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Posts posted by walkerguy

  1. :rolleyes: You went off into a glitch-solve tone, when we finally get a KotOR2 thread not about a glitch, character, or location, of which get old quickly. If you have equip suggestions or something you should just tell them, but do what you want.


    Click avatar. In the tiny window, right click which one you want to use. Click "Save Image As" and save it on the desktop to be safe (Example name "Republic clone").




    In Obsidian Control Panel, click "Remove Avatar"




    Next, click "Browse". Find the republic clone image and double click it.




    It should appear on Obsidian.




    Finally, click "Update Avatar".



  3. If anyone is wondering just when Atlantis Season 5 will air I have an estimate of July 11 according to stargate-news.com


    Real release date depends on Sci-Fi Channel pick but Atlantis producers are ready for the summer, due the writers strike and lack of BSG episodes to fill the summer.


    Just trying to get an actual date out there. :thumbsup:




    Click ^


    July 11 premier of Stargate Atlantis S5 appears to be on the schedule now. Yay! :biggrin:

  4. Before you fight Sith, you already have about 400 medpacks, 300 life support packs, and 350 advanced medpacks (that should get you by for a while ;)).
    :facepalmri6: No.


    Some new feats would be nice such as: Two-People Fighting- With this awesome feat, your character automatically blocks off any melee or lightsaber attack. Levels are: Two-People Fighting, Improved Two-People Fighting, and Master Two-People Fighting. A nice, new power that I would like to see is a Dark Side Power called something like, Force Barrel Jump- A Dark Side power where one ignites their lightsaber, jumps and immediately twirls in the air moving towards the enemy, like a barrel and almost instantly killing the enemy, practically striking them down no matter how high there defense or dexterity is (even if it's over 100!). I'd be unstoppable! But you don't get that power until you reach level 50 of Sith Lord.


    Palpatine style. :thumbsup: Good idea. Level 50 Sith, not so much. That or a variation could be for the LS character as well. The Two People Fighting idea isn't so good. Barrel jump would be insanely awesome though. :happy0203:


    First off, what? Is that not enough medpacks for you? Would you be happier if I said like a million medpacks would get you by better, hmm? Secondly, insted of Two People fighting, how does Multi-People Fighting sound? You get to block of any attack no matter where the enemy is (as long as the're at close range).


    Sounds like more **** feats. We don't need magical thinking here. Also, pre-set medpacs? :cat: Are we an army with our own supply lines now? :huh:




    And if anything :xxxxx: (ie :)) isn't appearing in your posts please PM Fionavar ASAP. Those new smileys arent appearing in your reply, so I can only assume.:p

  5. Malachor V :thumbsup:


    I always thought Korriban was a good planet (though I suppose a bit short) and never really understood why so many people dislike it in KOTOR2. The "Dagobah cave" worked well, and sneaking around the academy was pretty nice to.


    Never thought of Korriban cave as Dagobah cave, huh.


    Also, about Star Maps, I doubt the metal can rebuild itself, Im pretty sure it can just recover from data loss, not an orbital bombardmnet, though possible...

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