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Master Assassin

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Everything posted by Master Assassin

  1. I'm glad to hear it, although there's mocap and then there's mocap. Sometimes what you get from generalist stuntmen is kind of "meh." It'd be ideal if they had, for example, a CIA combatives instructor doing the choreography (edit: if not the mocap). I would be leery of anyone who proclaimed themselves a 'CIA combatives instructor' (I don't believe that is the term used but I could be wrong) - I'd settle for anyone who could make the combat look believable AND fun to pull off. Not a travesty like the Bourne Conspiracy where proximity determines whether or not you engage a foe in CQB.
  2. I'm not one for infinite ammo either...it does take away a certain element of fun if you never have to worry about ammo you can just spray indiscriminately. I know there are people with whom this will resonate and they will love it (casual gamer sect) but I know I will not. Someone mentioned Deus Ex - I briefly played the second one and the gun sounded like a cap gun. I lost interest almost immediately. Uni-ammo was another idea I didn't care for. So where is this petition?
  3. Save the World works for me...its not likely I'll be able to do so IRL so doing it in a game is much to my taste. I can't speak for everyone but for myself, I like to think I make a difference by my actions, the things I do, how I carry myself, how I treat others, but- no one is going to approach me for a clandestine op, train me and let me loose in hostile territory. I'm not sure I'd want that, at this stage of my life- so I look for games that allow me the ability to live 'vicariously' through the 'life' of a video game hero. Just my $.02, for what its worth.
  4. CQC proficiency is a MUST in any secret agent's repertoire (IMO); whether it be Krav Maga, Pencak Silat, judoka, or any combination of whatever.
  5. I was under the impression that the Bourne game was going to be an action/shooter type? I haven't played the demo but I'll probably rent the game initially. A lot of people shared the same sentiment when 24 debuted on the PS2; I loved it, personally. Sure, there were more than a few things that could've been implemented better but overall, I thought the game was great.
  6. Oh goody, a release date! I'm pretty sure that isn't the one where it actually comes out...like others have said, I look fwd to a couple of delays for whatever reason. Better be a good reason.
  7. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I don't equate blood with sex, I just don't. I think sex and its depiction are generally 'mature' - and you can beg to differ but a great many children, especially American children, are far from mature enough to view such and be objective about it.
  8. Only because of hypocrisy. How so? Moat: I think the ESRB should rate a game based on what they are presented with; the bad thing with the Hot Coffee mod is that someone was able to figure it out earlier than they may have anticipated - I am quite sure they were aware it was still present in the code but it could be one of those things where they just want to see if anyone would find it. You have all kinds of investigative types who play the game so...there you have it. That it came out and caused so much controversy was something they should've planned for in hindsight; but who knew that Jack Thompson would seize the opportunity to get his 15 minutes of fame?
  9. Someone's gotta do it (the ratings) - lets face it, there are much more mature-themed games than there used to be; as technology continues to advance so will the complexity of the games we play. Games like GTA are not what impressionable young preteens should be playing and yet, they'll do pretty much anything to play the game simply because they shouldn't. Now, you could argue individual cases of youth who are mature enough to realize that what they see and do in-game is totally unacceptable in reality, but a great many of them may have trouble telling the two apart. THAT is a huge problem and it doesn't boil down to games, because as you all know, games don't kill people- idiots do. Idiots who draw inspiration from a video game were more than likely to have had some sort of mental issue to begin with- blaming it on a game is a cop out. Yet, thats what misguided crusaders like JT and HC would have you believe, its the game's fault. Total rubbish; makes you wonder how anyone in their right mind would want these people in positions of power; however, I still stand by my original line - ESRB is a good thing and if they were not in existence, something else would be. Speaking on Hot Coffee hey, it wasn't like they put it on there and explicitly told everyone NOT to touch it; I didn't even know about it til some nitwit hacked the game and put it out there for all to see. To address Moat: blood and sex- two totally different animals, man.
  10. mkreku, I had to look that up- McJob, too hilarious!!!
  11. Your post adds zero value to this thread. FAIL.
  12. As in, you messed up that convo and you'd like to be able to go back and rectify it? Hmm...not very realistic, that. We all want something tho, don't we? I like the idea of you get only one chance to make an impression... Besides, it doesn't say you can't go back and talk to them again, just that the previous convo is done for, just like in real life.
  13. You know, when I posted initially I knew this question was going to come up so I gave it some thought; here's what I come up with, and this may seem contradictory but here goes: I want there to be consequences. I want it to feel like whatever decision I go with, there are ramifications to be considered- it doesn't necessarily have to manifest physically a la Fable but something...I can't find the word I'm looking for, but I want that whatever choice is made, that the weight of the decision be felt as well as the affected outcome. Who knows, maybe a regime change would occur based on my actions. I like how the dialog is supposed to flow- you can't go back and do it again, just like a real world encounter- I want that to spread to all aspects of gameplay.
  14. My guess is, the sweet spot will be inhabiting a living, breathing world much like our own, but without the usual legislative, judicial and political leashes we wear daily. To expound on that; I don't know about the rest of you, but being a secret agent to me was akin to being Spiderman or Superman as a kid- the stuff of legends you could say. I played 24 just because I got to be Bauer, played Everything or Nothing simply because it was Bond- have yet to play a Bourne game but given the premise, I'm already on board. As a console player, I'm even more excited because finally, consoles can bring it with that 'nextgen' flair - something PCs have always had the ability to do, albeit at a much steeper price. This far out in the cycle, I'm just waiting and watching...and wondering what they're gonna bring to our table.
  15. Customization of safe houses; I came across a similar topic in the GTA forums...I wonder here as I did there whether such a thing has a place in a game like this. Customization of housing sort of puts the Sims to mind, or this new PS3 Home I keep hearing about- and that's cool for that genre but I do not think I would like it in an action/rpg. I mean, it MIGHT be cool for some to be able to skip to a stronghold/safehouse and maybe upgrade the curtains or paint scheme, decor- but how would that play alongside the realism they are shooting for? This is an area for which I have no expertise- I am very interested to see how this will pan out.
  16. I'm in agreement here; I love the 'if you can see it, you can get to it' feature that has been shown in games such as Elder Scrolls and to a smaller extent, Assassins Creed. I feel that complex quests and intriguing dialog should not be options but expectations to be realized; how big that world is, is sort of optional.
  17. But would that translate into thrilling gameplay? Maybe for a little while, or maybe it could be an achievement (kill x amount of vics with monofilament wire) but for that to be all there is? It would not be fun for the long haul, IMHO.
  18. Yeah well I don't see a spy running around with a rocket launcher or sub-machine gun, either, but I bet THOSE will be in the game! Heh, you don't see spies at all, not if they're any good. I agree, RL has no place in any type of espionage situation unless there was a mission which called for a massive deception - create general confusion and chaos to effect the cause of something else entirely; but as an inventory weapon, I would think it out of place. SMG? I can see that being a necessary tool, especially if it were say, a MP5 with a silencer. Depends on the mission. I'm thinking loadout's going to be minimal, forcing you to have to adapt to certain situations and makeshift weapons on the fly...
  19. While I share Krezack's enthusiasm for CQB we differ in our desire for weapons for that type of fighting. Since our boy is a spy, I do not see him appropriating spiked gauntlets or katars; a push dagger definitely as that is something easily concealed on a person, same with a knuckle duster - never heard of it being used by any but the weakest of street hoods, but it would give a decided edge to our boy. I'd like to see him use several different techniques based on what works best; for instance, Krav Maga is the latest craze so I expect there to be some sort of representation in the game, but since it IS a game, I'd like to see some of the more exciting styles like TKD or kung fu as well. Submission fighting is a given since he'll have been trained to neutralize a threat by any means, lethal or otherwise. Wish they'd tell us more about the game.
  20. Wow, that guy in the 5th/last screenshot looks almost exactly like moi! Except I have a mustache and small goatee...hmm, he looks more like my younger brother actually. I wonder what the guy in the background is pointing his gun at?
  21. This line right here: "However, if a player did put all his skill points in social skills or thievery and completely ignored combat training than there is absolutely no excuse for him to whine about how his character holds a sword by the wrong end. Allocating skill points this way was his choice. He has to be a man and face the consequences. Either that, or roll a new character." Being a sword enthusiast, I laughed out loud at the imagery; thanks for that Mr. Hummel. LOL I don't take issue with any of that, but I was wondering- they say our boy is going to be a fully trained, if green, agent. So it stands to reason he'll have some skill with weapons and tactics, he just won't be the badass he can be until the controller (you, me, whoever) decide which route he'll take. On the RPG thing, I'm going to assume you mean the whole point of it is to be able to be something you actually are not, hence 'role play'. How close am I?
  22. It didn't mention it specifically, but it's inconceivable to me that they would do a conversation system like that without full VO. I think that they're going for ME style cinematics, and you can't do something like that with just subtitles. I agree; at this stage in the gaming world, written text for dialog would seem 'last year' by comparison with games already being released.
  23. HaHa, I did the same thing; I'm always last one on the boards, but when I read about this (not to mention, 3 of my favorite whatever characters) I had to get on. I'm excited at the prospect; welcome to the boards.
  24. As long as there's no loading times, I guess I couldn't be too upset. Like some have said, maybe open-world might not be the best idea, but I would not want it to be overly restrictive either.
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