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About _teknikz

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Doesn't look like there are any new achievements for now. You can still play for the experience, it's not like anyone but yourself cares about that you got the achievement anyway. On topic: People complained that the game is too easy/player was too powerful already early on so nerfs were guaranteed and expected. If you didn't think that was the case i don't know what to say.
  2. When pausing while fighting Rotghast enemies, there can be a sound effect that starts looping on itself constantly making it unbearable loud. Unpausing/slow mo resolves this.
  3. "...might have one been..." to "...might have once been..."
  4. ^Title. I get the window message to apply menagerie or captains quarter upgrades but it doesn't apply them if i select yes. The upgrade slots themselves also stay empty and the items to upgrade the ship with are still in my inventory.
  5. But a few of the bounty targets names in the questlog are different from the names on the world map.
  6. Happened twice to me now that the scenario specifically says that the storm shows no signs of subsiding and the next thing that happens is that i am back on the world map with no xp gained.
  7. As the title says there is a naga totem that rapidly switches places back and forth in Hosongo. Obviously hard to show in a screenshot but it should be easy to verify it by going to the location.
  8. This also fixed my problem which prevented the game from using DSR. Thanks.
  9. For me, it's about the inconvenience of backtracking or save-scumming in cases where you get stuck in an encounter without an option to leave the area. Difficulty indicators are simply a time-saving mechanic. Out of curiousity, what does removing them when the game offers a specific option to scale "upwards only" accomplish? If the goal was to annoy and to waste time i guess that was achieved. Pretty much like the unskippable intro of the game which you just have to sit through, unable to save, before being able to make a new character. lmao It's a problem for anyone not having a lot of free time to play the game for hours on end and for anyone who just doesn't like to have their time wasted for no reason. If i want to play and progress but have to waste multiple hours figuring out which quests are at my level and which are 5 levels above, the game is just wasting my time. It's also clearly a feature which is not working as intended which makes it a problem in itself.
  10. Wizard - Ghost Blades "and hobbled to enemies in the area of effect" instead of "a hobbling enemies..."
  11. Created a history where i let her go and kill her father but Skaen still says i wiped her mind.
  12. ^Title says it all. I mentioned it in the beta patch topic but it was ignored. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98361-fixes-to-the-patch-beta-build/page-2?do=findComment&comment=2015731 Regardless which DSR resolution i pick, the game stays at 1080p. Edit: Build 1.0.2 doesn't run in exclusive fullscreen mode which breaks Gsync and DSR. User Divvy in this topic https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/99985-how-to-fix-g-sync-in-102/ found the solution to this problem. Right-click the game in your steam menu, select "properties" - Select "set launch options" - Copy-paste the following into the text box: -window-mode exclusive - Select "OK" and close the properties window
  13. They know about this, there are 100 posts about this. When level scaling is turned on there are no indicators. This is a design choice and one that no one likes. Please search the forums and watch the q&a. They will replace the skull indicators with the enemies level. Since there is an option to chose only upwards scaling (which i mentioned) the logical thing is to show difficutly indicators since you still need to know if the quest is 4 levels above you or not, just like with no scaling enabled. This is clearly an oversight and not a design choice. It makes sense to have no difficulty indication if you scale everything to be at your level but that's not the case here. Edit: Also, i really don't care how often it has been reported. It could be 1000 times and i would still post it until it's fixed. If it annoys or bothers you, how about not reading it? Easy.
  14. If you play without scaling there is a difficulty indicator showing in the quest journal. Since i started over with only scaling up enabled, it's completely gone. Even the option to show/hide doesn't work at all. Once again i feel forced to restart since i really don't want to waste my time finding out if the quest is too high in level or not by trial and error. I am on the current beta patch if it matters.
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