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Heart of the Guardian

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Everything posted by Heart of the Guardian

  2. I have a little question for Team Gizka. WHY HAVEN'T YOU FINISHED YET??
  3. Err..........sorry but, Why? You will always have enough FP anyway. Even Guardians never run out of Force. Not even Guardian/Weapon masters, and they get the least Force point progression of any class. No offence, but You're wasting your time.
  4. I think perhaps K3 can be possible to think about AFTER the TRP has been finished and released, not before.
  5. You DON'T need crazy WIS to beat Kreia's saves. You don't really need it to boost your Force Points, you get plenty at lower levels anyway, assuming that you're not using opposite alignment powers. What you will like to have is Force IMMUNITY. It works a treat, no matter your character. Just like with Malak. Cast on your first round, because will nearly ALWAYS attack you with a Force Power on her first round. she only And yes, you CAN beat her up ganster style. With hands and feet. it's easy. At level 30 your unarmed specialist alows you to do UP TO about 7-56 points of damage unarmed. I know, its ridiculous. Add to that, equip some disruption gloves (if available), which do 1-10 unstoppable damage, and things to boost STR or DEX (so you can hit her) and you'll make Kreia pie by the end of the Fourth round. Good hunting.
  6. Yeah. Doesn't work. Nor does reloading the game. and only two characters do this. The others don't. I don't get it.
  7. Now, I may not like Kreia. I may loathe the sound of her voice, but now it's gone I WANT IT BACK! Anyway, yeah, when I talk to Kreia, ALL her speech just skips instantly to my PCs responce choices, whatever I ask her. But speech is normal whenever she makes comments during a quests. Eg - "I do not aprove of this aliance with Chodo Habat.." , speech here was normal and fine. And this happens exclusively to Kreia. NO other NPCs. move this thread if need be, but I'd like any answers or possible solutions, apart from the obvious "YOU MUST REINSTALL, blah blah..." If possible. Fank you fery much. HoG
  8. Yeah? Two years on, I mean, come on! Get it in gear! It's really too late anyway. Everyone has moved on. This restoration project won't make the game anymore fun to play, as far as I've read (ie first page). Its only cleaning up what mess was left in K2 anyway. Which shouldn't have been there. so you have to ask yourselfs, is it worth it? Modders? Is it? 'cause I'm not so sure......... Scrap M4-78. Put it in K3 instead. *winks*
  9. Yeah? Two years on, I mean, get it in gear. It's really too late anyway. Everyone has moved on. These restoration project won't make the game anymore fun to play, as far as I've read (ie first page) so you have to ask yourselfs, is it worth it? Modders? Is it?
  10. How is it amazing? It's just a bunch of TSL fights accompanied by rap/hip hop music. It's not a even enough to be called a "movie".
  11. Well, that doesn't actually prove your point. Mace wasn't "ultimately killed in battle" because of his use of Vaapad. It wasn't even anything to do with his blade. But yes, it can corrupt, due to it boarding on the Sith philosiphy on Lightsaber combat. IMO that's no weakness. Vaapad requires the user enjoy the combat with one's opponant. This is no flaw, or disadvantage. I'd say it aids the user mostly. So aggression is involved, that's true. But That agression *could* be turned into strength. Couldn't it?
  12. Sorry the above is assuming you know your way around the cheat console. And actually have cheats activated.
  13. If you really can't be bothered for the game to produce robes for you, you'd have to use the cheats to get a decent robe. Here's a few, incidently. A couple of interest, a_robe_02 - Padawan Robe a_robe_03 - Dark Padawan Robe a_robe_04 - Baran Do Novice Robe a_robe_05 - Matukai Apprentice Robe a_robe_06 - Zeison Sha Initiate Armor a_robe_07 - Jal Shey Neophyte Armor a_robe_08 - Jedi Robe a_robe_09 - Dark Jedi Robe a_robe_10 - Norris Robe a_robe_11 - Jal Shey Advisor Armor a_robe_12 - Gray Jedi Robe a_robe_13 - Jedi Knight Robe a_robe_14 - Dark Jedi Knight Robe a_robe_15 - Matukai Adept Robe a_robe_16 - Zeison Sha Warrior Armor
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