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The Owner

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Everything posted by The Owner

  1. sup people? i dont post much any more, but if i can find some friends and things to post about ill start = ). So, if you have anything to say to me, you can post here for now. Sorry for being random, first post in like a year or something it feels like.
  2. ha!!!!! i am the only one talking on this page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. um, this is awkward, just remember i didnt say that crap

  4. im serious, that was my friend, i am not perverted or lying, he says hes sorry and was just playing around

  5. sorry, my friend is weird, i dont want to see you naked lol...sorry (stupid friend) i aint a perv, but i have no email so forget the first 2 posts, sorry

  6. stupid friend said that, hes standing next to me at my computer, i meant to say i would like to see a picture of you but i have no email

  7. what on earth, blessing was hitting on me on my own pm, by the way blessing, how did you see my profile? and i dont have email although i would like to see u naked

  8. yeah well at least i have mandalore on my side... stupid jungle climates a bit annoying but at least i get internet up here...
  9. I'd just like to say that whoever started this topic has my blessings. I'm a christian too and it's gettin' harder and harder to speak up and say that u r. Jesus Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. The funny thing is after all that i read, other than me there are propably 2 members on this site that liked it, 10 who thought it was ok, 50 who thought it sucked, and 3 who hate it with enough passion to call anyone who disagreed emo! LOL what the heck is up with that? I mean emo? come on if thats the best diss those know it alls have its really sad.... and u shouldnt diss someone for disagreein' with u in the first place..... to those of u who hate my guts for saying this (even though it is quite obviously the absolute truth) PM me, just know i dont have to read the pm lol.
  11. tsup, the owner is back

  12. Also, i predict this will get off topic after a few more replies and a moderator will say, "This is getting off topic bye bye.", but obviously they'll word it differently
  13. Y'know, I tried FF8 once. My friend adn i fired it up, went threw a whole lot of crappy movies, and if i recall, it took half an hour to get to the first fight, or more. And you had absolutely no idea what was goin on..............
  14. I totally love this game, 3 disks of entertainment that keep u busy fodr a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time, for that matter, I haven't even beaten it yet. Another way to respond to this would b to tell me what other games u think r great or mayb way better than this one. I wont b offended if u think I'm wrong
  15. you can add me as ur friend if you want

  16. hi, I know how it is to be a noob, just don't take these guys to seriously and you'll do just fine

  17. all right, if all you people only post comments on my threads to diss, make fun of, and tear everything I say to pieces, then don't post at all. sick of all the jerks who can't even see past there own feelings! Noobs have feelings too! And who gives a crap if you're gonna call me an alt even though I'm not! At least I don't go around dissing every little thing some of you jerks say! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :
  18. I meant ignore! Had to explain myself before you vultures tore me to pieces.
  19. I will igmore those who called me an alt and pretend that I did not hear it.
  20. read my heading
  21. hi, are yuo a noob too

  22. this will tell you all you need to know....
  23. Moderators are so cool. The only reason I'm Gonna stay a member on the site is to one day become a moderator!
  24. Yeah Xard, if you ignore some of the cheesy parts, KH2 is actually a great game
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