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Everything posted by HalasterBlack

  1. I was wondering how many total force forms you could get, I only got one on my sentinal character which added regen and I think 2 damage to every die roll. But, I hear there is some more, including one that doubles your damage but requires more force points. So are there any more?
  2. 1)Its already been addressed in the Star Wars storyline that Force Power are not based on light or dark side. That in fact the light and the dark side do not really exist. (Zong Saga). The existance of the force does not completely change how morals work, it merely tempts you. As if you constantly had gum in your mouth but were not supposed to chew it. Similar to as if you were an absolute monarch. 2) The only power of the Jedi or Sith really have is use of the force, which can do anything. However in order to use the force you must shape it in your mind to the task at hand. Thus a Jedi who had never used telekinesis before would have a much more diffucult time than a Jedi who was used to the mindset. Its like visualizing a lamp in your mind. The first time you try to its blurly and hard to maintain, but after 50 or so visualizations you can achieve photo-like realism. (similar to David Eddings the Will and the Word in the Belgariad) Did Vader and the Emporer have similar powers because they were both dark side or had low morals? No! Vader was a master of Telekinesis(Choke) and Energy Absorbtion(Absorb-Emporers lightning for one) Palpatine was a master of Energy Creation(Lightning) and Mind Manipulation(Battle Meditation) The morality of a force-user does not make up his powers, his mind and its abilities make up his core powers. 3) The light side had Speed the most powerful of all the powers so I see no reason for Lightsiders to complain. Plus its not as if you couldn't choose lightning, the fact that it was aggressive is what made it Dark Side, and to make aggressive light side powers just messes up the point of the Dark Side.
  3. First of all, Lenin who? Second, why did you do it, and why did you post about it? Third, what do meat and insanity have to do with each other?
  4. QA has been mentioned multiple times, and I may be a moron for asking (has happened) but what exactly (as opposed to vaguely) is QA.
  5. Yah view Feigned Roleplaying for agruements on this issue.
  6. Personally I think the book "Universe in a Nutshell" By Steven Hawkings explains this expertly well and in easy to understand terms.
  7. Your talking about the Ewoks cartoons with fantasticular storylines, witchs, and evil version of ewoks, and such
  8. Well 1) Cause Lightsabers are from the Star Wars Universe and this issue has been addressed before and 2) Cause there are more effective ways to have a high tech sword. 3) Useless Star Wars Guide? Heresy! 4) Ignorance 1) Yah this isn't really the forum do discuss this, and your going to constantly get reminders that lightsabers are from Star Wars when your in a Star Wars forum (not even really a Star Wars forum its a KOTOR 2 forum) 2) Take for instance a blade of near-molecule width held by EM fields, or even Vibro-Blades. 3) The whole point of that Star Wars guide was looking at Star Wars weapons from a physics and mechanical standpoint, a much more USELESS things to answer your questions with than a forum that has to do with suggestions for KOTOR 2 4) And arrogance.
  9. Yah I tend to agree with GA on this. However I felt that some classes (Consular) in KOTOR did not recieve enough feats and powers by the end of the game. This isn't really a fault of the amount of levels as much as a fault of the feat and power spacing given in those levels. (I rarely got more than one power upon level up with Consular class maybe once) I feel that if leveling up is done properly than there should be no need for more levels.
  10. Wow, I have reviewed alot more of this material, and Wow. Seem to be a fight between an articulate and intelligent friend, and a dung throwing child that when confronted with the logic that he has no facts, replies that facts dont matter, George Lucas is god. Yes, yes, and saberwhips are awesome.
  11. That statement is wrong. On the official star wars forum, they had a thread dedicated to this and showed the different "levels of canon". Comics are lower on the order than any authorized books in canon. edit: at the very least, TotJ are no higher up in canon than any of the EU novels, and I distinctly remember it being said that all comics are a tier down from the EU novels. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> First Yah Anakin is right on this one, the only thing that goes above books in hierarchy is original movies. Second George lost alot of canon status in my opinion when he made Ep1 and Ep2. In my personal hierarchy and the hierarchy of all of my friends prior Ep 1 and Ep 2 material take up a higher class.
  12. Would you mind telling where or how Canderous' sidequest took place. I did talk to Canderous, but I thought his story ended after he told you of his alien (Yuka Zong-spelled wrong) encounter. And (I use beginning sentence ands alot and think it makes me a rebel) I will admit that I didn't follow the character conversations as much as maybe I should have, they were a hassle that I would have been more partial to them if I could hear it all in one sitting.
  13. Or just actually know the Star Wars universe and the mechanics of it. First alot of people dont seem to realize that a blaster and lightsaber are actually both plasma(not plazma) weapons. Ergo the lightsaber is not actually a "light"saber. The mechanics of both weapons is actually already planned out to a point in the Star Wars Universe. I suggest you go buy a Star Wars Guide to Weapons and other part of title(the old version as in not Ep1 and 2) Second both blaster and lightsaber do use Electro-Magnetic Fields. They also use gas packs and or cystrals pointing to the use of lasers. How lasers are involved is never really explained. I suppose it could be used for heating but it seems like there would be a better way to cause heat. The fact is however that blaster somehow use lasers to create a plasma beam which is then compressed and focused multiple times by EMs into a deadly beam. To the man that says a lighsaber would wear out, slowly growing less powerful. You assume to easily that the EM would direct the plasma and energy in a straight line. It would be more logically to have the energy flowing in a circuit (circle) like formation, with constant replenishing of energy to the circuit from the hilt and the only loss of energy would be in forms of light and heat. To the man that said, "Ergo, at light speed an object woudl have an infinite mass and infinate gravity, which woudl require infinite energy, therefore signalling the destruction of the universe, but its IMPOSSIBLE, in einsteins theory to reach light speed therefore star wars spaceships cant travel these distances." First, gain some coherency. Second, you barely unstand Einstein's Theory, Congrats. Third, you mean the destruction of the universe like a black hole (infinite mass and gravity) causes the destruction of the universe? Fourth, Einstein's theory states that objects can't ACCELERATE to Light Speed. Fifth, in Star Wars ships reach light speed by going into Hyperspace, not by accelerating.
  14. A big discussion in this topic recently seems to be needless coping of NWN. So speaking of copying have any you played the Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight. An ancient game now. And it was a FPS basically, but alot of similarities between it and KOTOR exist.
  15. I will agree that the LS side of the game was exceptionally well done and polished. When you went lightside their was good feats, powers, and to a point storyline. However one sided games get boring fast, espicially(Captain SpellWrong to the Failure!) when they were designed to be two sided.
  16. Ive never actually played Fallout 2 (most likely a serious oversight) but Ill apply your statement to other RPG's to address the basic issue. Ill agree that alot if not most RPG's have very little character storyline. (Morrowind had next to zero NPC charaterization, FF7 didn't have much) However I think that you are leaving out the BG characters as a comparison point. I personally feel that BG characters were better characterized than KOTOR characters. The main thing that seperated this from KOTOR was that they didn't push character storylines onto you in BG. KOTOR in my opinion (as opposed to Satans) did a bad job of storyline and character traits for my teammates. It seemed to only give storyline to the characters that I hated and not the characters I liked. My Favorite Characters: HK-47 Candorous Old Man My Hated Characters: Carth Bastila Juhani They pushed forth the story of Bastila with her mother- a quest that I hated and they pushed forth the story of Carth with the general- I also didnt like They did nothing with Candorous, they gave almost no storyline to HK, and although there was a quest for the old man you never find out who the heck he is. Also they seem to be pushing character traits that I either dont like, dont really relate to, or relate to put dont want to witness in a game. Lets list my favorite Star Wars characters(does have a point)(not in order) Han Solo, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, and Naga Sadow (there are others) Lets list some attributes that they dont have unintelligent, whinny, melodramatic, sassy(use of authority you dont have), Lets list other characters without these attributes Batman (DC), Sean Dillon (Jack Higgins Books), Raistlin Majere (DragonLance), Elminster (FR), Wolverine (Marvel) Lets list attributes that Juhini, Carth, and Bastila did have Juhani was whinny and melodramatic Carth was whinny, unintelligent, and melodramatic Bastila was sassy and whinny Not being unintelligent, whinny,.... does not mean that a character is not deep. Han Solo, Sean Dillon, Raistlin, and Elminster are all exceptionally deep characters. The reverse can be applied just because Juhani was melodramatic, depressed, and whinny doesn't make her deep. In conclusion, yes, giving characters traits such as ..... may make me relate to them, but that doesn't mean I will like them. Thus the ascension of Batman, Wolverine, Raistlin, Elminster, and Boba Fett in mythology and the decline of Insert Suckity.
  17. First of all, someone should have warned me that my topic would get a second life. Second, if your just getting into this topic, try to read the before post, despite how long they are, and try not to repeat them Third Heres the difference between you and me. I got no satisifaction was so ever from these so-called "choices." I did however get irritated by them on occasion. Irration was due to a) No real emotion involvement between the choices EXAMPLE: Accepting the bounty on waitress or trying to get it off her head SOLUTION: Maybe expand the story a bit, imagery would help, maybe more teamNPC involvement on pressure to do choose this, more serious results like maybe I get butt-load of money for bounty, or her family places bounty on my head if I kill her. B) Result of Choice, most the time, quests did not give satisfactary rewards for your choice. In fact, alot of the time, the quests seemed to reward the PC more for one choice. (damn Lightside) Pretty much destroying the fun of having the choice in the first place EXAMPLE: Kill the shark with acid, or convince it to go away peacefully. If you choose acid, you got kicked of Manaan and were unable to finish races(MONEY MONEY MONEY) and the Assassin Guild (Geohardan Awesome Items). Promptly screwed. SOLUTION: Give better rewards for all quests and choices, PC should feel that they have accomplished something, and try not to give punishments And yes, by not enjoying these choices, it did cut down alot on playability a) Yah storyline route is personally not my favorite route, but its what Bioware is good at. I feel that every game should be looked over like "what will the PC feel if he knows the storyline ahead of time". I dont think KOTOR was looked over that way, and even though it has a great storyline, it doesn't have enough polish. Thats what really makes a game, polish. Just look at all the Blizzard games. B) I personally "hated" the characters from the KOTOR story. Bastila was a sassy brat. Carth was a whinny blockhead punk. The little twilek(ack spelling) girl was crazy, annoying, reckless, and always getting in the way. The wookie was a frickin betrayer and fricking betrayed me. Juhani is manic depressive to the max. The old man was ok, but I could never fricking figure him out. I thought he was on my side, but as soon as I declare myself Dark Lord of the Sith, he attempts to stap me in the back. Only the Mandalorian and HK-47 were actually worth their pay. Well, until you actually used them in combat, cause all ranged weapons and non-jedi suck.
  18. Exactly! In KOTOR you were definitly an actor. The whole point of playing an RPG is to be involved in a situation you would not normaly be involved in, and to play out that situation as you choose. To create a very restricting storyline or gameplay along with that almost destroys what could be an even better experience. You are no longer roleplaying but instead, simply particapating with the more restiction in story and gameplay the more restiction in particapation and fun. The entire video game experience is lessened.
  19. I really think that the lightsaber always use, is pretty much stupid. If you saw Boba Fett with Jedi Skills the man would be throwing grenades, stones, light-daggers and such all over his enemies. He wouldn't even have to use his hands in light-saber duels, it just be lightsabers flying through the air as if they were alive. Of course most of that is unreasonable for in-game, but it doesn't make sense that force skills would almost only be used for lightsaber duels. Also I think force illusion powers should be included in the game, in forms of invisibility, improved invisibility, and displacement.
  20. Well I started this topic because when I read a Star Wars book, I never see a Jedi, or even a Sith even more use any other weapons beside a lightsaber, which is a waste. Because Jedi skills will help with many other weapons beside a lightsaber. Examples Sith Weapon Lavarek: (ack dont know how its spelled) This weapon shot razor blades that the Sith quided to the enemy with Telekinesis. Dark Vader: Had telekinetic like powers over blaster bolts, stand to reason that it could also be used to guide blaster bolts to the enemy. Naga Shadow: Made his material blades have the propeties of a lightsaber and also made have a sharper edge. What am I asking for in game? The ability to instead of getting the lightsaber feats ( +1 to attack, +2 to damage) to instead put that into ranged weapons or normal melee weapons.
  21. Im not really asking much divergence of the part of Bioware, just some as opposed to almost none. Sure I would like alot, but I think some is a reasonable request. One of the best things about Pen and Paper, is the ability to make your own choices, and it is this part particularly that should be imported into any RPG Also you seem to be underestimating (the power of the force) Lukes choices. Also I dont think you should place labels of light side or dark side, cause its all morally perspective. 1) Attempt to kill Darth Vader and the Emporer for the good of the Republic 2) Attempt to convert Darth Vader and kill the Emporer 3) Attempt to convert Darth Vader and convert the Emporer 4) Attempt to subdue or capture Darth Vader and kill the Emporer 5) Attempt to subdue both the DV and Emp 6) Join with Darth Vader and destroy the Emporer (what I would have done) 7) Join with the Emporer and destroy Darth Vader Kill both, and proclaim self new Emporer Obviously some of these are not the best options, and some would not have made a great storyline, but he still had these options.
  22. I think the way you define linear, or main plot may be different than how I define them. Sure there was a plot that started when the game started and asked you to follow it, but it didn't require you to follow it, which I think is the actually defining factor in a main quest, a large and important quest with good storyline that you are required to follow. I know what you are refering to when you say main quest but I just consider it a large optional quest, that I personnally didn't participate in till later in the game. I also don't see how that 'main' quest was anymore linear than KOTOR. In both of them you had specific places and things to do to advance the quests. In Morrowind however you could choose to abandon or even kill your links to the quest, a great non-linear factor whereas in KOTOR in order to abandon the quest you had to quit the game. In KOTOR you where stuck with companions that you had to use, a slight linear factor cause in Morrowind you can converse with who you want and rarely have companions. In both Morrowind and KOTOR you could choose what skills you wanted to gain, most likely even easier in Morrowind. Then in Morrowind there was the fact that the 'sidequest' where not really sidequests but instead entire new mainquests. Instead of not much effort but into sidequests, these quilds, family, or other quests had brilliant storylines, intriguining characters, and good PC rewards. One of these rewards that most pleased me in Morrowind was status or regnition of my PC. It really irrated me that all the dark siders I encountered and told I was the Dark Lord Revan, ignored me and attacked me, because apparently they(lowly Dark Side Apprentices) think they can defeat a Dark Side Lord, and do not see the value of becoming a Dark Side Lords Apprentice as opposed to dead. I read your entire thing so yah, some people read it.
  23. Do you get experience for them?
  24. Original poster, and who might that be? Ya, but there always are little misunderstandings.
  25. No, Im not. You seem to think I am, but really I'm not. What I am asking for though, is a more open-ended consquence system. I am asking for evey single options to have at least some effect. Every major option to actually have a major effect. And generally for more options. The whole story of KOTOR revolves around Revan and the eventually whether or not you will pick up and continue Revans Awe-Full mantle or create a cloak of yourown. The most major choice in the game is that choice. And what changes because of it. Almost nothing. A few cutscenes, your party members, but everyone can agree that's pitiful for the most important choice of the game. The key plot doesn't really change, you still go after Malak and ultimately defeat him, and more importantly you have the same gameplay. Same enemies,(except Bastila) same Malak, same Malak tricks. Think of how awesome it would have been if when you went Malak once, it would be easier to defeat him, but once you defeat him, you have to take on the Masters of the Jedi Order, particularly Mr. WannaBeYoda, what if you had the option to spare Malaks life and have him aid you in the battle, only to recieve a well placed virboblade in the blade after you win. The think is I came in KOTOR expecting, according to hype and such, that would I would get would have the light and dark side being like the mages and warrior guilds in Morrowind. If you haven't played Morrowind, the mages and warrior guilds had alsome guild specific story lines, characters, and quests. KOTOR did not have anything near that. This is probably why I only spent 70 or so hours on KOTOR when I spent over 300 on Morrowind. *EDIT* I wanted to clearify if anyone got confused on my Morrowind reference. The main arguement of mine is that lightside and darkside should have had totally diverging storylines. When you choose whether your gonna be the Dark Lord of the Sith, or the Savior of the Jedi, and from that day on act upon your heroship, the game should not have similiar storylines with slight differences.
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