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Everything posted by LittleArmadillo0

  1. Magic the Gathering is going to become an animated series on Netflix. https://esportsobserver.com/magic-the-gathering-netflix/
  2. Now I head to the Golden Temple to face my greatest enemy. An enemy so hard I couldn't finish the game. I finally did it! I was able to open the god damned door!
  3. I don't know what the heck is going but color me intrigued.
  4. That looks sickening! I looks very similar to a khepresh the crown of war.
  5. Well I'll be I wasn't expecting that, I though for certain it was going to be Lasombra. Still its great to see the Malkavians are getting love.
  6. https://retrobitch.wordpress.com/2019/01/16/mall-rats-vidiots-and-addicts-anti-video-game-propaganda-from-the-80s/ An interesting read as well as some weird illustrations from the time, this ones one of my favorite from the article.
  7. I think its the fact that he teleports a whole bunch and the map is a lot larger than most areas you fight bosses.
  8. I'm going to try Grim Dawn. There is a free trial of it on steam today and I want to see if its up my ally.
  9. Jace5, try using this site I put below. It will resize your portraits to the right ratio without stretching them. http://www.notra.fr/portrait.php
  10. Having a family get together. Putting together some smoked chuck roast, rubbed ribs, and burgers on the grill.
  11. "Incest, organized crime, death cults - that's the Giovanni. Spaghetti and corpses, boss."
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