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Magister Lajciak

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Posts posted by Magister Lajciak

  1. That's correct, Madam!


    I am no madam!


    My apologies then! Given your screen-name, however, perhaps I can be forgiven for assuming that initially.

    Take it easy! I made that mistake once myself... Since then she...damn he doesn't use female avatars anymore.


    Heh, good to know I am not the only one!

  2. Wrong.


    By the way, has it ever been confirmed that we'll be starting at 0 xp? The OC had the "harvest fair" XP extravaganza to bump us up to level 3 (for 0 ECL characters) right off the bat, but the D&D low-level problems are somewhat mitigated in SoZ with the a 4-person group. (Plus, there isn't much need for all the "this is how you cast a spell" tutoring.)
    No, we'll be starting at Level 3, but the search doesn't spit out any developer I could quote, so I might be mistaken.


    Yes, we do begin at level 3. It was stated in one of the previews.

  3. Are LAN's really that big anymore? I figured with wireless networks and wifi, it's a very small group.


    I don't know whether LAN's are big, but I certainly like them. I do play multiplayer games using LAN (wireless LAN to boot) and almost never play over the internet.

  4. If you're looking for a Baldur's Gate-like game why not wait for Dragon Age to come out? It has been described as a spiritual successor to the original series.

    Also, there was some talk of BG3 in the works but that was just talk.


    Here's a BG-like indie being (slowly) developed as well. http://www.planewalkergames.com/content/view/32/46/


    Well we are all waiting for DA. Its hard to say anything conclusive about the game but my hopes aren't exactly high after playing Bioware's games from 2002 onwards.


    My hopes are high for gameplay, but I suspect the game will be crippled with DDRM. >_< Still, the game does seem to show significant promise.

  5. the thing with the armors, yeah can see where Mr. Sawyer is coming from there..


    but then i prefer light to medium armors.


    and I tend to pour enough to dex or cheat at it, to make max use of armor planed for the character.



    Well, I think wearing armor should have advantages - there has been too much emphasis on High Dex. - High AC builds compared with Heavy Armor - High AC builds.

  6. I will certainly make sure that all my family and relatives find out and can avoid games with DDRM at a distance.


    Why? I mean is it because it might be an issue for them, say because they format and reinstall every month or constantly buy new hardware, or are you simply using them as a form or protest?


    They don't reinstall very often (though they do sometimes), but they do like to return and play older games (and I mean even games more than 10 years old) after some time has passed just like I do.


    Oh, and what's the extra D you keep using for? Draconian?


    That's correct, Madam!

  7. I think his 0.2% comment was only metaphorically meant. He could certainly have chosen a more accurate verbiage, but he probably just meant to say a 'small minority'.


    It's tough to say what proportion of gamers care about DRM and to what extent. Lots of people probably still don't even know that DDRM exists or what it does. Being the most informed on the matter in my wider-family, I will certainly make sure that all my family and relatives find out and can avoid games with DDRM at a distance.

  8. That said, console gaming is not really an option for me, since I move around too much and have to do so on a single plane ticket every time, which puts a weight limit on my personal possessions of about 50kg.


    Reading this again, it sounds almost like I have some Paladin-like wealth limit! :shifty: Just to clarify: This only applies when I am not back home in Slovakia and is not entirely accurate even when I am away, but you get the picture - basically, no superfluous electronics like a TV or Consoles are an option. A computer is fine, as I need it for work too... and happily can also use it for gaming.

  9. For some reason games for DS can get away with simpler graphics, with being in "dead" genres, with being turn-based, etc. But for PC?! Not AAA enough :x .


    Is it really true that consoles are seeing a greater proportion of turn-based games and less emphasis on graphics than PC games?


    Yes, especialy if you like japanese games and storyteling, you'll be in gamer heaven... I was orthodox PC only gamer until i was 28, when i decided to purchse me Wii and Playstation 2 and i tell you it was one of the best choices i have ever made, just dont do a mistake and never buy EA game on it, or you end up forking out 50 EUR for 8 hour long game... I finnished only 4 games so far (i purchased 16 so far for consoles :shifty:), and every single one had 90 - 130 hours played when i finnished them (not counting endless hours when I was figuring out tactics for optional bosses on my own without peek into gamefaqs) i dont remember when i had so much fun with PC games...


    and yeah if you want to have maximum fun possible, buy only exclusive titles, you can then rest asured that they spent all the time at polishing it into perfection, instead of trying to make crappy port just to be sure they can hit release date for all the platforms simultaneously...


    I am not really interested in Japanese games/storytelling, but that maybe because I have not really tried them. Regardless, that information is very interesting indeed and something I would not have suspected in the slightest. That said, console gaming is not really an option for me, since I move around too much and have to do so on a single plane ticket every time, which puts a weight limit on my personal possessions of about 50kg.

  10. Im playing the full game (bought it from gamersgate) and its quite excellent. You really do have to enjoy the turn based combat from the Heroes of Might and Magic series to appreciate it though.


    I definitely do enjoy Heroes and Might and Magic, notably HoMM 3 and HoMM 5. I will definitely try the demo when my schedule clears up a bit in the next few days and almost certainly get the full game thereafter.

  11. Well, I liked the clips I saw, though I am starting to fear that having this ever expanding amount of info is starting to become too spoilerish for my taste. I would rather they talk about the mechanics of the game - that's not really a spoiler for me.


    From the looks of it, Dragon Age will be awesome and the only realistic thing that may prevent my purchase would be the inclusion of DDRM.

  12. Latest news is that multi-player games will have a 4 player limit :x


    Although its unconfirmed right now, stat points may not be distributable -- based upon the demo at Blizzcon. The new skills/runes system does look interesting though.


    Edit: Automatic stat assigning is confirmed (I miss-read the news post)


    These things are a bit sad, but the other stuff does compensate for those weaknesses.

  13. For some reason games for DS can get away with simpler graphics, with being in "dead" genres, with being turn-based, etc. But for PC?! Not AAA enough :x .


    Is it really true that consoles are seeing a greater proportion of turn-based games and less emphasis on graphics than PC games?

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