to convince. Because, if a SecuROM-protected game bombs, obviously this must mean that there's no PC gaming market to exploit. Nevermind that other games without integrated trojans sell just fine. Nah, couldn't happen. Piracy killed D&D.

  15. Be vewwy vewwy quiet - I'm hunting wabbits. The invisible, bloodsucking sort.












    This is still one of the most atmospheric games I've ever played. The monster hunting aspect simply never gets old. I'm not sure I like the changes they've made to bloodsuckers, though, what with them being invulnerable while invisible and all...

  16. Funnily enough I watched the debate and came to different conclusions than Krezack and Time about the performances.
    Yeah, that's why debate reviews are pretty much worthless. Watch the debate, or don't bother, because the media are always going to try to convince you that the candidate they like did it better than his opponent, regardless of what happened.
  17. and we've seen what 8 years of that lead to.
    But what have we seen, really? Tempting as it may be to blame all the evils in the world on dubya, it just doesn't work that way. Guard Dog wrote a very interesting and readable timeline of the events that led to the present crisis. You are content to repeat these boring canned slogans over and over. If it's SO obvious, why not explain it to the rest of us?
  18. I personally find it marvellous that when the most deregulated laissez-faire right-wing financial system in the world goes belly-up, and the rest of the world doesn't, somehow that's because the United States isn't deregulated, laissez-faire or right-wing enough. And conspiracies? Socialist takeover? I certainly hope you're not about to blame the liberal European secular elite, because we're too busy faking global warming to take down the banks. :ermm:


    It's rather amusing, isn't it?

    No, it's not amusing at all. Because, as things are, if the markets crash as badly as they've been predicting, everyone's gonna feel it - even us EuroCommies. Don't expect it to happen overnight, though.
  19. That was Nur Ab Sal, there was an argument where Nur viciously bashed Israel and the Jews if I remember correctly, and then several people called him a racist. As I remember he was a student and worked in the library so he spent a lot of time online, guess he doesn't work there any more.
    Good catch.



    Hey, anyone remember that guy who talked like he was three different people. His name was three short names in one.
    You mean this guy?
  20. dunno about darque... someone said something about her being published? isn't she young, like still in high school young? well, i guess this board is almost 5 years old now, so like recently in high school young?


    Published as in, she writes books and actually makes money off it? Wow. Wasn't that ~Di?

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