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Posts posted by Omelette

  1. Nah, but if talking seriously and on-topic, so am i probably is a Lightsider, too. :)


    I never would have guessed, Accept. You and all these other bad boys keep spamming my board. Shame, shame. But then again, I end up spamming my own board...


    But back to the topic at hand, I think I have a little statement here that sums us all up.


    We all want to be cool like these people... :teehee:


    But we all end up being these people... :)

  2. KOTOR I.


    KOTOR II would have made it, if not only with the cuts and bugs.


    I'm sorry, but KOTOR 1 was not a better game than KOTOR 2.


    K2 had a much better plot line that wasn't ripped off from the OT and was a bit more in depth than the previous game before it. I will say this again, K2 is by far a better game. Even with the bugs, which I can live with and some others, too, K2 blew away my expectations of a Star Wars game. It was in depth, advanced on the whole mythology of the Force, completely threw the light and dark sides into a whole new perspective, giving us an option of actually have grey options as well, and was just a complete advancement on the series as a whole. If anything, K2 is the unsung hero of the trilogy (hopefully there will be one). It just completely opening my mind about the situation.

  3. 1. Darth Traya. Why? I like the way all her students smashed her down. She teached them and everything only for them in the end to come and kill her. How weird.


    Why, you may ask? Well, let me tell you a few reasons as to why:

    • She was able to manipulate people ala Palpatine
    • Amazing voice actress played her (I love that voice :) )
    • Interesting character compared to some other turds on this list
    • Darth Traya/Kreia wasn't really a bad person necessarily, but she did have an interesting back story, life, etc...
    • Didn't whine about a wife/husband and that's the reason she fell to the Dark Side *cough* Anakin/Darth Vader *cough*
    • Very, very interesting teachings, even though they are slightly flawed.
    • Very much immune to the dogmas of either religion.

    That's only a few reasons why Kreia/Traya is such an interesting character. She isn't necessarily evil, but she does have some traits that reflect that of a Sith Lady (what we call the female version of Sith Lord. I just learned this on wikipedia). I find her character absolutely amazing.


    Thank you Obsidian for making an intelligent Star Wars game for us. :huh:

  4. I will remake the originals into much better films that feature better visual effects and same actors as to the prequel.


    Don't even go there. That is just...wrong. If anything, if you were GL, you should go ahead and fix the prequels, or better yet, disown them. That sounds like a better idea. :) Don't even dare touch my OT or I will not be happy.


    I give that idea a :huh:

  5. Yeah, working for the bad guys could be considered Evil but do some really have a choice. Are the clone troopers evil in ROTS because they had to kill Jedi?


    No, they had no choice.


    So they would not be considered "evil". They were programmed to be dumbed down, so to speak, and take orders without question, which was a pity for them. And even if they had been smart enough to make a conscious decision, fear of the Emperor and what he would do to them would have taken hold and it would have altered their decisions, making them do something that they probably, as more moral people wouldn't (depending on your take on morality), didn't want to.


    That's why views on good and evil really depend on situational ethics more so than moral ethics.

  6. To Architect: Dark Raven was telling the Truth when she said that Revan is too cool to be the chosen one.





    At least Revan is cooler than the whiney Ass Anakin skywalker.


    My five year old cousin who speaks only Spanish is cooler than Anakin Skywalker. That's like saying that dirt is amazing.


    Anakin = waste of life. :lol:


    Edit: Grammar

  7. Jumping in here with my own two cents...enjoy them...


    I think I've said this before, but I'll spout out my little comment again. I personally, along with some others, I'm probably sure, believe that it's more about situational ethics more than it is about moral ethics. Sure, you may have a good plan on how to behave an what to do when something comes up, but it's your actions that determine your character, not your words, in said situation. Good and bad are labels on an action set by one side of the orders, Jedi or Sith. It all depends on your personal perspective of what good and bad is.


    The Dark Side and the Light Side are just two extremes of the Force users. One side professes to be doing good, the other to try and strengthen themselves, blah blah blah. It doesn't really matter because both have lied and/or gone back on their vows and teachings.


    The Jedi tricked Revan into believe she/he was a simple person in the universe, then used her/him to find the Star Forge. Uh...that doesn't sound very Jedi-like to me.


    The Sith have their own weird moments, too. Now we have to bring up the case of Revan. Yeah, I'm going there. Architect, if you don't like it, cover your eyes and sing songs because I'm going there.


    Revan used her/his powers for "good" in order to try and save the Republic, if that's what you believe. He/she fell to the dark side to try and save the Republic by strengthening his/her empire through a military dictatorship of some sorts. She/he assassinated key political persons and made sure not to cause mass destruction that would upset the balance of her/his empire. Unlike Malak and some after her/him, Revan sought to cause balance, not utter chaos and destruction. So, if you believe that Revan fell out of necessity or whatever, then you can use this example. If not, ah...go find your own.


    So, it's not your words that dictate you, but your behavior and your actions. The Dark and the Light side are just two dogmas of the Force and are extremes. I guess this is where Grey Jedi come in. They are sort of medians between the two extremes and have their own code that you can go ahead and read on wikipedia if you want.


    There is no Dark Side. There is no Light Side. It is only your actions and your motives that dictate if you're good or evil, lawful or chaotic.


    But then again...Force Lightning is so cool...

  8. If I understood right ... you don't get Disciple in the same spot as Handmaiden. He's on one of the 4 "main" planets; you have to discover him. Dantoonie I think? The one w/the crystal cave.


    Yeah, he's on Dantooine. You have to go into the old Jedi Academy that's been ruined and you'll find him in one of the rooms that's been locked. Unlock the doors somehow and then you'll find him just sitting there meditating. Engage in conversation and then he'll ask to join you. It's so easy to train him as a Jedi right after if you have a high persuasion skill level. Or even if you don't. Just answer what he wants to here.


    So, that's where he is. But then again...How many actually did want to recruit him? It's like asking for a punch to the gut...for some folks. Others seem to enjoy him. I guess you'll make up your mind.

  9. Anakin was the chosen one. There was no doubt about that. Sure, they might have misread it wrong or something, but he was the one. He brought balance back to the Force when he dumped good ol' Sidious (probably spelled that wrong) down a four mile shaft and watched as he turned six different shades of blue.


    I think the reason why Yoda says that the prophecy was misread was because of Anakin's dark deeds and what he was turning in to. He, or at least I think so, didn't know that Anakin would turn back to the light with the aid of his son twenty years later. He was probably just doubtful of what was going on and of Anakin in particular.


    The prophecy was always about Anakin, if you look at it. There was "peace" in the galaxy under the Empire. No wars, no blood shedding, but definitely oppression. Still, peace if you take it sort of loosely. He then brought balance as he dumped the wrinkled fart down the shaft. So, Anakin is it, or as GL likes to say.

  10. I love using my mind in the glorious hour of 7 AM.

    You are crazy. I can barely wake up at 8:00 for school.



    BUt yes, i agree that LS or DS forces you to do things. How many of us have had a conversation in the game, and then got LS points while playing DS and then got mad that we lost our mastery bonus? Grey lets you help who you will and leave those you wont for the kinraths to eat


    My day has been nothing short of hectic today, that I can say. 7 AM is just the half of it.


    I just believe that the gray path is a bit more true to the real person. You do what you want, and not for some stupid dogma that you must follow to be a "good" person. Bah, that's a load of bantha poodoo.

  11. True Grey Jedi means you do what you want, wheter that leads you to the LS or the DS.


    Then again, you can always argue if there truly is a "LS" or a "DS". What I see it as is just basically choices. Who deems them "good" and "evil" is determined by society and their views at the time. It's a very fine line. I like to think of it as, like that wonderful thread that I don't know where it is anymore, as lawful or chaos. All that matters is your choices and your consequences of those choices. Opinion and mindsets often label people as good and evil based on the whole of society or other individuals.


    What makes a person good? What makes a person evil?


    I love using my mind in the glorious hour of 7 AM.

  12. Yeah, don't hold your breath on this thing. I mean, it'd be nice and all, but sometimes you just gotta face the facts here. Even though LA said somewhere that they didn't want to leave the series behind, it's been a while since we've heard of anything at all, good or bad. I'm just being a bit realistic.


    Oh, and Bioware won't do another KOTOR. They're done, they've wiped their hands of it. If anything, Obsidian would do it, not Bio. And I'd like my game, if it finally does come out sometimes in our lifetimes, to be void of bugs, no little bleeps that freeze or the whole game the way it was supposed to be. Not bashing K2, because I love that game to pieces, but it made me very angry when LA rushed Obsidian into the Christmas sales.

  13. Clive Revill... the guy did Dr. Doom in ultimate alliance.


    Ah, thanks for the correction. Though, I thought I did hear somewhere that the person, the body that was walking was an old woman. The man is listed as the voice of the Emperor, not the actual person. So, maybe I'm right. Or I'm just fascinated with old people. Who knows.

  14. It's true that these are very early games. I imagine Lego Star Wars would have got a few votes, had it been included. I didn't play it myself, but I thought the graphics were very cute. :p


    The game itself was rather cute all the way around. I enjoyed how using the Force involved taking apart Lego pieces and then rebuilding them. Plus, as an added bonus...I got to kill Jar-Jar as many times as I wanted to. :)


    That was truly a good game.

  15. Yeah we know, you'll be playing as the child of Revan and Bastila in KOTOR IV, which will be set about 15-20 years after K3, just to keep things in line with the films :brows::):x


    And then what's next, huh? Some weirdo garbage from GL stating that Anakin is the descendant of Revan and whomever he/she shacked up with.


    I think I'm just going to cover my ears, close my eyes, and make-believe that only one more will be made. And hope that it doesn't involve Revstilas or Bevans or whatever the heck you want to call those abominations. :yucky:

  16. I'd be gray, no doubt about it. I'm just too darn cynical (like Jolee. *Sigh* I miss that old coot) to be anything but. DS and LS are just labels. Actions speak louder than words.


    Well, that's just me, anyways.


    And aren't the Dark Jedi a completely different entity from the Sith? Therefore you presumably could have a LS Jedi and a DS Jedi. I remember reading about it on wiki. Then again, I could be wrong. Correct me if I am, por favor.

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