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Everything posted by SpaceAlex

  1. Most of this stuff will be restored by Team Gizka...i don't really see a point of releasing a special editon for the xbox. Not to mention LA is probably aware of Team Gizka. More likely than not, once the mod gets released, the PC version of the game will see a boost in sales. So LA will gain money without spending any. :) So, don't get your hopes too high, because it is unlikely to happen. If you want to see those stuff in the game, you're just gonna have to buy a PC version (that's one of the advantages the PC's have over consoles, and always will).
  2. I voted for KOTOR 2...KOTOR 1 is a close second. Jedi academy was quite fun, but i remember i purchased it just one day before i purchased KOTOR. Needless to say, i haven't touched Jedi Academy again until i finished KOTOR... twice.
  3. PC's get left in the dark again. Looks like i'll soon have to stop playing games :'(
  4. Was the game disappointing, or the ending? If it's the ending, i couldn't agree more. It just made no sense to me..i had to make an alternative ending in my mind lol, where the part members are present on Malacor, and you escape together. As for Mira, i image she found you before the collapse of the Tryranus core. But no need to worry for much longer. The Restoration project is well under way, and should answer all of our questions (with the exception of what happenes to Bao-Dur...though i believe he goes back to Telos with HK-47. HK-47 then later meets GO-TO on Malacor, while Bao-Dur stays on Telos). If only this game was released with the droid factory, HK47 vs. GO-TO scene, and companions on Malacor, it would have been one of the most memorable games i've ever played. Yes, i know TSLRP will restore this, but as they say...It's never as good as the first time. :D
  5. Atton: "Are you an angel? Ahh, just kidding, that's the worst line i've ever used. I hope some poor kid doesn't start using it" - That one's so funny because it targets Anakin from Episode 1. It looks like folks at Obsidian thought that line was very bad. Well, i agree with them. :D HK-50 on Peragus (love it): "After reprogramming the mining droids to "mine" any organics they perceived, they began to kill the miners one by one. Then a series of flawlessly timed explosions drove the miners into their dormitories - where I was able to gas them all at once without wasting time hunting them through the mining tunnels." - "Irritated Statement: Master, if you insist on echoing everything I say, this already tedious conversation is in danger of becoming even longer." The Maintenece officer last moments: - "That is all that remains of the maintenance officer, Master. At the end, he was quite incoherent from the pain, and attempts to facilitate communications with him proved useless. I heard his dying screams as the droids he tended turned on him, mining him like a piece of asteroid rock." - "...five droids... burning through the outer door... they're forcing their way into the bay... please, someone, they... oh no, they're through!"...Aighhh! My leg! They've burned through my leg! I... stop! Stop! St-" - "Addendum: His remaining attempts at communication are variations in decibel, Master, ranging from frenzied screams to gibbering, inarticulate attempts to beg for his life." HK50 to Coorta: 'Mocking Query: Coorta? Coorta, are you dead yet?'... "Smug Statement: I believe I forgot to mention that I reversed the turbolift codes in case you managed to get this far."
  6. I think you get HK parts way too late. I like to reconstruct HK-47 as soon as i leave Telos. That's why i mada mod that puts the third HK part on one of three HK droids that you encounter on Telos. Alternatively, you can also use a cheat code. "giveitem hkpart01&02&03" should do the trick. If you're playing on Xbox, then there's nothing you can do. Well, other than getting to Nar Shadda first.
  7. As cool as this mod looks, i think i'll wait for TSLRP. There's more than just the factory that's been cut in regards to HK-47.
  8. I liked KOTOR 2 very much, but they really should have finished the damn game. At least the ending (Restoration project will fix this thankfully). So to those saying K2 was crap, i'm saying "Your oppinion". And yeah, i like NWN2 aswell, although i wish companios would have more to say.
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