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Posts posted by walkerguy

  1. I am having a bit of trouble at the Sith Tomb. I am playing the light side and my party at the tomb consists of Visas, Mandalore, and Bao-Dur. I have trouble at the sith ritual area, the opposing party of Siths, including a Sith Master and two Sith Lords. I can't seem to beat them, any help?


    (Visas dies too quickly, and can't heal her in time, Mandalore lasts a bit longer, and Bao-Dur is useless)


    This may be an obvious answer, but have you tried shields and stims? They help me if I get in a bind. And use offensive force powers, like horror or stasis, if you have them. That way you won't be fighting them all at once. :thumbsup:


    Horror = :icon_FIREdevil: & For the Republic = :cat: so =/=


    Correct? Algebra 101. :p


    Use babydol's other advice though. Always stims and shields for tough spots. Remember that.


    Swxpert, its not a glitch, and FTR has the advice they need. Geez.

  2. Yes but then again in KOTOR lightsabers didn't function as they should.


    Lightsabers don't cause damage they cut and kill. (blocks blasters as well)


    In order to defeat a Jedi you need many gunners at and you need to take them by surprise.


    So yeah if you are a blaster character against a dark lord you're royally screwed. End of story.


    KOTOR has thus far proven blasters have a chance of effectiveness against saber wielders. :down: I'd rather not take the risks, however.

  3. So about some KOTOR III ideas: In the game it should start out where this time your main character is Bastila.


    Bastila might have been possible for K2, but after her role in K2, she could never be the playable, main character.


    Your mission is to look for Revan and find him somewhere where ever he is because towards the end of KOTOR II, Bastila was asking about Revan's whereabouts. In KOTOR III, you also get new powers, moves, and feats (including all the ones in K1 and K2).


    Some of those feats are pure crap, like Battle Meditation. Yay! Now everyone can be like Bastila! I think the entire structure should be rebuilt save for the essential basics which are fine as they are. (Armor Proficiency, Attacks, Skill Bonuses)


    Then when you find Revan (just a heads up, he's male in this idea), you and him get married secretly. No one knows about the marriage, not even the Jedi High Council (JHC) knows. Then the JHC gives both of you two really hard assignments in order to destroy the Sith "once and for all." Obviously they come back 4,000 years later during the time when Palpatine... well you know.


    So thats an idea for if your PC tells whoever that Revan was male (like Exile telling Atton). What about the other possibilities? We must romance Revan? That would be a major story changer.


    Anyway, the sith that you fight this time should be much tougher, as you don't fight any until after you have found Revan. After you find him, then you are at level 40 (there should be 70 level ups total). The Sith you fight are all at level 45, just for the entertainment....


    ...All enemies are either at level 30 or higher, so then you can have more fun at the game.




    Good KotOR combat is tough nut to crack.
    ^^^ Everyone has different ideas of how to implement a battle system. How about playing around with the idea of Dark Alliance/Drake's Fortune kind of system. Seems like more and more RPGs are going that way (AP, right?)


    Before you fight Sith, you already have about 400 medpacks, 300 life support packs, and 350 advanced medpacks (that should get you by for a while ;)).
    :facepalmri6: No.


    Some new feats would be nice such as: Two-People Fighting- With this awesome feat, your character automatically blocks off any melee or lightsaber attack. Levels are: Two-People Fighting, Improved Two-People Fighting, and Master Two-People Fighting. A nice, new power that I would like to see is a Dark Side Power called something like, Force Barrel Jump- A Dark Side power where one ignites their lightsaber, jumps and immediately twirls in the air moving towards the enemy, like a barrel and almost instantly killing the enemy, practically striking them down no matter how high there defense or dexterity is (even if it's over 100!). I'd be unstoppable! But you don't get that power until you reach level 50 of Sith Lord.


    Palpatine style. :down: Good idea. Level 50 Sith, not so much. That or a variation could be for the LS character as well. The Two People Fighting idea isn't so good. Barrel jump would be insanely awesome though. :happy0203:


    But does anyone have anything to say regarding for some ideas for KOTOR III?


    KotoR 3: Ideas, Suggestions, Discussion, Part 24 This has been around forever. The incumbents are just tired of it. :p


    Thread pruned. This is a great series of threads, perhaps our oldest and most popular. Please don't spam it or fill it with insults.


    Actually, this is the first time this thread has become awesome. Thank you Darth_Revan1990, thank you.


    Apparently this incumbent disagrees with that statement. :)

  4. I dont have an Xbox so Im shooting from the hip here but dont you need to press some button to make the microphone work? Meaning, its not always "on" but must be activated when you want to talk.


    That button would be the mute button. As much as I wish I was just an idiot, I'm afraid thats not the problem. :)


    icon2.gif When on, the volume symbol flashes erratically, and when I record, all I get is static on playback.


    This is what happens when it is on. ^ Only difference for when muted is that the flashing stops, and I still cannot talk (even if it was working properly I couldn't =])

  5. Alas, Deadly_Nightshade cannot help me here.


    Original Xbox/Official Microsoft Headset (was new)


    I can hear out of it but the voice doesn't work. icon2.gif When on, the volume symbol flashes erratically, and when I record, all I get is static on playback. I see virtually no troubleshooting possibility (we're talking about Xbox here) but I'd like to know what could be causing this. I did try turning the console off and tried different controllers, including a Microsoft S. What could it be? Interference? The fact my Xbox "took a bump" when it fell on the floor? ( =] ) Well if there is a way to fix this I'd be appreciative. :)


    ADDED: On the note of interference I have a DVR nearby...

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