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The Owner

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Everything posted by The Owner

  1. The Owner


    IF you are a noob, that's ok so am I. Post here to talk to other noobs.
  2. sp33, a better movie than game
  3. no one listens to my posts this sucks
  4. ona scale from 1-10 how hot do you think bastilla would be in real life in a bikini, I hope im not kicked off for asking
  5. Knights 3 should pick up where the original 2 left off, or include the Anakin's ancestors
  6. where can you find reavans mask or lightsaber
  7. Can You get Reavens mask in the first game and if so where
  8. I know people can mod PC KOTOR games and get different costumes, but is there a special costume or item for the XBOX? Please respond!
  9. i need a cool free avatar, start posting
  10. I'm a noob, where can I get a free avatar
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