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Everything posted by uuuhhii

  1. a lot of rpg really need some quest line about npc romancing each other so many game are so long now a lot of player will never start a new 50 hours playthrough for a different romance maybe more game should allow player to choose genderless to maximize romance potential
  2. with some of the best line noah ever created not sure if cyberpunk 2077 solve the core problem with sequel will ever happen
  3. so the next dlc will be about rizzo maybe player will see some actual purple berry
  4. choice of games are a publisher with a lot of text based cyoa most of them use the same engine
  5. choice of game have pretty good interface for the format but lack of save system are really annoying
  6. finished the life and suffering of sir brante have no idea how stat work get a pretty bad ending atmosphere are pretty heavy and somber all the way choice are too few compare to most cyoa some time some of them are pretty interesting with some unpredictable result
  7. tekehu might be the best character in poe really didn't expect even obsidian can make a companion so good as for the endless path the two dlc of deadfire have much better massive dungeon though the big statue map certainly looks impressive
  8. it wouldn't make sense if there are only gods of good weather and happiness there must be gods of tyranny cruelty indifference of death and final end
  9. finished oblivion oath and troubles in otari on paizo but having trouble with band of bravos might try find some good adventure path stream
  10. single class priest are pretty difficult to kill with large shield and heavy armor tried once in the mirror arena fight if a character are healing summon focus just give them a large shield and they will be tanky enough
  11. it would be nice to see obsidian make some pathfinder game base on 2e but possibility are very low
  12. the ending deadfire can not be easily gloss over like most major choice in poe1 most efficient way a sequel could handle it seems to be let the archmages interfere so no matter which faction control ukaizo the same set of character can be their representative in distant land the new story most likely to be set in
  13. have a backlog of about 200 novel and text based game should only take 10 years in ideal situation
  14. bloodlines 2 seems to have graphic way too fancy than any obsidian game wonder if they can handle it without some additional support
  15. paradox seems to heavily invested in all these world of darkness games have a few great game so far but the biggest project struggle was no surprise
  16. loading time are a little painful though not nearly as painful as dragon age origin or kingmaker
  17. finished second discworld book men at arms pretty good dry humor but dialogue feels a little old style sometimes hard to read
  18. that mortal konbat trailer actually doesn't look that bad
  19. it is obvious cyberpunk are making many same mistake witcher 3 did but this time with super hardware draining heavily populated city
  20. watched first 4 episode of snowpiercer s02 new character are great was expecting alex to be some what annoying but end up likable wilford are much more disturbing and malicious than expected not sure how the new hope for survival plot line will go
  21. hope those pipe didn't crack and wasn't in the ground might be extremely difficult to fix
  22. the watch s01 have some pretty entertaining song and dance scene seems like a fantasy show about a band is what creater most passionate about little similarity with the book
  23. paizo just made spider and human ship canon and serum of sex shift cost 60gold in golarion hard to imagine there are much obstacle for any romance in a world like this
  24. tides of numenera have a lot of interesting story in it but get into it seems to be extremely difficult maybe will try again with enough time
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