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Posts posted by Omelette

  1. If you're going to get sponsored for something, expect the Almighty to have some fun at your expense. =]


    I know that now. And it's Florida, man. It only gets hot and/or wet and rainy here. It's horrible. And Weston is like the old peoples' villa. Old people that like to play Twister.

  2. Darth Maul... just personal preference.





    Although he does kick ass.


    His character never really got to develop and that just plain disappointed me. I wanted to see what was the purpose and the drive of him, why he turned, blah, blah, blah. GL gave me a slap across the face when he sort of just let Darth Maul be an evil man with horns. I wish that he had been a bit more creative and given the man a decent backstory.

  3. Are we adding our favorite sports now?


    Well, I adore American football. That'd be my favorite sport. There's nothing like watching men tackle other men for the glory and game. College football is so much better than pro. I can't even watch my team, the Dolphins, anymore. It's too depressing. And it's been like thirty years since we've won anything on that team.


    And I do love me some basketball. Snaps for the Miami Heat.


    Oh, and does anybody else have any other Final Four teams? I think UF has a chance, more so than Texas and Wisconsin did. :) Anyone else care to share your Final Four teams or who will win it all?

  4. Okay, so here's the story of the Weston Cancer Relay for Life thing that I had to attend with my other fellow Tri-M, which is a music honor society club thing, yesterday and the day before. I was so tired that I couldn't post this yesterday. I took a nap as soon as I hopped out of the shower.


    So, we all say "This isn't so bad. It'll be great. Sleeping under the stars, in a tent, making s'mores, sounds like fun." That is, until it started to rain. It was a drizzle at first and we were in the tent. No problem. That is until it starts raining like we need to build Noah's ark again. We're all huddled inside, the cover over the tent isn't so great and the windows start letting in some water, we all get soaked, the sisters that own the tent run out into the downpour, try and get the cover to work, they get soaked and don't do so well, and then everyone spills their food and drinks in the tent that I'm sleeping in. Not so much fun.


    The rain stopped and we were fine. So, my friend and I say, "Let's put our stuff in the trunk of your car." No big deal. I'd rather it be dry than wet if it rains again, which Florida is so likely to do. So, we go to her car, dump my crap inside it, and then close the trunk. Thing is, her mom called her right when she closed the trunk and her keys were inside. Great. Now my things are locked in her trunk and I can't get them out. She has no AAA at all and we're just basically screwed. Fantastic.


    We call a locksmith, but he won't be here till another forty minutes, which turns into two hours. Not so much fun right now.


    But we hope that tonight would be...or so we thought. As soon as it gets dark, the most annoying 9 year olds decide, "Hey, let's go sing broadway songs while people are sleeping!" Mind you, these are little girls that have no voice. One decides to go ahead and sing Dreamgirls music while I'm trying to sleep with a migraine. Not so much fun. Then my other friends decided to go ahead and bang away on the bass drums while everyone is sleeping. Not good.


    I got two hours of sleep and then I said screw it. So, I get up at midnight, try and wake up, eat some food, and then try and stay warm because it's freezing now. Went to the park, the police kicked me and my friends out, we were now bored out of our minds, and decided to wake everyone else up.


    As soon as we pass three hours just talking and humiliating everyone, I decide to go ahead and just watch Batman or something because I can't stand the utter silence now and all those old people that are playing the "massive" (five boards) Twister game. :) Not so much fun there.


    Watch the movie, then go to bed at around five. Can't fall asleep because the people next door, all men, were talking about getting naked and switching places in their tents. That was disturbing. I finally do fall asleep and get an hour's worth before I decide that I'm heading on home with my friend.


    And then they asked us if we wanted to come back. :x That made me laugh so hard that I nearly spilled my old and crusty yogurt.


    That is the Caner Relay for Life, everyone. I will never camp again.

  5. If the path to salvation is only through the acceptance of Jesus, does that mean that all my ancestors who didn't even have any knowledge of Jesus are now undergoing torment or in some kind of purgatory? I am not sure how Christians explain this. Anyone care to enlighten me?


    Well, what I've heard from, before Christ died, when people deceased and no longer functioned, they were sent to a sort of purgatory, a holding place sort of. It's not a punishment at all, but a holding place to just keep their souls. So, when Jesus did go and sacrifice himself, God came down to this placed called Sheol, or Hades as some call it, and sort of took them up to heaven. He told them about his son, the plan, etcetera. They accepted Jesus or didn't, etcetera. Accept=Heaven, Denounce=Hell.


    So, your ancestors, if they believed in a single God, and knew that there was but one God, were sent to Sheol and either accepted or denounced Christ and God's plan. So, they are not in Hell, as some would suspect. Your ancestors are as good as gold...as long as they accepted Jesus.


    Hope that answered your question.

  6. Movie - Well...My favorite movie would have to be the LOTR trilogy.

    I never would have guessed. :shifty::thumbsup:


    Truly shocked you got that one. I know, it's hard to see. Hell, I just thought that avatar was awesome. I did have Samus going on for while. But I found the "Holy Crap Batman!" and it won my heart over.


    But films, I would go with my all-time favorite documentary which is Ken Burns' Civil War doc. It's amazing.

    That's a very good documentary, for it's time. I'd probably find it a little dry/static now, what with all the colorful CGI animated history documentaries they make these days. But can't beat the info crammed into the Ken Burns one.


    Absolutely. I've always loved history. It's a passion for me. And when I saw this, and just watching it, it makes me feel just something inside me that makes me proud of my country. A little of patriotism sparked...as if I lost it. But the beauty of it is that it just doesn't get bad with time. The history as brilliant, save a few minor things that were off by like a few minutes or a date that was just a day ahead or back, but it is absolutely amazing. It doesn't reenact like History Channel does at times and the pictures are stunning.


    Definitely take another look at it now. God rest Shelby Foote. Poor man died two summers ago.

  7. ^Yes, we didnt even see him trained.. In Episode II he's about 20 or something already..


    Yep. Ep 2 should've been some training there. At least "The Trials".

    Instead we got some political idioties and "intrigue".


    And one crappy ass "romance" to boot. If the lines he tried to "woo" her with were any worse, I would have just grabbed his lightsaber and stabbed myself. Anakin does not know how to hit on the girls. Jedi training will do that to you.

  8. I'll admit, I never trained Atton to be a Jedi (I could never picture him as a Jedi), and I would find it just a wee bit awkward to find him running around with Jedi robes and "an elegant and civilized weapon". Of course, if he does, then I hope people can make mods for the game :sweat:


    Well, I always considered that Atton was a redeemable person and that he was going on a quest of redemption of sorts with the Exile, that's why she/he trained him as a Jedi. But, I personally believe that Atton could change his ways. He was just looking for an opportunity or a way, some kind of means for him to change. With the Exile, he saw that. He knew that she/he needed his help, stepped up to the plate, and hit a homerun (or maybe got a guy on first). But I can certainly see Atton as being a Jedi. It's the Jedi that leave people like him out of their Ya Ya Sisterhood club because they want people to be "pure" and "untainted", which is a load of steaming bantha crap. So, Atton, having the feeling of remorse, guilt, need for redemption, blah, blah, blah, wanted to change and might be a good Jedi.


    Or...You completely turned him into an evil, evil man if you went DS, which I'm sure that most of you did. Having Atton kill for you, cleaning your shoes, tattooing his face...DS does not apply to the above.

  9. Band - I happen to like The Police, U2, and the Goo Goo Dolls.

    Movie - Well...My favorite movie would have to be the LOTR trilogy. I'm sorry, but they work as a unit. But films, I would go with my all-time favorite documentary which is Ken Burns' Civil War doc. It's amazing.

    Book - Ah...Well...I like The Awakening. It's one of my favorites. Or anything from Vonnegut.

    T.V. Show - A little thing called Firefly. Proud browncoat on this side here. Was there ever a better show on television? I think now.

    Game - Oh, Metroid. You give me such nostalgia. And I love the fact that the people that I knew literally gaped as they found out that Samus was a woman. Yes, the game is still my favorite. I miss those littel 16 bit graphics, the cheesy orchestra. Sadly, Metroid, you are too old and I no longer remember how to hook you up to modern day technology.

    Food - Avocados. Why? They're delicious. And theymake guacamole. Or flan. Flan is the best desert that has ever been and ever will be.

    Drink - I like to go to bed with a Cuban coffee.

  10. God knows I don't want to go back to Dantooine or Tatooine for that matter. What's there for fun besides counting blades of grass or grains of sand? I'd rather go to Coruscant or some place more interesting than a rotating sphere of boredom.


    @Architect - Well, that's what I've always wanted. But it's also possible, especially for me since I personally enjoy the female storyline aspect a bit more, that the player could have romanced with Carth. If they do ask about the male/female Revan romance, it should be answered in dialogue and/or hinted toward through your conversation choices than announced by a party member like Mssion or Juhani or something that fits from your personal storyline from K1 or something like that. It'd be a lot easier and fairer that way instead of relying on the computer to automatically state that Revan did romance with Carth/Bastila. Sometimes I liked Carth, sometimes I didn't. Sometimes I kissed him, sometimes I slaughtered him.


    All I'm saying here is that I want choices, people. Choices! I don't want some stupid computer telling me what happened, a programmed ending and set of characters that don't even match what I want, which is the most important aspect of this game. My choices, my decision, mine mine mine. It's an RPG, people. That means I want to make choices.


    I've ranted enough and I've already covered this more times than not.


    Oh, but I have one more thing to say.


    @Kyp - Buddy, I'm a girl. I have lady parts. Therefore, I would rather have no canon in my story. I don't want to play a man because I don't see myself as a man. I spit on the canon. Just because GL or LA decides to say that Revan is a man doesn't meant that I want that to be my Revan. They should have respected the gamers' wishes and left the character as ambiguous. Your story is based off of canon and that is not what most people want. If that were the game, it would alienate the female gamers, like myself, and would upset some men/women that would have preferred to play as a woman and/or played out of canon. So, I sort of ranted at you and went OT, but that's that.

  11. I think that Tie Fighter officially made it by being on IGN's top 25 list...


    That makes me smile. I remember my dad playing that game. Sadly, I am a youngin' and do not have the distinct memory of playing that, nor have I ever touched it. Is it worth it to go and play that now if I could ever find it? Anyone?

  12. Religion and state, you gotta keep them separated. Unfortunately, the Bush Adminstration just doesn't get that.


    There's absolutely nothing wrong if our president decides to take five minutes for prayer each morning. He's never shoved religion down your throat nor has he passed a law that states you must be a Christian. I see nothing wrong with it if he wants to believe what he believes.


    Congress is the one in control of passing anything if it were to happen. So, if a law is passed that makes one religion above the other, go blame Congress.


    And the president is only exercising his own right to freedom of religion, so there's nothing wrong with that. He's a citizen, too.

  13. I don't believe that having your old party members in your group would be a good idea, except for T3 and HK-47 because they sort of provide the slapstick humor that C3-P0 and R2-D2 gave us in the OT. The old guys should just be a bunch of NPCs or something, something that maybe we can talk to, but not really control.


    Same thing being said, I don't really want to play as Revan/Exile again. Please, I played them the last two games. Give me someone new, a new character or something. We cal all pick sex/face/alignment from a list of dialogue, ala K2 when Atton asks the Exile what happened to Revan after K1. That's easy enough. And it is not hard enough to do at all.


    A nice story that ties in all three of the stories quite well would also be a good idea. I want to be able to fight the True Sith, whatever they are, not see it in a flashback or have Joe Schmo tell me about it in dialogue. That just sucks. :down:


    All I really care about is good storyline, memorable characters, and a good game over all. All the extra stuff is just fluff. Like lightsaber adjustments, that's fluff. That could be wonderfully done and all, and the graphics would be amazing as well, but what would that be worth if the game stinks more than a pile of bantha poodoo. K3, if it ever comes out, should focus on the story, the characters, and definitely the gameplay. That's all that should matter, everything else is just extra.

  14. And yeah, seriously - imo so is probably Anakin the choosen one after all, even do i don't really like it. :/


    Accept, I don't think that anyone really wants Anakin to be the "Chosen One". Anakin does not get any love on this board, now will he ever. Anakin is as unpopular as G0-T0 on these forums as well.


    Besides, GL said he was the Chosen One. Case closed.

  15. The Awakening by Kate Chopin. I've read it at least three times before, but it always gets to me. Such a sweet and beautiful piece of literature that really gets to me. I enjoy reading it. I always find something else that Chopin hides in there every time I read it over and over again.

  16. But killing Gizka isn't fun, Architect. I want to go and whip some Sith behind! :teehee:


    *Goes away and sulks because of this horrible news*


    And just for the record, no. There WILL NOT be anymore Wookiee Jedi, Dark Jedi or Sith in Star Wars.


    I think you missed this part.


    I know there hasn't been any Wookiee Sith in Star Wars (Hanharr was going to be a Dark Jedi originally) but I just added Sith in because they are force users too. I could of just said there will be no more Wookiee force users in Star Wars though. :blush10:

    There should never have been in the first place.


    Ah, stupid me. I'm too busy trying to multi-task here. Dancing With the Stars is on. Must watch...

  17. So Accept, did you take that picture yourself in a fit of spring-park frolicking maddness or Google it? :teehee:

    It's a nice picture of trees and grass.


    Yes, why with the tress, if you don't mind me asking? Are you now a very avid fan of trees?

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